It's just a little bit more of me I'm sharing with you.

Wednesday, January 31, 2007


computer crashed and died
ill update at work when i get a chance...which will most likely be never....lol
i did join the Y!! go me....

i hope to be up and running soon. major power outage....not good.

im completely lost!!!! lol

i'll keep you posted from work...but it will be no time till they block this site if i keep using it....

damn security.....

ciao for now!!

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Friday Night

oddly enough i don't know this person but i do know SOMEONE with a
ooo...baby...im cracking my ass up here.....lmao
ok....sorry. hello!! how are ya'll doin?? I'm doing wonderful. not to much going on here as usual.....the weekend is going to be a quiet one. not even going to bingo cuz im BROKE!!
funny what happens when you pay your bills on time. ugh.
actaully im not completely broke..but i don't have the money to spend on gambling this week. therefore i forfiet my one thing that i do.....pitty me.
well i wasn't going to say anything but fuck it...its my blog. i can say whatever i want and who cares....but i ONCE AGAIN....joined weight watchers. and ONCE AGAIN...im going to give it my all and ONCE AGAIN....im going to start excersising.....and ONCE AGAIN....im going to lose this damn weight. i am not OFFICALLY at my heaviest weight that ive ever been in life....and for those who have been with me from the beginning (thank you i love you) know that i am 10 lbs heavier than my last "heaviest" weight. well done i say...go me.
don't you want to date me....LOL
but yeah....im actually pretty serious about this to the point where im joining the Y this week coming up so that i can get in the excersise i need and ill be going with a friend for a while (till she moves away from me) and i know that there are people reading this (mom) that are in panic mode right now....but seriously folks...i know what im doing. i don't want to die...this is why im doing this cuz honestly im a little scared cuz i know there are things going on within me that im not ready to face.....and so...before i face them...i want to lose this weight. and my other motivation is sex. i want to have sex. im 40, im horny, i need sex. simple as that.
tmi i know...my blog...your problem....LOL
i love you all i really do
OH!! Let me tell you about my thursday night.....
i look forward to thursday. its GA night. and as you know im having this love affair with this show. its the only show i look forward too and really all i watch. tv is mostly on for noise....but ive now discovered music again....good music. sweet sweet music...anyway.....
so i go my meeting...blah blah blah....as i get closer to home im noticing its quite dark. hmmm....power outage....hmmm...pick up the cell and call the roomie....."hey...do we have power??" she says no....tells me there was a water main break on the main road and dumbass clipped a wire.....but as im talking to her and driving down the road im noticing lights and was like...hmmm....well they have lights....roomie says were on a different grid from those houses like 2 blocks away.....i pulled into the alley and am now in the driveway looking at the dark house talking to the roomie who tells me the power has been out since around 5:30pm (its about 7pm now) when it dawned on me........
Grays Anatomy is on at 8.
so now im upset. very upset......the roomie is a fan too and understands my dismay. she was pretty close to tears too.....we were both not happy at all.
so i walk into the house....candles lit...flashlights out....sitting on the couch in our coats cuz its starting to get cold.....catching up, talked about work....watching the cars go by......and waiting.....730.....still dark. they have 30 min. i have faith. so check the house...sump pumps...talk some more....make some calls.....745....still dark. still fucking DARK!!!!!
i was so not happy. cuz this was supposed to be an awsome episode...things were happening!!! ive been waiting all week then all day for this moment. 8pm....STILL FUCKING DARK!!!
phone rings....its maria. calling during a commercial to talk about the show...that WERE NOT WATCHING!!! "so what do you think is wrong with the girl??" she says......
well jee...i don't know...were in the fucking dark!!!!! so now ever commercial maria calls to torment us......LOL gotta love her. if we thought about it we would have went to her house to watch it...but that thought never entered out mind.
8:20.....lights flicker....we both jump up, scrambling like idiots, roomie checking the sump pumps and im trying to find the remote and finally get the tv on, roomies back and all is good with the world. funny thing....we were still sitting in the dark....heh
maria got us caught up on the first 20 min which of course i watched again today online now i can't wait till next week!
so that was my exciting night.
so im still not in love with my car. i like her shes cool....gets me from A to B...but shes not good in snow. i fight to get out of my driveway every freaking day. no traction what so ever. its annoying. i hope she does better in the summer. im not complaining....im happy to have good reliable ride..believe you me.....
man i have a lot of shit to do.
"someone"= my best friend Maggie....lmao!!!
she hates me so much right now......ha ha ha ha ha

Sunday, January 21, 2007


I know for a fact i just impressed some people.....lol
the game was pretty good. i actaully watched it.
i wish i had some ice cream.

The Oldies

I'm kinda looking into this for my first tattoo. only instead of the women symbols in the middle i would want the yin yang symbol in there. but i thought that was pretty cool. A friend of mine and i were talking about getting tat's.....and im thinking this one is it.
so i have the TV Guide channel on cuz its 2am and there is nothing but infomercials on TV....and they are advertising the Classic Soft Rock cd's and i sooo want this collection. im sitting here singing my ass off TO EVERY FREAKING SONG!!! i wish they would play the whole song.
thats when i realized that I AM OLD!!!! cuz i was jamming baby. air supply, reo speedwagon, bonnie tyler...omg...and that guy who sings...I'm all outta love, I'm so lost with-OUT you...... you know you love it! i used to cry and cry and cry some more when ever i heard that song. oy. back in the day when i was living at home...i used to hang out in garage and work on some stuff i learned in shop class and i would play air supply and reo and that song over and over and if so i can really date myself...i do believe it was on 8-track.
So yesterday was a great day for mail. the plates for my car came in so i can take off that ugly temp plate i have on my car AND my rainbow stripe came in as well so now i can gay up the car. im very excited. though i had a problem with it. i didn't want to get the sticker so i got a cling....for the window. but its cold and it won't stay on the window. so im not sure what im going to do. im going to see if it will work during the day when the windows are not as cold....
i hope it works.
really not to much going on. work is great. im really liking the work and the people its really great. its constantly busy so im never bored. the day flies by....so im happy there.
again...not to much going on.

Monday, January 08, 2007

I'm Golden Baby!!

is this not the craziest thing you ever seen in your life!!!!

I was talking to a really good friend last weekend and one of the things we were talking about was blogging. she was fasinated with my blog and of course....wanted her own.

now let me explain dear readers....this woman maybe checks her mail one a week if not once a month....so im not sure if that will ever happen but one of the things she said to me was...."and i want music on my blog!!" all happy and cheery like she usually is....and i was like...."hmmm, well i never heard of such a thing....." and she was a non believer and said that that was impossible so i said i would research this.

well today.....cuz you know i forgot all about it right....well if you happen to notice up top there it says "next blog"....that is a cool feature where it will randomly pick out a blog like as if its next in line....well it just so happened that this next blog that i was on HAD MUSIC!! so of course i scoped it out and.....


i think this is very cool. ill be sure to change it as the mood strikes....it will be a good way to see what kind of mood im in when i actually do update. ill try and change the song each time......i hope you like the selections....i am a lover of all kinds of music....except country...not a big fan....but who knows what ill find..lol

im just all too excited abou this!!

work is still wonderful. i love it! they are giving me a new desk on thursday since there is another underwriter coming in....and they need to keep them together...so im being moved AGAIN.....sheesh....but its cool. i don't mind.

ugh...i need a calander.....

car is still running!! yeah!!!...lol

oh it seems that some of you are having trouble with the comments....hmm..im wondering how many im missing out on cuz of this.....ill look into it...and thanks for letting me know!! I checked out your myspace btw....very cool!! you know who you are :)

ciao for now!


Monday, January 01, 2007

Welcome 2007!!

So ive been thinking about this entry and what i wanted to do or say, and i got this idea so i hope you enjoy this picture entry......
welcome to my life!!
(click on the pic's to see them larger)

it all began in the wee hours of June 7th, 1966

and yes the cheeks were pinched many a time!! i was a big baby...10, 11 oz. born a month late, i was all too happy where i was....lol

3 and 6 monthsjust chillin....

1 years old hammin it up for the camera...lol what a babe!!!

this one is hard to see but im 2 years old here. the black and white is me and my sister in our Easter get up.....fun times

i love this one. i think im around 3 yrs....its just the cutest!!

these pics crack me up. its a birthday party im going to guess 3 or 4. im sitting next to the girl in the yellow dress on the end. ive got the flower dress on. check out the caddy in the garden way back there and the adults in the background....is that a lively bunch or what!!!! and yes thats daddy in the yellow shirt with the camera hanging around his neck. good times!!!

i just couldn't leave out the pink couch in plastic..... your welcome....

me and santa....two different years. not really sure how old i was

me and mom 1971. i was 5 shes 27
two hot babes

Kindergarden days.....

rags to riches!
Halloween for a while i was a bum every year. it as an easy outfit to put together. that carrot in front of me is my sister....lol the other pic im guess about 15 - 16
check out those legs baby!!

1981 High School grad pic. i believe this was my first perm..........lovely
calling all hair straighteners!!!! yikes!

1982 school pic. 16

perm is GONE!!

1984 HS Grad pic. the girly days

and the perm is back......why jeannine....why????

1986 20 yrs old. I'm the babe in blue baby!!! thats my sister in pink...hi diane!!!

1987 21st birthday

going dancin with my best friend

30 yrs old at my heaviest weight....

36 yrs old.....after losing about 70 lbs

2006 40 years old

Well i hope you enjoyed my life in pictures....i had fun doing it. brought back some really fond memories. this whole weekend was really about thinking back at my life and where its going. i know that 2007 is going to be good. its already starting out that way. i feel good this holiday. happy. motivated. im excited to see the journey ahead. the new people im going to meet.....the new me im going to love again. the new journey im going on.
Happy New Year!