"Another Time"...finally here
so since my last post more things have changed. ive been a busy girl.
so i left off at the parade. ok well since then ive become more involved in the theatre company and am not part of the company. Production Manager would be my "official" title. im learning a lot. i am stage manager in training, sound tech, administrator (handling scheduling, rehearsals, dealing with the actors, etc.) and i love it. its fun, hard work, at times overwhelming, but i truly do love it and am thinking of pursuing a career. never to late i guess.
ive also moved.
im now living in chicago with rebekah. at first i was going to sublet her friends apt while he was away for 6 months, but we decided to just be roomies and save money since i was going to be at her place most of the time anyway...it just made sense. we actually live well together so that worked out...and then.....
i lost my job.
my postition was absorbed, so they no longer needed me. that was the week of sept 16th. im still unemployed. there is a part of me in panic mode (a very small part) most of me considers this a blessing in disguise simply because i was starting to not like my job anymore....it was getting oh so boring doing the same thing every day.
so i find out next week if i'll get unemployment and if that happens.....i will take the time to really find something i want to do instead of taking whatever i can get. i really want to work within the community for a LGBT organization. that is what i really want to do. so we'll see what happens. if i can take the winter off....i will be one happy camper. parking is going to be a bear around here.
so here are some pics for ya!!

this is me and cast a the parade in june. pic is small , sorry
this is what i see every morning when i walk out of my building. its about 50 ft away. when the sun is out the water is crisp and blue and simply gorgeous. i love living here. i am literally sitting in my car getting ready to go to work.
well its 1am and im getting sleepy. i do hope to update more often but honestly there really isn't much to talk about. today i woke up with beck, made coffee, drove her to work, came home, made myself something to eat, surfed the net for some jobs, picked up beck at noon, went to lunch, went food shopping, came home, took a nap, watched greys, did some theatre paperwork that ive put off way to long and have been sitting here since GA was over.
granted not every day is like this....this was a particularly light day.
tomorrow i have a closet to clean.
so you see.....really haven't missed much. :)
but thanks for sticking around!
love & hugs
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