It's just a little bit more of me I'm sharing with you.

Monday, January 08, 2007

I'm Golden Baby!!

is this not the craziest thing you ever seen in your life!!!!

I was talking to a really good friend last weekend and one of the things we were talking about was blogging. she was fasinated with my blog and of course....wanted her own.

now let me explain dear readers....this woman maybe checks her mail one a week if not once a month....so im not sure if that will ever happen but one of the things she said to me was...."and i want music on my blog!!" all happy and cheery like she usually is....and i was like...."hmmm, well i never heard of such a thing....." and she was a non believer and said that that was impossible so i said i would research this.

well today.....cuz you know i forgot all about it right....well if you happen to notice up top there it says "next blog"....that is a cool feature where it will randomly pick out a blog like as if its next in line....well it just so happened that this next blog that i was on HAD MUSIC!! so of course i scoped it out and.....


i think this is very cool. ill be sure to change it as the mood strikes....it will be a good way to see what kind of mood im in when i actually do update. ill try and change the song each time......i hope you like the selections....i am a lover of all kinds of music....except country...not a big fan....but who knows what ill find..lol

im just all too excited abou this!!

work is still wonderful. i love it! they are giving me a new desk on thursday since there is another underwriter coming in....and they need to keep them together...so im being moved AGAIN.....sheesh....but its cool. i don't mind.

ugh...i need a calander.....

car is still running!! yeah!!!...lol

oh it seems that some of you are having trouble with the comments....hmm..im wondering how many im missing out on cuz of this.....ill look into it...and thanks for letting me know!! I checked out your myspace btw....very cool!! you know who you are :)

ciao for now!



At 9:34 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello! Commenting while I can! It's not just your site, but other Blogger sites, too. I'd never had this problem till, oh, say a month or two ago. Now, well, if I can I leave one. Love the music!


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