It's just a little bit more of me I'm sharing with you.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

The Oldies

I'm kinda looking into this for my first tattoo. only instead of the women symbols in the middle i would want the yin yang symbol in there. but i thought that was pretty cool. A friend of mine and i were talking about getting tat's.....and im thinking this one is it.
so i have the TV Guide channel on cuz its 2am and there is nothing but infomercials on TV....and they are advertising the Classic Soft Rock cd's and i sooo want this collection. im sitting here singing my ass off TO EVERY FREAKING SONG!!! i wish they would play the whole song.
thats when i realized that I AM OLD!!!! cuz i was jamming baby. air supply, reo speedwagon, bonnie tyler...omg...and that guy who sings...I'm all outta love, I'm so lost with-OUT you...... you know you love it! i used to cry and cry and cry some more when ever i heard that song. oy. back in the day when i was living at home...i used to hang out in garage and work on some stuff i learned in shop class and i would play air supply and reo and that song over and over and if so i can really date myself...i do believe it was on 8-track.
So yesterday was a great day for mail. the plates for my car came in so i can take off that ugly temp plate i have on my car AND my rainbow stripe came in as well so now i can gay up the car. im very excited. though i had a problem with it. i didn't want to get the sticker so i got a cling....for the window. but its cold and it won't stay on the window. so im not sure what im going to do. im going to see if it will work during the day when the windows are not as cold....
i hope it works.
really not to much going on. work is great. im really liking the work and the people its really great. its constantly busy so im never bored. the day flies by....so im happy there.
again...not to much going on.


At 8:00 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

try using a blowdryer to warm up the window first.



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