It's just a little bit more of me I'm sharing with you.

Monday, January 01, 2007

Welcome 2007!!

So ive been thinking about this entry and what i wanted to do or say, and i got this idea so i hope you enjoy this picture entry......
welcome to my life!!
(click on the pic's to see them larger)

it all began in the wee hours of June 7th, 1966

and yes the cheeks were pinched many a time!! i was a big baby...10, 11 oz. born a month late, i was all too happy where i was....lol

3 and 6 monthsjust chillin....

1 years old hammin it up for the camera...lol what a babe!!!

this one is hard to see but im 2 years old here. the black and white is me and my sister in our Easter get up.....fun times

i love this one. i think im around 3 yrs....its just the cutest!!

these pics crack me up. its a birthday party im going to guess 3 or 4. im sitting next to the girl in the yellow dress on the end. ive got the flower dress on. check out the caddy in the garden way back there and the adults in the background....is that a lively bunch or what!!!! and yes thats daddy in the yellow shirt with the camera hanging around his neck. good times!!!

i just couldn't leave out the pink couch in plastic..... your welcome....

me and santa....two different years. not really sure how old i was

me and mom 1971. i was 5 shes 27
two hot babes

Kindergarden days.....

rags to riches!
Halloween for a while i was a bum every year. it as an easy outfit to put together. that carrot in front of me is my sister....lol the other pic im guess about 15 - 16
check out those legs baby!!

1981 High School grad pic. i believe this was my first perm..........lovely
calling all hair straighteners!!!! yikes!

1982 school pic. 16

perm is GONE!!

1984 HS Grad pic. the girly days

and the perm is back......why jeannine....why????

1986 20 yrs old. I'm the babe in blue baby!!! thats my sister in pink...hi diane!!!

1987 21st birthday

going dancin with my best friend

30 yrs old at my heaviest weight....

36 yrs old.....after losing about 70 lbs

2006 40 years old

Well i hope you enjoyed my life in pictures....i had fun doing it. brought back some really fond memories. this whole weekend was really about thinking back at my life and where its going. i know that 2007 is going to be good. its already starting out that way. i feel good this holiday. happy. motivated. im excited to see the journey ahead. the new people im going to meet.....the new me im going to love again. the new journey im going on.
Happy New Year!


At 8:52 AM , Blogger Kari said...

awwwe! Very cool.

At 2:17 AM , Blogger Renny said...

hubba hubba girly girl!

.. didnt I see these at my house? ;)

At 9:28 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing the pics and the trip through your life... I hope this is a wonderful year for you!!

And I think Zippy is cute, too...


At 8:49 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yay, the pictures were fun, Jeannine. "Girlie Days Gone" -- too funny. :)


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