It's just a little bit more of me I'm sharing with you.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Work, Work and More Work

to say that i have been a little busy would be an understatement. ive been BIZAY!!

which is a good thing. they have been talking about cutting my hours but since that talk ive been nothing but BOMBARDED with projects and lots of work. which is great! i don't want my hours cut. so that has been good. and fun too. ive been learning so much about this "tool" that they use and it will really help me out in the long run when i get this program down pat. job security....gotta love it.



ok yeah...nothing else really going on....lol

oh wait! there is lots going on here if you interested.....that i update often...

sarah is looking for an apartment. we went to some places to day to get brochures. its hard cuz she has dogs.....but were going to do some research online and check out other places that take pets. she shes steady moving on that. more on that another time...im not really up to talking about how i feel right now.....needless to say.....its going to be very hard. very very hard.

oh a very cool thing happened yesterday. one of my very best friends is going to be in Milwaukee (she lives in NY) next month which is about an hour away and well be getting together when shes here. im so excited. we were very close in school...she lived down the block from me....inseperable.....the last time i saw her was at her wedding 7 years ago....(now divorced) so i am very excited to be seeing her again.

one more hour to Gray's Anatomy. my all time i wish it would never end most favorite show!!!

tonight is an awsome episode btw...if your interested. ive seen it like 3 times already...it never gets old. must have dvd set......i think ill add it to my wish list!!
so the roomie and i are tossing around the idea to do ceramics or pottery again or take an art class......more on that when it happens. im excited i love being creative.

ok i think that is really it this time......

have a good night!

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Saturday Night

well ive been home for about a week now and i know i haven't written much about my trip....reason being is that i don't have any pics yet. i would hate to write and entry without showing you some pictures....so when i get that done...ill give you the update of my trip.

but for now ill give you this....i had the best time and i hated to come back. it was as hot as hell so i never did go to the beach....we ate out a few times and mom cooked my favorites, i swam just about every day and loved it...went to an art show that has sparked some creative juices....just wish i had somewhere to do it in....and the plan ride wasn't as bad as it thought it was going to be.

when i get the pics developed...ill tell you more.

other than that...there really isn't much to tell. work is good. they are giving me more and more each day which is great since they were talking about cuting my hours because they didn't think there would be enough work...think again....i got plenty of it now....lol

sarah and i commutte which is nice. she also got a second job...which is also nice for her. im hoping that with all this money that shes making she'll get her own place and i can move on with my life. that would be nice. time will tell.

oh and i guess shes no longer gay since she now has a boyfriend. yeah...figure that one out.

i wish she would get her own place already. i need to no be involved in her life so much cuz this shit drives me nuts.

anyway...thats about it. it was a nice day today. had lunch with a friend, went to bingo with another friend and now im home wishing i had some place to go.

have a great weekend!

Monday, August 07, 2006

Coming Home.....

....and im very sad.

not only am i sad but im going to be totally humiliated. i hate this. i have nothing to come home too.

i had such a great time here...which ill tell you all about when i get home adn i get my pics developed....and im not on dial up...ugh

i wish i could stay here.....anywhere but there.

ugh...anyway..this dial up is driving me crazy......

untill i get back......ciao

Friday, August 04, 2006

Hello From South Carolina!!

were here at the library again so i thought i would take advantage of high speed internet since mom only has dial up and i could have a baby in the same amount of time it would take to do an entry there.....

i won't have pictures for you till i get back cuz i don't have a digital camera anymore so i need to get them developed and on a disk and downloaded...etc etc....but i will have some pics.

were sorta relaxing today. we got up early and went to the pool this morning for about an hour or so until some guy came by trying to get us to open the gate since he "left his card home"....yeah right....scammer. we weren't biting. he left saying he was going to get the card...but went in the opposite direction he pointed to when we asked him and then never came back. i found myself getting very uncomfortable with the idea of him being there and sorta had a little moment of panic....but was glad when he left. we ended up leaving shortly after.

its normally just the two of us and im comfortable with that. i thought i would be ok if others showed up but when he did....i was very self conscious and not happy at all.....i guess that is somehting i just need to get over.

in due time.

so were running some errands today. don't really have much planned. yesterday was a full day.

up early to swim, ran some errands, did some shopping, had lunch at this sushi place that was yummy, and a funny thing happened at sams club while trying to get cucumbers for our dinner salad......

we were looking at the seedless ones that my mom noticed the sticker date was like 7/31. so we looked through them all and they all had the same date.....first we decided no we wouldn't take them, then realized they didn't have the other ones so i was like...its only a couple of days and they were good....we were trying to think of what else to put in the salad.....

i realized then the time.....it was around 4pm........we've been out since 11'ish.....get were im going here.....

mom then makes that "fuck it" motion and storms back in the fridge and proceeds to search through the cucumbers again...and i say.....

"somebody's a little cranky today.....someone didn't get there nappy time..(in my little person voice) and there is my mom....hysterical on the cucumbers.....

ok well my time is up here...just wanted to share that little story.

i will for now on make sure she gets her nap every day......

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

I've Arrived!!

This is another quicky just to let you all know that im here in SC with my mom and arrived safely.

i got here at 2pm, went home, had lunch, put in a movie, took a nap and now were at the libray! so i thought i would take advantage of high speed and put up a quick note.

Ill get into more detail later i can say this.....ITS FUCKING HOT!!

have a great day!!