It's just a little bit more of me I'm sharing with you.

Friday, August 04, 2006

Hello From South Carolina!!

were here at the library again so i thought i would take advantage of high speed internet since mom only has dial up and i could have a baby in the same amount of time it would take to do an entry there.....

i won't have pictures for you till i get back cuz i don't have a digital camera anymore so i need to get them developed and on a disk and downloaded...etc etc....but i will have some pics.

were sorta relaxing today. we got up early and went to the pool this morning for about an hour or so until some guy came by trying to get us to open the gate since he "left his card home"....yeah right....scammer. we weren't biting. he left saying he was going to get the card...but went in the opposite direction he pointed to when we asked him and then never came back. i found myself getting very uncomfortable with the idea of him being there and sorta had a little moment of panic....but was glad when he left. we ended up leaving shortly after.

its normally just the two of us and im comfortable with that. i thought i would be ok if others showed up but when he did....i was very self conscious and not happy at all.....i guess that is somehting i just need to get over.

in due time.

so were running some errands today. don't really have much planned. yesterday was a full day.

up early to swim, ran some errands, did some shopping, had lunch at this sushi place that was yummy, and a funny thing happened at sams club while trying to get cucumbers for our dinner salad......

we were looking at the seedless ones that my mom noticed the sticker date was like 7/31. so we looked through them all and they all had the same date.....first we decided no we wouldn't take them, then realized they didn't have the other ones so i was like...its only a couple of days and they were good....we were trying to think of what else to put in the salad.....

i realized then the time.....it was around 4pm........we've been out since 11'ish.....get were im going here.....

mom then makes that "fuck it" motion and storms back in the fridge and proceeds to search through the cucumbers again...and i say.....

"somebody's a little cranky today.....someone didn't get there nappy time..(in my little person voice) and there is my mom....hysterical on the cucumbers.....

ok well my time is up here...just wanted to share that little story.

i will for now on make sure she gets her nap every day......


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