It's just a little bit more of me I'm sharing with you.

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Saturday Night

well ive been home for about a week now and i know i haven't written much about my trip....reason being is that i don't have any pics yet. i would hate to write and entry without showing you some pictures....so when i get that done...ill give you the update of my trip.

but for now ill give you this....i had the best time and i hated to come back. it was as hot as hell so i never did go to the beach....we ate out a few times and mom cooked my favorites, i swam just about every day and loved it...went to an art show that has sparked some creative juices....just wish i had somewhere to do it in....and the plan ride wasn't as bad as it thought it was going to be.

when i get the pics developed...ill tell you more.

other than that...there really isn't much to tell. work is good. they are giving me more and more each day which is great since they were talking about cuting my hours because they didn't think there would be enough work...think again....i got plenty of it now....lol

sarah and i commutte which is nice. she also got a second job...which is also nice for her. im hoping that with all this money that shes making she'll get her own place and i can move on with my life. that would be nice. time will tell.

oh and i guess shes no longer gay since she now has a boyfriend. yeah...figure that one out.

i wish she would get her own place already. i need to no be involved in her life so much cuz this shit drives me nuts.

anyway...thats about it. it was a nice day today. had lunch with a friend, went to bingo with another friend and now im home wishing i had some place to go.

have a great weekend!


At 10:40 AM , Blogger Kari said...

I wish you lived here.


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