It's just a little bit more of me I'm sharing with you.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Work, Work and More Work

to say that i have been a little busy would be an understatement. ive been BIZAY!!

which is a good thing. they have been talking about cutting my hours but since that talk ive been nothing but BOMBARDED with projects and lots of work. which is great! i don't want my hours cut. so that has been good. and fun too. ive been learning so much about this "tool" that they use and it will really help me out in the long run when i get this program down pat. job security....gotta love it.



ok yeah...nothing else really going on....lol

oh wait! there is lots going on here if you interested.....that i update often...

sarah is looking for an apartment. we went to some places to day to get brochures. its hard cuz she has dogs.....but were going to do some research online and check out other places that take pets. she shes steady moving on that. more on that another time...im not really up to talking about how i feel right now.....needless to say.....its going to be very hard. very very hard.

oh a very cool thing happened yesterday. one of my very best friends is going to be in Milwaukee (she lives in NY) next month which is about an hour away and well be getting together when shes here. im so excited. we were very close in school...she lived down the block from me....inseperable.....the last time i saw her was at her wedding 7 years ago....(now divorced) so i am very excited to be seeing her again.

one more hour to Gray's Anatomy. my all time i wish it would never end most favorite show!!!

tonight is an awsome episode btw...if your interested. ive seen it like 3 times already...it never gets old. must have dvd set......i think ill add it to my wish list!!
so the roomie and i are tossing around the idea to do ceramics or pottery again or take an art class......more on that when it happens. im excited i love being creative.

ok i think that is really it this time......

have a good night!


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