Happy Birthday Sarah!!
Then 16
My how they grow!
its hard to believe that shes been with me for 3 years already. sometimes it feels like just yesterday and other times it seems like a lifetime ago. and even through all the bullshit.....i don't regret a single day. Happy Birthday BabyGirl! I love you :o)
So since i don't have much to say and its TuesdayThree!! day, Bonnie started this thing so i thought i would give it a shot!
List three movies you could watch over and over again:
1) Tomb Raider 1 & 2 ( its an angelina thang)
2) Save The Last Dance (which i have seen a billion times already)
3) jeeze there are so many.....
1) Tomb Raider 1 & 2 ( its an angelina thang)
2) Save The Last Dance (which i have seen a billion times already)
3) jeeze there are so many.....
List three things you'd like to do before you die:
1) win the lottery
2) be skinny
3) find love
List three people who have helped influence who you are today:
1) my mom for bringing me into this world
2) my very first girlfriend who taught me a lot about myself
3) and Sarah for giving me something i never thought i would have......a mothers love
ok well im off to bed.
night, night
Oh my gosh what a cutie!! Sarah you're so beautiful. Happy Birthday :)
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