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You have no idea how nice it is to look at the weather and see numbers like.....71, 65, 79, 82.....And know that I will not have to look at one flake of snow for the next several months.
I am a happy camper.
ok....So not to much going on here. Seems to be the theme these days. I've actually been busy at work which is a nice change.
its been a week since I've played bingo and that my friends I can honestly say.....SUCKS!!!! Easter ruined me!! OH...By the way...I won another jackpot last week....weeeeeee!!! Go me! I can finally go back tomorrow and have my fun again. LOL....Pretty sad huh.....Hey its something to do and I'm making money in the process!! Sounds good to me....LOL
I've been a little under the weather these past few days. Having coughing fits. Not all the time...But its there. I have a little bit of congestion that I can feel so I'm hoping that I can knock that out before it gets worse.
I am sooo loving the warm weather we have been having. Its been really nice.
I'm actually thinking of growing a small garden of veggies cuz I love me some garden veggies. So I've been thinking about that. Whether is happens or not....Ill let you know.
I hope that my summer will be entertaining and full of things to do. I know my Vegas trip is going to be a blast and CAN NOT WAIT!!! I also know that I will visiting my mom soon and I CAN NOT WAIT!! I miss my mom so much.
sarah's birthday is next Monday. She's going to be 19. Can't believe its been 3 years since she came into my life.
they grow up so fast!! LOL
knock knock....Still there??
ok I'm boring myself here....I wish I can say there was something exciting going on but frankly....Nothing. Not a damn thing. And I'm thinking here people........
I can say that I am a bit lonely. Not having a lover in my life kinda sucks. I miss the intimacy and that feeling of belonging to someone...ya know. But I'm know that she's out there somewhere and when I find her ill be happy.
perhaps when I get my spanking new hairdo which is coming around quite nicely :o)
for now I'm happy just being alive and somewhat stable in my life. I'm happy to have a roof over my head, a job to go too, for the friends that I have and the new ones that I am making.
since I've been home a bit more I've been watching a bit more TV. I never really watch TV much. There is only one show that I look for and that is Greys Anatomy on Sunday and if nothing else holds my attention....Lifetime on Sunday night...Rocks.
I can't get over just how many reality shows there are on TV. And though I'm a sucker for them all...I love me some reality.....Its getting to be a bit....Mundane. I mean....Now that everyone has caught on to the "reality" bug....They all know how to act. Nothing is really "real" anymore cuz they know what the audience wants to see....So they bring it. Drama.
I love the cooking shows. Top chef, celebrity top chef, hells kitchen (they really need to bring that one back), food network host....Those are fun to watch. I've been getting into this other show on discover called Deadliest Catch. Its about fisherman catching Alaskan king crab. Man every time I watch that show and see those crabs I just want to throw one in a pot of boiling water and have at it!! They are HUGE!!! But the show itself is really good showing how they go about catching the crab in really horrendous weather....It caught my attention. But damn it makes me want some crab.
I remember back in the day when I was living in VA my friends and I would get a shitload of softshell crab put some paper on the table with the seasoning and some beer and we would have a blast just ripping through them. That was some good times.
I've been eating a lot of fish lately. LOL
and in case your wondering, after 2am there is nothing but infomercial on TV. NOTHING!!!
just in case you were wondering.
ok that's it for me.
keep smiling!
I love Greys Anatomy! And yes, Spring has Sprung! Woot Woot!
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