Yes folks today is the day! The day she's been waiting for all her life. 18. We had a pretty good day I think. She had fun. Last night I took her for dinner and we went to the movies to see (and I'm almost embarrassed to say) Kung Foo Hustle. Oh.My.God. This movie. How do I explain this. First of all its sub-titled. At first we were like...No way! But we already bought the ticket and decided to give it a shot. Let me tell you...We laughed our asses off. This was the most corniest freakin movie I have ever seen but highly recommend if its playing at a $2.00 theatre because you will laugh your ass off in shear amazement that your actually sitting through it and almost liking it. it was that corny. Entertaining most defiantly, special effects were pretty good to. I give it a 7.
today (Sunday, the actual day) we did some running around. We went to the mall and I got her some nose rings that she wanted. And we might go for dinner with her friends, but I doubt it. Its already almost 8pm and pretty much everything closes at 9. So that will have to be another time. But she had a really good day today and I'm happy about that.
ahhh....To be 18 again. I'm trying to think back to those days. It was 1984 when I turned 18. Since my birthday is in June I imagine I just graduated high school shortly after my day. I don't really remember what I did for my 18th birthday. I remember 16, but not 18. I do remember that shortly after graduation I got my first full time job and then a part time at sears. Ill have to ask my mom and see if she remembers.
so sorry for the lack of entries this past week. I can't tell you how many times I've written this entry but for whatever reason got distracted or something happened that I just couldn't do it. nonetheless....Here ya go.
work has been fun. we've been putting together these packets that have finally been finished and mailed out on Friday. Thursday and Friday was really busy for us. It was crunch time and we had 2,000 packets to get done. We did it with 15 minutes to spare! It was awesome. After day 2 Mr. I showed his true colors and I really can't stand him. He's one of those controlling bastards that thinks that he can't do anything wrong, and takes the easiest possible way to do anything. I was in the room when he was talking to this girl who he claims is just a friend but I think its more and this girl should just leave his fucking ass at the curb cuz if anyone talked to me the way. At one point he kept telling her to "stop talking" over and over and from what I got from the conversation she was trying to explain something that she did for HIM and because it was pertaining to what HE wanted to know.....She was to "STOP TALKING" he was on the phone for an hour with this chick and it took everything in me not to start talking. Ugh. Then all week I noticed that if He's not told to do something he won't do it. And if I had a question on something we were doing and I asked him to make a call he was like..."Here's the phone I don't need to ask this question your the one who wants to know".....AND THEN....And I'm so glad that the lady that was the head of all this was in the room with us on Friday....But He's the sloppiest person. If piles need to be made he throws the work around, mixing everything up and acting like he does nothing wrong. If she says we can leave....He drops everything and is running. She offered to buy us lunch, and he actually said that you don't have to buy me lunch but could you lend me 10 or 20 till Monday. I thought I was going to just faint right there. How in the world does this kid make it through the day. Unbelievable
well I just got a call from Sarah and she's on her way home with her friend and were going to dinner. So I guess this is going to be my entry for today. gotta get dressed again.
Happy Birthday Baby-Girl!!
Love & Hugs, Jeannine
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