Day 1 On The Job
So I started my employment today at the insurance company. Let me just say.....All day long I was absorbing information to tell you guys because I was finally able to talk about something other than my boring life at home. So here it goes....
as I mentioned before this is a temp job. Its supposed to last for 2 weeks but I'm absolutely positive that there will be more work once this stretch is done. So they are getting ready for a major conference in San Diego and they need these packets put together. This is going to take two weeks....They say/think. However they were not prepared for team J-no stopping her now and Mr. I-24 yr old still living at home mooching off his parents boy. We totally rocked the Kasbah and impressed several people with our quick learning skills and accuracy in our job performance. Our job function today was:
putting a return address sticker on envelopes. Rocket science I tell you.
there whole thing was one step at a time. We have about 2,500 packets to put together. I and I got the sticker process done in about 2 hours. The girl supervising us (I guess) couldn't believe it and told us to slow down. Apparently if we go to fast there might not be enough work for us next week since not all the supplies for the packets have arrived and we don't want to rush this process. IT MUST TAKE TWO WEEKS!!
and let me just say people.....We are getting PAID! okaaaaayyyyy! I am making in one week what I made in two at wal mart. PAID! For sitting on my ass stuffing envelopes. Can I hear an AMEN!
ok so lets start at the beginning. I get to work and wait for Mr. I. He finally shows up and they take us to this conference room where we will be for the next two weeks. Just the two of us. Very cozy. I is a 24 yr old male, still living at home with mommy and daddy, quit his last job in January and has been looking for employment since.
we walk into the conference room and there are several boxes on tables and a huge conference tables and more chairs that need to be there. I would say about 30. The first thing you notice is that on two walls are keys from different conf they had over the years, on the other walls are plaques from conf's and on the other two walls were dry erase boards. I walk in first and I walks in behinds and rushes past me like a crack whore who just found a rock, grabs a dry erase marker and writes in big letters on one of the boards "Have A Great Day!" this made him feel better.
after the sup finishes showing us how to properly put the stickers on the envelopes and leaves, I notices a TV in the room. We talk, get to know you chat, and in a matter of like 10 seconds....Put the TV on. I'm thinking...Not such a good idea. But I just sat there, did my duty and was trying to figure out how I was going to explain this when the time comes. Finally about a half hour later the supe comes in to check on us. Were doing great and as she's walking out says that she will find us a radio "cuz she's done this before and knows how it is" because she doesn't think the TV being on is such a good idea. So she comes back about an hour later with a radio and believe it or not the freaking boom box had a TV screen in it. But we listened to light music (his choice not mine) and I forgot how much fun that station can be. I knew every song and we had fun talking about what music we grew up on . Me being older.....He was in awe.
then he pulls out his cell phone. oy vie
he called his mom. Talked to her for little while. A few friend called him....He made plans for tonight to "chief" which he told me was some kind of "wet tobacco" his Indian friend smokes, but never alone, so he hangs out and smokes this stuff that "takes a little getting used too" he says. I must be getting real old cuz I never heard of this.
Mr. I is cool. He was fun to talk too. At least he was not boring. Just some of the things he would say and do were really off the wall. For me...Quite entertaining as I stickered up the joint.
I forgot how morning traffic was like. The drive takes about an hour which I'm not really used too...But I can deal. This morning there was an accident and I almost was witness to one. Stupid guy on his freakin phone cuts off a semi who just about clipped him...I was in the left lane and the semi was in the middle lane and I was towards the back of the semi. So I can see this little car go between the two semi's and the one next to me almost had his ass. I slowed down cuz I saw the potential accident and I wasn't trying to get into that one......But the semi was good and was able to clear it. The drive home was better. Still had traffic but not as bad in the AM.
all in all my day was good. I'm going to wow them over and make them keep me.
hugs, jeannine
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