Extremely Long Entry
So i ventured out like i planned yesterday and did some work in the yard untill i couldn't do no more. my back started hurting real bad lifting all the concrete and dirt along with the fact that i am out of shape and OLD, i didn't do as much as i wanted too, but i did some. the dogs had a nice time outside and it was nice to feel the sun again. all in all we spent a good two hours outside which is more time than any that i have spent out-doors.
on a much needed note, i got two calls yesterday for interviews. i worked last night from like midnight till 2am and then was going to sleep till i had to be on again at 6am but instead i stayed up and was doing a bunch of job searches and emailing my resume out.
im glad to see the fruits of that labor paid off. hopefully something will go through for me and i can finally have my life back. one position is for an insurance company that is a little further than i would like to be but do-able, and the other is a much closer company in the medical industry.
both positions are for customer service which is what i am currentyly doing at home right now and have been doing practically all my life in one form or another so hopefully they can look past the image and see the qualifications of a good worker. not some fat chick. the best part about them also is that they are direct hire and not from a temp agency.
so i spent the entire night taking calls for one of the major cable shopping network shows it was so much better than the other calls i take on infomercials. 150% better. these ladies know what they want and are regular customers so they are all nice and friendly and talk to you and so appreciative of MY TIME and helping them to satisfy there need for stuff. these are people with money to spend and boy do they ever!! ive had ladies tell me that they spend at least $200 a DAY on this show. it was a good night. i do have to admit though that making good money will not happen taking those calls, but its a nice refressing break from the horn dogs i have to deal with from the infomercials.
im very excited and can't wait till American Idol comes on in an hour. Fantasia is going to be on and i just absolutley LOVE her and can't wait to see her perform. I saw her last week on the NAACP Award show and she was really good. won an award too. You Go Girl!! i can't wait!! this season is going ok. i haven't decided who my favorite is yet. there are some pretty good voices out there and the guys seem to have it all around. some of the girls though i can live without. i do like Nadia, some days....i like Carrie though, she has a really nice voice for a country singer. country is not really my thing but i like her voice. out of the guys, the two "rockers" as they call them are pretty good and so is that guy that came back that i can't think of his name right now....smith i think. Sarah is in love with Scott. usually he is good but lately hes been out of pitch.
did you know that paula abdul is on probation for a hit and run?? yep its true folks. she clipped some guy and he got a pic of her license plate on his cell phone and she got busted baby! she was charged and has to pay a fine and is on probation. that was a few months ago. last week her limo got into another accident. her cars are behaving badly. tsk tsk.
good lord some lady just dropped $1000 bucks on a ring. i don't know. if im gonna spend that kind of money, i want to be able to see it, touch it, smell it, taste it! before i spend that kind of money. maybe thats just me.
i have just one more shift left this evening and then....a full nights sleep.
wow, ive forgotten what that is like. my interview is at 9 am so i couldn't work through the night like i usually do. friday too. those are some prime hours im passing up. i really hope something comes of this. i want/need my life back. i need to get out of this house. out of this room. i want to stare at something other than this monitor. these walls. get out of pajamas and into some clothes. (for a little while anyway...i like my sweats) but you get the idea. i want routine again. i want to drive my car and smell the roses. enjoy the sunshine while its here. I want to work so i can complain about my job and how much it sucks and my co-workers are all brain dead. i want to complain that my boss is so unfair and a real bitch/bastard. i want to wine about my paycheck!! DAMIT!!
well if this entry wasn't long enough...here a MEME for ya!! stolen from whoever say stole it from...enjoy!
* V I T A L S *
Name: Jeannine
Gender: Female
Location: Illinois
Height: 5’3”
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Brown
Is your hair long or short: short
Tattoos you have: nope
* S C H O O L *
Are you still in school: no, though i wish i was at times
Favorite subject: gym
Least favorite subject: social studies
Do/did you buy lunch or bring it: bought it
* F A V O R I T E *
Number: 7
Clothing : sweats
TV show: gosh...Medium, american idol, house, lost, er, so many more...
Fruit: Oranges is the fruit of the moment
Movie: thats tough.....
Ice Cream Flavor: chocolate please. is there any other flavor??
Color: Blue
Season: Fall or Spring
Holiday: My birthday!! heh
Thing in your room: my bed
Author: different ones
TV channel: TLC
Shape: pear, i like curves
Time: when i can visit my mom
State: hmm...not sure
Disney character: mickey mouse (how ordinary)
Scary movie: I do not watch them (or I try not to)
* T H I S O R T H A T *
Hot or cold: warm
Winter or summer: summer
Spring or fall: fall
Shakira or Britney: neither
MTV or VH1: both, BET too.
Rollerblading or skateboarding: skate
Black or white: black
Orange or red: red
Yellow or green: yellow
purple or pink: purple
Cell phone or pager: neither
Powerpuff Girls or Charlie's Angels: PPG
Scooby Doo or Dino: scooby
* Y E S O R N O P E*
Are you a vegetarian: no
Do you like cows: yes
Are you a bitch: i can be
Are you artistic: i think so
Do you write poetry: no
Can you ski: no
Are you British: no
Are you straight: hell no
Are you evil: depends on my mood
Is Britney a whore: who cares really
* P R I V A T E *
Have you ever been in love: yes
do you smoke: not anymore
Do you smoke weed: no
Crack, heroin, anything else: no
Beer good or beer bad: good
Are you the sissy who drinks wine coolers: sometimes
* T H E L A S T *
Thing you ate: pbj
Thing you drank: coffee
Place you went: movies
Thing you got pierced/tattooed: neither
Song you heard: no idea
Person you instant messaged: Maggie
Person you laughed with: sarah
* N O W *
What are you eating: my words
What are you drinking: life
Any shoes on: slippers
Hair: still there
Listening to: commercial on the tv
Talking to anyone: sarah
* L A S T *
Last Cigarette: almost 3 years ago
Last Alcoholic Drink: can't even remember (HELLO....GIRLS NIGHT OUT??? I KNOW YOU READ THIS!!!)
Last Car Ride: yesterday to the movies
Last Good Cry: last sunday
Last Library Book: been ages
Last book bought: couldn't tell ya
Last Book Read: Butterfly
Last Movie Seen in Theatres: Beauty Shop
Last Movie Rented: jeeze....??
Last Cuss Word Uttered: probably 'shit"
Last Beverage Drank: coffee
Last Phone Call: Maggie
Last TV Show: american idol
LastTime Showered: yesterday
Last Shoes Worn: slippers
Last CD Played: mixed cd i made
Last Item Bought: groceries
Last Download: The L Word
Last Annoyance: becoming this meme
LastThing Written: my entry
Last Key Used: house
Last Sleep: about two hours ago
Last Ice Cream Eaten: baskin robins 2 weeks ago
Last Chair Sat In: computer chair
Webpage Visited: work at home page
Pass it on, link it back.
I am so honered to be the last one you instant messaged and talked too!!!!! Either that or your other friends suck and should call more!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love you Bimbo!!!!!!
The Redheaded Big Bimbo!!!!!!
Hi Jeannine! great entry. Don't worry I'm still looking for a job, too. Probably what will happen is we will be offered 2 or 3 jobs at the same time.
Just hang in there!
c'mon Jeannine
Scary movie: I do not watch them (or I try not to)
i know you remember Basket Case, The Evil Dead, The People Who Lived Under The Stairs
etc. etc. etc.
Oh yeah !
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