It's just a little bit more of me I'm sharing with you.

Sunday, April 24, 2005


Yes folks today is the day! The day she's been waiting for all her life. 18. We had a pretty good day I think. She had fun. Last night I took her for dinner and we went to the movies to see (and I'm almost embarrassed to say) Kung Foo Hustle. Oh.My.God. This movie. How do I explain this. First of all its sub-titled. At first we were like...No way! But we already bought the ticket and decided to give it a shot. Let me tell you...We laughed our asses off. This was the most corniest freakin movie I have ever seen but highly recommend if its playing at a $2.00 theatre because you will laugh your ass off in shear amazement that your actually sitting through it and almost liking it. it was that corny. Entertaining most defiantly, special effects were pretty good to. I give it a 7.

today (Sunday, the actual day) we did some running around. We went to the mall and I got her some nose rings that she wanted. And we might go for dinner with her friends, but I doubt it. Its already almost 8pm and pretty much everything closes at 9. So that will have to be another time. But she had a really good day today and I'm happy about that.

ahhh....To be 18 again. I'm trying to think back to those days. It was 1984 when I turned 18. Since my birthday is in June I imagine I just graduated high school shortly after my day. I don't really remember what I did for my 18th birthday. I remember 16, but not 18. I do remember that shortly after graduation I got my first full time job and then a part time at sears. Ill have to ask my mom and see if she remembers.

so sorry for the lack of entries this past week. I can't tell you how many times I've written this entry but for whatever reason got distracted or something happened that I just couldn't do it. nonetheless....Here ya go.

work has been fun. we've been putting together these packets that have finally been finished and mailed out on Friday. Thursday and Friday was really busy for us. It was crunch time and we had 2,000 packets to get done. We did it with 15 minutes to spare! It was awesome. After day 2 Mr. I showed his true colors and I really can't stand him. He's one of those controlling bastards that thinks that he can't do anything wrong, and takes the easiest possible way to do anything. I was in the room when he was talking to this girl who he claims is just a friend but I think its more and this girl should just leave his fucking ass at the curb cuz if anyone talked to me the way. At one point he kept telling her to "stop talking" over and over and from what I got from the conversation she was trying to explain something that she did for HIM and because it was pertaining to what HE wanted to know.....She was to "STOP TALKING" he was on the phone for an hour with this chick and it took everything in me not to start talking. Ugh. Then all week I noticed that if He's not told to do something he won't do it. And if I had a question on something we were doing and I asked him to make a call he was like..."Here's the phone I don't need to ask this question your the one who wants to know".....AND THEN....And I'm so glad that the lady that was the head of all this was in the room with us on Friday....But He's the sloppiest person. If piles need to be made he throws the work around, mixing everything up and acting like he does nothing wrong. If she says we can leave....He drops everything and is running. She offered to buy us lunch, and he actually said that you don't have to buy me lunch but could you lend me 10 or 20 till Monday. I thought I was going to just faint right there. How in the world does this kid make it through the day. Unbelievable

well I just got a call from Sarah and she's on her way home with her friend and were going to dinner. So I guess this is going to be my entry for today. gotta get dressed again.

Happy Birthday Baby-Girl!!

Love & Hugs, Jeannine

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Day 1 On The Job

So I started my employment today at the insurance company. Let me just say.....All day long I was absorbing information to tell you guys because I was finally able to talk about something other than my boring life at home. So here it goes....

as I mentioned before this is a temp job. Its supposed to last for 2 weeks but I'm absolutely positive that there will be more work once this stretch is done. So they are getting ready for a major conference in San Diego and they need these packets put together. This is going to take two weeks....They say/think. However they were not prepared for team J-no stopping her now and Mr. I-24 yr old still living at home mooching off his parents boy. We totally rocked the Kasbah and impressed several people with our quick learning skills and accuracy in our job performance. Our job function today was:

putting a return address sticker on envelopes. Rocket science I tell you.

there whole thing was one step at a time. We have about 2,500 packets to put together. I and I got the sticker process done in about 2 hours. The girl supervising us (I guess) couldn't believe it and told us to slow down. Apparently if we go to fast there might not be enough work for us next week since not all the supplies for the packets have arrived and we don't want to rush this process. IT MUST TAKE TWO WEEKS!!

and let me just say people.....We are getting PAID! okaaaaayyyyy! I am making in one week what I made in two at wal mart. PAID! For sitting on my ass stuffing envelopes. Can I hear an AMEN!

ok so lets start at the beginning. I get to work and wait for Mr. I. He finally shows up and they take us to this conference room where we will be for the next two weeks. Just the two of us. Very cozy. I is a 24 yr old male, still living at home with mommy and daddy, quit his last job in January and has been looking for employment since.

we walk into the conference room and there are several boxes on tables and a huge conference tables and more chairs that need to be there. I would say about 30. The first thing you notice is that on two walls are keys from different conf they had over the years, on the other walls are plaques from conf's and on the other two walls were dry erase boards. I walk in first and I walks in behinds and rushes past me like a crack whore who just found a rock, grabs a dry erase marker and writes in big letters on one of the boards "Have A Great Day!" this made him feel better.

after the sup finishes showing us how to properly put the stickers on the envelopes and leaves, I notices a TV in the room. We talk, get to know you chat, and in a matter of like 10 seconds....Put the TV on. I'm thinking...Not such a good idea. But I just sat there, did my duty and was trying to figure out how I was going to explain this when the time comes. Finally about a half hour later the supe comes in to check on us. Were doing great and as she's walking out says that she will find us a radio "cuz she's done this before and knows how it is" because she doesn't think the TV being on is such a good idea. So she comes back about an hour later with a radio and believe it or not the freaking boom box had a TV screen in it. But we listened to light music (his choice not mine) and I forgot how much fun that station can be. I knew every song and we had fun talking about what music we grew up on . Me being older.....He was in awe.

then he pulls out his cell phone. oy vie

he called his mom. Talked to her for little while. A few friend called him....He made plans for tonight to "chief" which he told me was some kind of "wet tobacco" his Indian friend smokes, but never alone, so he hangs out and smokes this stuff that "takes a little getting used too" he says. I must be getting real old cuz I never heard of this.

Mr. I is cool. He was fun to talk too. At least he was not boring. Just some of the things he would say and do were really off the wall. For me...Quite entertaining as I stickered up the joint.

I forgot how morning traffic was like. The drive takes about an hour which I'm not really used too...But I can deal. This morning there was an accident and I almost was witness to one. Stupid guy on his freakin phone cuts off a semi who just about clipped him...I was in the left lane and the semi was in the middle lane and I was towards the back of the semi. So I can see this little car go between the two semi's and the one next to me almost had his ass. I slowed down cuz I saw the potential accident and I wasn't trying to get into that one......But the semi was good and was able to clear it. The drive home was better. Still had traffic but not as bad in the AM.

all in all my day was good. I'm going to wow them over and make them keep me.

hugs, jeannine

Saturday, April 09, 2005

Signs of Hope!

My two interviews went really well. So well that the first interview with the major insurance company, which I didn't know was through a temp agency, offered me a temp job next week. She called it "the foot in the door" position. Apparently the agency works exclusively for the insurance company. So I was very happy to hear that. She said the position was available for a term of 2 weeks but she's sure with my qualifications they will want to keep me on. This will most definitely happen because I am just that lovable! LOL

the other interview I had today with the healthcare company will get back to me next week. I'm still hoping for that one simply because its closer to home, however the insurance company is paying really well, so well see what happens. I'm just happy to be getting out of the house and working. Even if it is for 2 weeks.

I'm finally all better now. Thank god. However everyone else in the house is sick. The roomies daughter got a cold last week and is getting better, the room is getting sick and now Sarah. I just hope I don't get sick again. I still have a little bitty cough, but that is about it. I don't sound much like I'm sick anymore which is a good thing.

the yard is coming along really nicely. The fence is up and it looks really good. Now were working on putting in a patio area. That will be nice once that is done. If I remember ill take some pics for ya.

I'm going to working all night and most of the day tomorrow and Sunday. The last two days of the pay period so I want to get in as much time as I can possibly handle without losing my mind. LOL

well other than that...There really isn't much going on here. Same shit different day. Just a bit warmer :o)

have a good weekend, hugs, jeannine

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Extremely Long Entry

So i ventured out like i planned yesterday and did some work in the yard untill i couldn't do no more. my back started hurting real bad lifting all the concrete and dirt along with the fact that i am out of shape and OLD, i didn't do as much as i wanted too, but i did some. the dogs had a nice time outside and it was nice to feel the sun again. all in all we spent a good two hours outside which is more time than any that i have spent out-doors.

on a much needed note, i got two calls yesterday for interviews. i worked last night from like midnight till 2am and then was going to sleep till i had to be on again at 6am but instead i stayed up and was doing a bunch of job searches and emailing my resume out.

im glad to see the fruits of that labor paid off. hopefully something will go through for me and i can finally have my life back. one position is for an insurance company that is a little further than i would like to be but do-able, and the other is a much closer company in the medical industry.
both positions are for customer service which is what i am currentyly doing at home right now and have been doing practically all my life in one form or another so hopefully they can look past the image and see the qualifications of a good worker. not some fat chick. the best part about them also is that they are direct hire and not from a temp agency.

so i spent the entire night taking calls for one of the major cable shopping network shows it was so much better than the other calls i take on infomercials. 150% better. these ladies know what they want and are regular customers so they are all nice and friendly and talk to you and so appreciative of MY TIME and helping them to satisfy there need for stuff. these are people with money to spend and boy do they ever!! ive had ladies tell me that they spend at least $200 a DAY on this show. it was a good night. i do have to admit though that making good money will not happen taking those calls, but its a nice refressing break from the horn dogs i have to deal with from the infomercials.

im very excited and can't wait till American Idol comes on in an hour. Fantasia is going to be on and i just absolutley LOVE her and can't wait to see her perform. I saw her last week on the NAACP Award show and she was really good. won an award too. You Go Girl!! i can't wait!! this season is going ok. i haven't decided who my favorite is yet. there are some pretty good voices out there and the guys seem to have it all around. some of the girls though i can live without. i do like Nadia, some days....i like Carrie though, she has a really nice voice for a country singer. country is not really my thing but i like her voice. out of the guys, the two "rockers" as they call them are pretty good and so is that guy that came back that i can't think of his name right now....smith i think. Sarah is in love with Scott. usually he is good but lately hes been out of pitch.

did you know that paula abdul is on probation for a hit and run?? yep its true folks. she clipped some guy and he got a pic of her license plate on his cell phone and she got busted baby! she was charged and has to pay a fine and is on probation. that was a few months ago. last week her limo got into another accident. her cars are behaving badly. tsk tsk.

good lord some lady just dropped $1000 bucks on a ring. i don't know. if im gonna spend that kind of money, i want to be able to see it, touch it, smell it, taste it! before i spend that kind of money. maybe thats just me.

i have just one more shift left this evening and then....a full nights sleep.

wow, ive forgotten what that is like. my interview is at 9 am so i couldn't work through the night like i usually do. friday too. those are some prime hours im passing up. i really hope something comes of this. i want/need my life back. i need to get out of this house. out of this room. i want to stare at something other than this monitor. these walls. get out of pajamas and into some clothes. (for a little while anyway...i like my sweats) but you get the idea. i want routine again. i want to drive my car and smell the roses. enjoy the sunshine while its here. I want to work so i can complain about my job and how much it sucks and my co-workers are all brain dead. i want to complain that my boss is so unfair and a real bitch/bastard. i want to wine about my paycheck!! DAMIT!!

well if this entry wasn't long enough...here a MEME for ya!! stolen from whoever say stole it from...enjoy!

* V I T A L S *
Name: Jeannine
Gender: Female
Location: Illinois
Height: 5’3”
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Brown
Is your hair long or short: short
Tattoos you have: nope

* S C H O O L *
Are you still in school: no, though i wish i was at times
Favorite subject: gym
Least favorite subject: social studies
Do/did you buy lunch or bring it: bought it

* F A V O R I T E *
Number: 7
Clothing : sweats
TV show: gosh...Medium, american idol, house, lost, er, so many more...
Fruit: Oranges is the fruit of the moment
Movie: thats tough.....
Ice Cream Flavor: chocolate please. is there any other flavor??
Color: Blue
Season: Fall or Spring
Holiday: My birthday!! heh
Thing in your room: my bed
Author: different ones
TV channel: TLC
Shape: pear, i like curves
Time: when i can visit my mom
State: hmm...not sure
Disney character: mickey mouse (how ordinary)
Scary movie: I do not watch them (or I try not to)

* T H I S O R T H A T *
Hot or cold: warm
Winter or summer: summer
Spring or fall: fall
Shakira or Britney: neither
MTV or VH1: both, BET too.
Rollerblading or skateboarding: skate
Black or white: black
Orange or red: red
Yellow or green: yellow
purple or pink: purple
Cell phone or pager: neither
Powerpuff Girls or Charlie's Angels: PPG
Scooby Doo or Dino: scooby

* Y E S O R N O P E*
Are you a vegetarian: no
Do you like cows: yes
Are you a bitch: i can be
Are you artistic: i think so
Do you write poetry: no
Can you ski: no
Are you British: no
Are you straight: hell no
Are you evil: depends on my mood
Is Britney a whore: who cares really

* P R I V A T E *
Have you ever been in love: yes
do you smoke: not anymore
Do you smoke weed: no
Crack, heroin, anything else: no
Beer good or beer bad: good
Are you the sissy who drinks wine coolers: sometimes

* T H E L A S T *
Thing you ate: pbj
Thing you drank: coffee
Place you went: movies
Thing you got pierced/tattooed: neither
Song you heard: no idea
Person you instant messaged: Maggie
Person you laughed with: sarah

* N O W *
What are you eating: my words
What are you drinking: life
Any shoes on: slippers
Hair: still there
Listening to: commercial on the tv
Talking to anyone: sarah

* L A S T *
Last Cigarette: almost 3 years ago
Last Alcoholic Drink: can't even remember (HELLO....GIRLS NIGHT OUT??? I KNOW YOU READ THIS!!!)
Last Car Ride: yesterday to the movies
Last Good Cry: last sunday
Last Library Book: been ages
Last book bought: couldn't tell ya
Last Book Read: Butterfly
Last Movie Seen in Theatres: Beauty Shop
Last Movie Rented: jeeze....??
Last Cuss Word Uttered: probably 'shit"
Last Beverage Drank: coffee
Last Phone Call: Maggie
Last TV Show: american idol
LastTime Showered: yesterday
Last Shoes Worn: slippers
Last CD Played: mixed cd i made
Last Item Bought: groceries
Last Download: The L Word
Last Annoyance: becoming this meme
LastThing Written: my entry
Last Key Used: house
Last Sleep: about two hours ago
Last Ice Cream Eaten: baskin robins 2 weeks ago
Last Chair Sat In: computer chair
Webpage Visited: work at home page

Pass it on, link it back.

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Spring Has Arrived!....

....Well so it says in my taskbar. I haven't really been out much. During the week last week I was out for a while helping in the back yard but that was about it. The fence is up and looks really great. Now were working on putting in a patio area and fixing up the lawn, ill have pics soon. The fence makes the yard look so much bigger. The dogs love it. We still have to watch buster though, cuz he's so little that he can still get through the openings around the gate doors, the little bugger showed that little stunt the other day and almost had to put the smack down on him thinking he's the shit. But I showed him who's boss. So now I have to stand out there with him so he doesn't try any fancy moves. he's just used to getting his walk. Rocco is in heaven. He runs around and throws the ball all around and has such a great time with himself. he's a good boy. Rocco is a rot if you didn't' know. There are pics here of them if you want to see.

so I've been trying to schedule myself a little better so that I can actually get outside and move around. Do something other than work and sleep. My body is not doing well just sitting here. That's for sure. I need to get moving and motivated, go outside and walk around, do some yard work since there is so much to be done anyway....And especially now that the weather is getting so much nicer and I'm feeling so much better now....I need to get active again. The job search is really bumming me out. I'm not understanding why it is so difficult for me to get a job. I'm really trying very hard not to pull the "fat" card here, but when you apply for jobs that are so very much in my line of work and you don't hear back from anyone.....It gets really discouraging. Giving up however...Is not an option. Never will be. Ill just keep working at home until something comes along and then the work at home gig can just be for some extra cash....Like it should be. Not that I'm not grateful for this, but I would literally have to work 24/7 to make any real money. Which is pretty much what I do. Except today. I took the day off.

Sarah and I were supposed to go into Chicago today to take care of school stuff but that has been postponed and instead we went to the movies to see Beauty Shop which out of 10 I give it an 7. It was pretty funny and just a nice story of a woman making her dreams come true and succeeding. We went to the $2.00 show. Well worth the price of popcorn.

so while I've been working over this weekend I've been doing Origami. You would think that this would be simple. Let me just tell you .....It is not. But I have managed to make a heart. It was pretty simple. I don't have the right paper I know, but I'm going to get some and perfect this art. Its really cool all the neat things you can make with this paper. The roomies daughter has all kinds of craft books down here that I was reading on my down times waiting for calls and this stuff is just fascinating!!

I know....I really need to get out more....Ugh

I've also been thinking about making jewelry again. While sitting here waiting for calls I could bang out some cool stuff. Maybe sell them on eBay! Hey there's a thought. LOL

Sarah turns 18 this month (April 24th for those who would like to send her a card, ill post the email later). Just seems like yesterday when she strolled into my life. My how she's grown, so fast....LOL. she's really excited about it too. I keep asking her why. She thinks turning 18 is going to be some over the top life change for her when all it really means is that she now has more responsibilities. Bills, work, jail. LOL ...Not that she will ever go there but that means that you are an adult and can be treated as such when arrested. Still......she's excited and I'm happy for her. :) she's a good kid and expect her to be a great adult as well. Still....I'm not sure what to do for her birthday. We went shopping last year. Any suggestions?

well That's it for me, I need to go potty and get some shut eye.

Happy Tuesday!!
hugs, Jeannine