I wish that life wasn't so complicated. I'm not looking for perfection, but just simplicity.
I wish there was no such thing as first impressions.
I wish everyone could be optimistic.
I wish I didn't panic so much.
I wish I was more confident in my ability to strive for excellence.
I wish Angelina Jolie was my best friend.......(with benefits...heh).
I wish The L Word came on everyday like a soap opera.
I wish I had a job.
I wish that the interview I had today was a done deal.
I wish it was Friday so I would know if I got that job.
I wish I could just get on the phones already and start my work at home gig.
I wish I wouldn't panic so much.
I really wish I knew those winning numbers.
I wish I could play.
I wish my pets would pet ME for a change.
I wish chocolate grew on trees and that tree was in my backyard.
I wish the snow would go away.
I wish I could finish this damn puzzle.
I wish I could lose weight.
I wish my "favorite hetro" would update more often. hee!!
I wish my life was just a bit more exciting.
I wish I could get over this fear and get on the phone already.
I wish I was a better friend.
ok well that's it for now. I have lots of anxiety right now because I am getting ready to start the work at home thing and making this initial call is making me very anxious. This always happens. You should have seen me when I was first learning how to drive 5 years ago. I sat behind the wheel of the car for a good 15 minutes (no exaggeration) until my friend basically started the car and told me to go. that's pretty much what is going on right now. Except I don't have anybody here to make this call but me. It's been a little bit more than 15 minutes. But I'm going to do it....Hopefully in the very near (15 minute) future.
I had this really great interview today with this company that I would love to work for. Its in advertising, and I talked with this woman for 2 hours about life, family, the job, everything you can imagine. It was the best interview I think I have ever had in my life. I feel like I made a friend. But of course I was the first interview and she had a few others that she had to see, and will get back to me on Friday. I've been a wreck since I got home. I really really want this job. AND is about 10 minutes from my house. Small company. 3 person office. Basically she want to get out in the field and needs someone to hold down the fort. (PICK ME PICK ME!!!) She was explaining the job (so freakin easy) and I had a lot of input that she was impressed by (creatively speaking) and I tell ya....I haven't had this drive in a long time. She EVEN has a hook up on puzzles. (have I ever mentioned that I want to create my own puzzles? Well I do) I wanted to just tell her to forget everyone else, I'm your woman but I had to remain somewhat professional right? (bless me, I sneezed) I mean really (sniff...Could someone pass me a tissue? Thanks.) this is like the perfect job for me. Answering phones, order entry, working on graphic designs, computer work that I'm pretty much on my own with since the other two people know how to check email...And that's it. So I was letting her know of my talents.
"You are a delight and it was an absolute pleasure meeting you" were her last words.
Cha-Ching......I see paychecks in my future!
And here I go trying not to get my hopes up.....UGH!!!
that was the only appointment at 1pm until the phone rang at 9am and wanted to see me asap for a job possibility (temp agency) so I went (of course) with a hope and prayer cuz I'm on E and payday (for Sarah) is on Thursday. But I made it. So of course I'm getting all these calls now but the job I really want (see above) I won't know about till Friday and these other possibilities will most likely come through. Not that I'm complaining or anything but isn't that always the case. I remember way way WAY back in the day (before my love for women that is) when I got my first "real" boyfriend. I never really dated, I was 17/18, and we started going "steady" and then all of sudden......All these guys are asking me out. All of a sudden I'm attractive. Weird. Pete lasted about a year and a half...I think. I had to break his heart....He was getting me a ring for Christmas. A diamond ring. I was like all of what 18/19. I think not. 2 weeks before xmas.....I ended it. I wanted to explore, I wanted other things. Women. At the time I thought for sure...Bi-sexual. After meeting my first girlfriend....I knew for sure....Lesbian. But that's a whole nutha entry.
I'm just killing time here. deeeeeep breathe......Exhale.......deeeeeeep breathe..........Exhale..........Ok.......Here I go.