It's just a little bit more of me I'm sharing with you.

Monday, January 31, 2005


I'm not at all part of this Word Goddess thing but I've read a few entries today from those who are and thought it was a brilliant idea and a flood of letters just came to me so I wanted to share. I hope this is ok, if not...Hunt me down and beat with a wet noodle....Lord knows I deserve it.

so ....Ok here goes:

Dear God:

Though I'm not complaining about my life, its been a hoot so far.....I'd like to make a suggestion for my next one, mkay? Here goes....I'd like to be taller....Not much...5'5, an inch or two taller...That would be cool. Oh and the weight thing....I would like to be able to eat all the good stuff and not gain any weight. And one more thing.....I'd like Angelina Jolie to be my best friend. Think you can handle that? Thanks.


Dear Angelina:

We've been friends for a while now and I have to tell you that I admire you for your talent and for your courageous spirit in your works as Ambassador. So you had a few movies that didn't exactly make the cut but hey....Your hot as hell and that's all that matters right!! So now that we are best friends and all I would like to take our friendship to the next level and be your sex slave for the rest of eternity. What do you say??

Forever Friends
Jeannine :o)~

Dear Denver,

Please take care of my babygirl if she goes out there.


Dear Unemployment:

Please Please Please Please Please Please see it in your heart of hearts to grant me this much needed money for I am broke broke broke broke!

humbly yours

Dear Readers:

I love the fact that you come here everyday (or when I update) to see how I'm doing in my little world. I can't tell you how much joy this brings to my life knowing that there is someone out there who wants to know how my day was. You are all so freaking awesome I can't even begin to tell you....However.....One of the main reasons I used this site was because of the comments section below and you never use it. I look forward to hearing from you and hearing what you have to say. So please...Make a girl happy...I don't ask for much.

faithfully yours

Dear Mr. President.....

I would like my brother to come home now.

Thanks, Jeannine

well that was fun. there is so much more....but Time to go...Until then...Same bat time, same bat channel.....

ciao for now

Friday, January 28, 2005

Hold The Anchovies Please

Ok....I have a question. What the hell happened to pizza? We went to Pizza Hut last night for dinner. I don't know if you have seen it but they have a new pizza called Dippin Strips, which is basically a square pizza cut into strips (like breadsticks) and they give you 3 kinds of sauce that you can dip in if you want. Although I have to say, you can' t really have more than 2 toppings cuz then it falls off when you dip it, but other than that I thought it was a cool idea, it was very good but still I have to ask....Who the hell is thinking of this stuff and why???? ITS PIZZA!!!

what ever happened too good ole fashioned pizza. Round. The slices were triangle not square. (what the hell is that anyway??) the slices were so big you actually had to fold it in half so the oil could pool up and drip down your hand when you took that first bite. You readers from NY understand. It was just good pizza. Big floppy slice of yum. I remember my mom would take a slice and put it in a pan to make the bottom crisp and we pour the garlic and oregano spices on top and it was just good stuff.

Last night a recruiter came over to interview Sarah for there college that she is very interested in and he loved her!! Pretty much said she's there but can't "officially" say that. But reassured that she will have nothing to worry about as far as admissions go. He really liked her a lot. So needless to say Sarah is overjoyed and is bubbling with happiness right now. I am too. However you won't see it here. The school is in Denver, Co and she'll be leaving in June and I'm already having separation anxiety and she hasn't even left yet. How the hell do you moms handle this. How do you just let your kids go off to college and get over the fact that your not going to see your child for a long time. Or ever. Someone please let me know cuz I ain't liking this and she's not even "mine"!!

I'm just really proud of her and her accomplishments.

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Make One Up

There really isn't too much going on here. Still searching, still applying, still waiting for the phone to ring. I did have an appointment with a Temp Agency yesterday that went really well. However I do know how this works since I've been doing personnel work at WM, I pretty know the routine. Hopefully they will be able to place me somewhere soon. Being home really sucks. I get up with Sarah and make her lunch and most of the time drive her to school. This gives her more time in the morning to get ready. When I come home I make my breakfast and coffee and I stay up. I think I might have gone back to bed once since I got fired and that is because I went to sleep at 2am making sure that the laundry was done for her to have something to wear for school. Then I got up at 7. That was the only morning I went back to sleep for about 2 more hours when the phone woke me up and it was the temp agency calling me in for an interview. So I didn't mind.

the interview went well. I passed all the test with flying colors. Even after 3 years of being out of the office I still got my skills. Go me!! They tested me on Excel, PowerPoint and typing. Both alpha and numeric. I aced both. It was really easy stuff. 95% accuracy. I rock! So I hope that the job Gods are looking out for me cause I really need to get out of the house.

So I'm basically done with everything I need to do by noon and the rest of the day I'm sitting here staring at this monitor searching, applying, calling, waiting. This morning I've been reading a journal I came across and got sucked into the archives and read about 3 years worth of entries. And its only 11am. I do have a full day ahead of me though. I need to put gas in the car for Sarah tonight (she has to work) and then I'm off to the roomies sisters house to cut a 2x4 into pieces because the dreaded staircase that I fell through a couple of months ago isn't looking so great so we need to re-enforce it so that that doesn't happen again. And then I get to clean the bathroom...wooo hoooo....To much fun people!!

There is going to be a recruiter coming over tomorrow to interview Sarah for this college she is interested in. My little girl is growing up so fast. I am really quite proud of her. She is doing really well in school. Her grades are really good (ays & bees, one see) and she is getting really good grades on the big tests....SAT's, and the like. (the tests that count for college) so I'm really proud of her. She had every opportunity to just get by and not care, and she didn't take that route. She has a group of good friends and she just seems to be so much happier than she was last year in school. So I'm happy about that.

she wants to get her nose pierced. Not like a ring or anything big and gawdy like that...Just a small, very small stud like piercing. I'm thinking about letting her do it. She'll be 18 in April....I'm sure she'll do it then anyway cuz you know....She's 18 and legal to make her own decisions......Whatever!!! I think it would be really cute on her anyway. We'll see.

well I'm off to get my day started. Clean the bathroom, shower, dress, get gas, cut wood.

have a good day!!

here's a joke my sister emailed me the other day...i thought it was pretty funny so i thought i would share with y'all:

Barber Shop

A guy sticks his head into a barber shop and asks,
> "How long before I can get a haircut?" The barber looks around the
> shop and says, "About 2 hours."
> The guy leaves.

A few days later the same guy sticks his head in
> the door and asks,
> "How long before I can get a haircut?" The barber looks around at
> the shop full of customers and says, "About 3 hours."
> The guy leaves.

> A week later the same guy sticks his head in the shop and asks,
> "How long before I can get a haircut?"
> The barber looks around the shop and says, "About an hour and
> half." The guy leaves.

> The barber looks over at a friend in the shop and says, "Hey, Bill,
> follow that guy and see where he goes. He keeps asking how long he has> to wait for a haircut, but then doesn't come back."
> A little while later, Bill comes back into the shop, laughing
> hysterically

.> The barber asks, "Bill, where does he go when he leaves here?" Bill
> looks up, tears in his eyes and says,

> "Your house!"

Saturday, January 22, 2005


Woke up today to about 200 inches of snow that dumped and is still dumping as i type this journal. I'm so sore right now from shoveling my car out. Or course Sarah had to work today so i spent the morning clearing a path to get out of the drive way. its about half done and i drove through the rest of it flattening it out. what a pain in the ass. i did get some funny pictures of the dogs outside. mostly of buster thinking hes the man of the house trying to intimidate rocco. its very funny. you can see them here if you like.

its freaking cold out there. im cold in the house too. the heat comes and goes and when it goes its cold. my fingers are still a little numb from shoveling. like ice they are. brrrrrr. i just know it that im going to be one of those people who go to florida for the winter and come back when its warmer. or just move to a warm state period. i like the cold but i don't like being cold all the time. i shiver so bad. shiver me timbers batman.....its cold!!!

so now im going to sit on the couch with a big warm fuzzzy blanket and watch the real world marathon on MTV.

have a great weekend!!!

be safe out there all you snow-bound people!!

Friday, January 21, 2005


Normally I would look forward to Friday's and the anticipation of the weekend and sleeping the days away, but now....not so exciting.

I find it interesting that i can go to bed at 1am and wake up at 6am with no problem. If i had somewhere to go, like WORK.....I would be draggin my ass all over the place snoozing my alarm for another 5 minutes. but now....i get up, make sarah breakfast and lunch, drive her to school (even though i tell her that I'm not going to do this every day....I have so far) and i come home and here i sit till my eyes bleed searching and applying and emailing in the hopes that someone calls. Today I'll be calling temp agencies to work with me until something steady comes. unless of course the temp agency finds me a steady...that would work too.

I've been trying so hard to type correctly. I've gotten so used to typing like I usually do (no capitals, spell check) and although I am a fast typist, I make a lot of mistakes.

for example.....this is what i really typed. ive goten so used to typing like i usually do (no capitals, spell check) and althought i am a fst typist i make alot of mistakes.

get the picture. ive got some work to do. now of course I will spell check that and my mistakes will magically disappear, but when your being tested on your skills....you don't have the option of spell check or correcting your errors. so i need to brush up.

i think im going to take a break for a while and clean this room. this desk is a mess!! ive already applied to all the jobs available today....so basically there really isn't much to do there right now. i go back to that later, so my focus for the moment is getting this desk organized. get rid of some of this clutter that has been hanging around far to long.

i got my taxes done yesterday. that will help out for a while. i still haven't heard from unemployment yet. well they actually have until next friday to get back to me. so ill call on wednesday if i don't hear anything.

i went to walmart yesterday (to do my taxes) and i got to see a lot of people i didn't get a chance to say goodbye too and i couldn't believe the reaction i got from people. i knew i was loved but it was really amazing just how much. these people were angry that this happened. they couldn't believe that they would let me go when they could have easily just either coached me or some other measure, no fire me. they were really upset. more than i was actaully. i got a lot of love in that store. and i do miss it. the people there were great. even my manager who let me go. he was in tears when he terminated me. i knew it was hard for him. funny thing....i always said that if he was to ever leave the store i would follow him or find another job simply because he is just a great person to work with....and yesterday he was transfers to another store. i thought that was pretty funny. there are actually a few people who are coming and going. so maybe this was a good thing. i hear our DM is relocating and that they are getting the old DM back. bad news. i was also talking to the personnel manager and she said that i could fight it and get my job back in 90 days. who knows.....im hoping to be working WAY before then. like im hoping to have a job by the end of february. mama's got bills to pay!! so monday i'll be going to agencies and starting from there. this weekend i'll be brushing up on my skills. fun stuff.

so until then....have a great day!!

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

this sucks

Day one and I'm already hating this. I've spent the last 6 hours emailing, searching, applying, and getting some stuff done around the house. The house is quiet. You would think that I would enjoy this time alone. I never really get time like this. There is always someone home. But I don't. It sucks. Plain and simple.

I've been doing job searches and there are a few opportunities out there that sound good and i have applied for. I'm really torn about going back into the corporate world. Do i want to push paper again? Money wise I know it's better and to be honest that is my only motivation right now. That and the fact that I hate staying at home like this.

I ventured out to the post office today. I took Sarah to school, cleanned the house, doing laundry, walked the dog, made a nice veggie lunch and I'm on my 3rd cup of coffee. I applied for unemployment too but I really have my doubts about that because of the circumstances of my termination...i don't think i'll get it. This also sucks.

American Idol starts tonight and I can't wait. I'm hoping that Fantasia makes an appearance. I just saw her video for the first time (the tv is on for background noise, so im all caught up on my videos now) and she is just so awsome. I totally love her!!! That new J-Lo video was pretty good too. I'm not that crazy about the song but the video is nice. I think she's black again....not sure.

Well back to searchin.....

Monday, January 17, 2005

Day of Doom

So did you like the picture show from yesterdays entry? All the snow, my life at work? Did you especially love the "behind the scene" pics? I hope so cause that will most likely be the last time I ever make an entry quite like that since today was the last day of my employment.

I lost my job today. I can't even blame anybody but myself. I made a stupid mistake that cost me my job and its the unemployment line for me. Man this sucks. It was really hard for my manager to let me go too. I could see the tears in his eyes but unfortunately it had to be done. There is thing called "understanding" and its a big no no. Basically....Its holding items for yourself to purchase (or steal) later on. Even though I would never steal......It looks like that could have happened because its off the floor and hidden in a room so it appears like that might happen. And well.....Its always done and I always do it for others and myself occationally...But this time I got caught and well.....Terminated. So I'm kinda scared, kinda nervous having to start over again, kinda excited about the possibilities of a new job and making more money (hopefully) and just worried that it won't happen soon enough and I'm going to have to practice my "would you like fries with that" schpeal!! Ugh

so of course today is a holiday and nothing is open cuz if it weren't I would have headed straight for the unemployment line, but its closed. I found out today after doing some research that you can do it online which I think I will try and see how that goes otherwise I will be there tomorrow. I've already clipped some ads to call tomorrow and will be faxing tomorrow so hopefully I can get another job soon.

I'm torn between going back to retail or corporate. Do I want to sit behind a desk all day? Do I want to be a slave to the public again? I loved working at WMT. I loved the freedom, even most of the customers. My position with the company gave me an edge that most didn't have. It was a great job (except the pay) close to home etc etc....I just really liked it a lot. Going back to corporate America kinda scares me. What if the company folds? That's happened so many times to me. I could do temp work....That was cool. I don't know....We'll see what happens.

I guess I have something to write about now, huh.

have a good day
hugs, jeannine

Sunday, January 16, 2005

A day in the life of me.

Forgive me for the lack of updates, truth of the matter is....There really isn't much going on in my life that is entry worthy...In my opinion. Actually its more than that....As much as I am grateful to have a site to journal, its not as exciting as I want it to be. What frustrates me most is that I have a site, my own domain and all, but I haven't a clue as how to use it. And its very frustrating. I just don't know enough about it I guess and once I get through the "help" I'm hoping to have a site I can really use to its fullest extent. This site is cool but putting pics on here is a pain. The reason why I have not written. I took a bunch of pics of one of my days about a week ago and I just haven't had the patience to post them. Until tonight.....

so here goes a day in the life of jeannine:

It snowed a lot overnight Posted by Hello

Sarah as the snowed covered her halfway up her knees. She loved it coming from TX, doesn't see this much snow. Posted by Hello

The drive to work. Posted by Hello

Finally My Day Begins.... Posted by Hello

This is my store. Were not a super-center, but there are rumors that were going to be by 2006. Posted by Hello

Little known fact...The Rollback Man changes about 4 times a year. This is the first time he's got a Misses. Perhaps this is the new Rollback Stud. Posted by Hello

Where I have lunch most of the time with the seniors who are a bunch of funny people to watch and listen too. Posted by Hello

This little guy wanted to SAY hi!! LOL Posted by Hello

Welcome to my office! Posted by Hello

This is just one of the "bins" I always talk about. As you can see its already getting full. I have 16 bins and over the holiday is expands to 25. All full to capacity. Posted by Hello

This is part of the back warehouse where keep our stock. Posted by Hello

This is The WAVE! That thing I always talk about. Its a mechanical ladder. Goes up and down. Very cool. Posted by Hello

My new favorite candy bar. If you haven't tried it and you like pretzel, nuts, caramel, peanut butter and chocolate....You really need to try this. Sounds like a lot of stuff but really....Its so incredibly good. Posted by Hello

Time to go home. Will you just look at the snow banks!! Posted by Hello

This is a hill that is very popular when it snows. The picture is blurry cause I was driving, but those are people on top of that hill. Posted by Hello

Phew I'm beat!! Posted by Hello

Well there you have it. A little behind the scenes of my world. Not to exciting. It snowed a lot the night before and the next day it was like 50 degrees, then we had thunder and lightening and rain showers and then is went down to 0 degrees and froze. The sump pump has been running non stop (which is a good thing). Right now its 6 outside. brrrrrr....

Sarah got her wisdom tooth pulled on Friday. It went really well and the pain was not as bad as I thought it might be. The drugs she was given seem to be working really well which I'm glad. She had minimal pain, takes a pill which works for 4 hours and then takes another one. How do they do that??? She's at her friends house right now celebrating his birthday. She's been home since Friday so she was happy to finally be able to get out. No school tomorrow either. She's living the good life right now.

a very cool thing happened to me a few weeks ago. Actually it started when I was in south Carolina I got an email from classmates.com saying that a friend was trying to contact me. Well I saw the name of the person and was blown away. This was a friend that I had all through high school and after school just lost touch like most do. But she was there for the 3 years, we played softball together and had a really good time. She was actually my very first friend I made when I started high school. So a couple of weeks ago I finally got an email from her and we've been catching up ever since. Its really a wild thing to talk to someone you haven't seen or talked too in 20 years. Completely mind blowing. So that was pretty awesome.

I think Sarah is home, I hear the dog barking. Anyway...Well I hope you like the pictures and I hope to update more frequently. I've had things that I wanted to talk about, just not really into it I guess. I am but I'm not. I want to be...But sometimes just don't want to be bothered. I really wish I could get that other site to work damit. LOL

have a good weekend
hugs, jeannine

Sunday, January 02, 2005

A Day at the Beach

Me and my mom in Myrtle Beach, SC. it was freaking cold out there but we were troopers.

More photos here!!

I'll have more pics as soon as i get them developed. we had a throw away camera too in case the digital didn't work right. so ill have more pics for ya soon.

Saturday, January 01, 2005

Welcome 2005

As is have only 8 minutes left of the first day of the year I thought I would get this in.

it was a pretty good day. Rested most of it. Sarah worked early today and when she got home we napped. She's sick with a cold and cough like I was. Poor thing.

we went to the movies tonight and saw National Treasure and it was really good. I was surprised. We had dinner before the movie and ice cream afterwards. It was a pretty nice way to spend the day.

buster got a haircut yesterday and looks sooo damn cute. I have to get a pic of him but I need to get batteries for the camera first. He's so handsome now.

well this is going to be short. Sarah is coughing and I must attend to mommy duties now.

I hope you all had a great day and Happy New Year to everyone.

hugs, jeannine