I'm not at all part of this Word Goddess thing but I've read a few entries today from those who are and thought it was a brilliant idea and a flood of letters just came to me so I wanted to share. I hope this is ok, if not...Hunt me down and beat with a wet noodle....Lord knows I deserve it.
so ....Ok here goes:
Dear God:
Though I'm not complaining about my life, its been a hoot so far.....I'd like to make a suggestion for my next one, mkay? Here goes....I'd like to be taller....Not much...5'5, an inch or two taller...That would be cool. Oh and the weight thing....I would like to be able to eat all the good stuff and not gain any weight. And one more thing.....I'd like Angelina Jolie to be my best friend. Think you can handle that? Thanks.
Dear Angelina:
We've been friends for a while now and I have to tell you that I admire you for your talent and for your courageous spirit in your works as Ambassador. So you had a few movies that didn't exactly make the cut but hey....Your hot as hell and that's all that matters right!! So now that we are best friends and all I would like to take our friendship to the next level and be your sex slave for the rest of eternity. What do you say??
Forever Friends
Jeannine :o)~
Dear Denver,
Please take care of my babygirl if she goes out there.
Dear Unemployment:
Please Please Please Please Please Please see it in your heart of hearts to grant me this much needed money for I am broke broke broke broke!
humbly yours
Dear Readers:
I love the fact that you come here everyday (or when I update) to see how I'm doing in my little world. I can't tell you how much joy this brings to my life knowing that there is someone out there who wants to know how my day was. You are all so freaking awesome I can't even begin to tell you....However.....One of the main reasons I used this site was because of the comments section below and you never use it. I look forward to hearing from you and hearing what you have to say. So please...Make a girl happy...I don't ask for much.
faithfully yours
Dear Mr. President.....
I would like my brother to come home now.
Thanks, Jeannine
well that was fun. there is so much more....but Time to go...Until then...Same bat time, same bat channel.....
ciao for now