It's just a little bit more of me I'm sharing with you.

Sunday, April 30, 2006

Random Observations.....

hello my friend. ive been using the camera on my phone a lot these days and i thought i would share some pic with ya!!
Im still damn cute! does anyone watch the sopranos? do i look like that guy who married tony's sister? the one who used to take care of Junior? i forget his name but i can't help but see his face when i look at that picture. lol

my sofie too!!! this is my new wallpaper on my phone...she was bugging me while i was on the computer....as you might be able to see hording the keyboard wanting my attention. so i too a pic of her. pretty blue eyes...thats my baby!!!

this would be by boss's ride. its red. and actaully belongs to her daughter who is in college now. aint that some shit. its a hummer h2 if you can't tell. i know someone is creamming there pants right about now.....LOL.....cha cha cha chia!! LOL

And this is my friend who cuts my hair. sexy as hell...believe me.....i know...love her to death!! shes actaully become a really great friend and im glad to know her.

and last but not least.....i looked up from my bingo game and noticed this woman in front of me. granted i know i shouldn't be taking pictures of people without them knowing but i just had to show you this. for all you people out there who think im a bingo nut.....check out this two dabbing handy work here. she was going two dabber strong all night. i kid you not. i think she had 6 9-on sheets. (9 games per sheet) i was in aww of this woman.....you should have seen her go. if i could take video on my phone i most certainly would have.

i used to see this one woman acually change colors every time they called a number. she would switch back and forth between 2 dabbers. the strange habits these people pic up. its really funny. just hours of entertainment.

it was a pretty interesting night. i had all my friends with me tonight at bingo. the roomie, maria, and my new bingo buddy/friend becky all came with me tonight and had a blast. becky won big...you go girl!!....and we just had so much fun. they were getting pretty pissed at us for talking and laughing and just having a good time. oh well....

after that was over we all decided to go to the bar by our house, had a few beers and listened to kareokee and just had a really great time. it was nice to be out. im tired as hell now. i had to work tonight till 5am. by 3:30 the calls were very far and few so i logged off. i just can't sit here for nothing when i could be sleeping or in my case this evening.......BLOGGING!!!!

so consider yourself lucky :o)

all i plan on doing tomorrow is sleeping. i might have to stop at marias to add some memory to her computer, but other than that...im vegging all day in bed. i have a two day conference at work and i have to be there by 7am both days. BE THERE by 7, which means waking me up at 530its going to suck big time. the only good coming out of it is free lunch and beverages. which means ill be loaded up on coffee and water and have to pee every five fucking minutes. it will be fun.

ok im falling asleep here. have a great weekend!

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Happy Birthday Sarah!!

Then 16
Now 19
My how they grow!
its hard to believe that shes been with me for 3 years already. sometimes it feels like just yesterday and other times it seems like a lifetime ago. and even through all the bullshit.....i don't regret a single day. Happy Birthday BabyGirl! I love you :o)
So since i don't have much to say and its TuesdayThree!! day, Bonnie started this thing so i thought i would give it a shot!
List three movies you could watch over and over again:
1) Tomb Raider 1 & 2 ( its an angelina thang)
2) Save The Last Dance (which i have seen a billion times already)
3) jeeze there are so many.....

List three things you'd like to do before you die:
1) win the lottery
2) be skinny
3) find love

List three people who have helped influence who you are today:
1) my mom for bringing me into this world
2) my very first girlfriend who taught me a lot about myself
3) and Sarah for giving me something i never thought i would have......a mothers love

ok well im off to bed.
night, night

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

insert title here

You have no idea how nice it is to look at the weather and see numbers like.....71, 65, 79, 82.....And know that I will not have to look at one flake of snow for the next several months.

I am a happy camper.


ok....So not to much going on here. Seems to be the theme these days. I've actually been busy at work which is a nice change.

its been a week since I've played bingo and that my friends I can honestly say.....SUCKS!!!! Easter ruined me!! OH...By the way...I won another jackpot last week....weeeeeee!!! Go me! I can finally go back tomorrow and have my fun again. LOL....Pretty sad huh.....Hey its something to do and I'm making money in the process!! Sounds good to me....LOL

I've been a little under the weather these past few days. Having coughing fits. Not all the time...But its there. I have a little bit of congestion that I can feel so I'm hoping that I can knock that out before it gets worse.

I am sooo loving the warm weather we have been having. Its been really nice.

I'm actually thinking of growing a small garden of veggies cuz I love me some garden veggies. So I've been thinking about that. Whether is happens or not....Ill let you know.

I hope that my summer will be entertaining and full of things to do. I know my Vegas trip is going to be a blast and CAN NOT WAIT!!! I also know that I will visiting my mom soon and I CAN NOT WAIT!! I miss my mom so much.

sarah's birthday is next Monday. She's going to be 19. Can't believe its been 3 years since she came into my life.

they grow up so fast!! LOL

knock knock....Still there??

ok I'm boring myself here....I wish I can say there was something exciting going on but frankly....Nothing. Not a damn thing. And I'm thinking here people........

I can say that I am a bit lonely. Not having a lover in my life kinda sucks. I miss the intimacy and that feeling of belonging to someone...ya know. But I'm know that she's out there somewhere and when I find her ill be happy.

perhaps when I get my spanking new hairdo which is coming around quite nicely :o)

for now I'm happy just being alive and somewhat stable in my life. I'm happy to have a roof over my head, a job to go too, for the friends that I have and the new ones that I am making.

since I've been home a bit more I've been watching a bit more TV. I never really watch TV much. There is only one show that I look for and that is Greys Anatomy on Sunday and if nothing else holds my attention....Lifetime on Sunday night...Rocks.

I can't get over just how many reality shows there are on TV. And though I'm a sucker for them all...I love me some reality.....Its getting to be a bit....Mundane. I mean....Now that everyone has caught on to the "reality" bug....They all know how to act. Nothing is really "real" anymore cuz they know what the audience wants to see....So they bring it. Drama.

I love the cooking shows. Top chef, celebrity top chef, hells kitchen (they really need to bring that one back), food network host....Those are fun to watch. I've been getting into this other show on discover called Deadliest Catch. Its about fisherman catching Alaskan king crab. Man every time I watch that show and see those crabs I just want to throw one in a pot of boiling water and have at it!! They are HUGE!!! But the show itself is really good showing how they go about catching the crab in really horrendous weather....It caught my attention. But damn it makes me want some crab.

I remember back in the day when I was living in VA my friends and I would get a shitload of softshell crab put some paper on the table with the seasoning and some beer and we would have a blast just ripping through them. That was some good times.

I've been eating a lot of fish lately. LOL

and in case your wondering, after 2am there is nothing but infomercial on TV. NOTHING!!!

just in case you were wondering.

ok that's it for me.

keep smiling!

Thursday, April 06, 2006


This my friends is what a $500 jackpot winning ticket looks like!!
And i got it ALL BY MYSELF!
you have to know i was just beyond happy when i saw that last number come up. i could barely stand it. i just couldn't believe it. i mean...ive won some nice pots. as a matter of fact i won $100 last week and $250 on a pull tab and a few other good pots here and there...but nothing like this. and not just me. usually i win with 12 other people and end up with $2.oo but thats ok....cuz i won...but this!!! now this is freaking awsome!
im keeping some and putting the rest away (in someone elses hands so i don't touch it) and save it for either vegas or if that for whatever reason (and it better not damit) not happen will be for a car. and ill just add to it. i was thinking putting my winnings in the vegas/car pot whenever i do win....and yes...i did share a little with my neighbor who was very appreciative cuz thats just what you do. i have a new bingo buddy. shes very cool. my age practically to the day, shes crazy too. fun stuff. shes fun and im thinking this will be a growing friendship for sure. she lives around the corner from me too which is nice. shes a lot of fun and were talking about walking or doing some kind of activity so we can keep active. hopefully that will work out. i really need it.
so lets see.....its 5am. ive been up since 3. another sleepless night. i did good last night.....tonight...not so good. i need to get up in an hour anyway so it really doesn't make sense to try now. ill just shower and go to work. ill be there a little early but thats ok. i have a meeting at 9 and ill be gone by noon. then ill sleep. ugh
lets see what else is going on.....not so much. i think im going to watch the latest Sopranos episode....then go to work. sounds like a plan.
have a great day!!!