Ciara....my new love
i want to dance like her....
~insert hysterical laughter here~
i LOVE her video "Like a Boy"
totally rocks, totally hot!!
i heart her.
so not to much going on. im sorta dissapointed in my self. i have yet to go to the gym. another week gone by and im a total slacker. but i know that that is going to change cuz if you could just feel how crappy i feel right now.....you would be saying the same thing.
i have a trip coming up end of april and i don't want to feel like this. man.....this sucks. i can't go back to that. I WON'T GO BACK TO THAT. ive lost 18 lbs already....there is no reason to go backwards. i need to get focused again....and ya know....i think that is happening.
im virtually a little happier this week. lol
i am a DORK!!!
but an adorable one...and you love me for that or you wouldn't be here....lol
my goodness i had a jammed packed day today.
i took the day off cuz i had a ton of things to do and ive been such a slacker that i finally said ENOUGH ALREADY!!!
so....i was out the door at 9am...went to the bank to open accounts...check
in the rain
went to chicago to pick up my license plates for my car...check
in the rain
went to the old walmart to get a few items i needed for the next errand on my list....check
the sun finally came out
talk to a few people i haven't seen in years since i left that horrible place...check
went home to get packages ready for the post office...check
went to the post office....check
got lunch.....check
started to freakin pour, thunder and lightening oh my!!
came home to eat and rest for a bit. it was about 5pm by this time and i was a little beat, but i still had a few more things to do.
pouring down rain now
went to the other walmart to get items on my list....check
power to street lights are out
visited stephanie as i usually do on wednesdays and hope shes not to busy to do my hair.
she was very busy...as usual.
raining so hard you can hear it hitting the roof
but my night oddly enough was very pleasant as i was texting and talking with my "virtual"...heh
i never did get my haircut. im hoping on friday cuz my hair is touching my ears!!!
can't have that.....
perfect cool summer night, breezy.....
ok so i have the Food Network on and Rachel R is in Vancouver and im sooooo completely jealous cuz i want to go back so bad. its been soooo long and there are sooo many new things there now i just want to go go go!!! and take sherrell with me....lol but seriously....i so want to go back. i loved it there. i loved my life then too. of course it was easy when the company paid for everything. living the high life...yes we were........... (sigh) good times
so then stef and i went to dinner and now its 2am and im falling asleep. so on that note.....
have a good night!