Hello World
so i went out last night. go me...get that social!! woot woot!!
so yeah, a friend from walmart celebrated her 30th and she had a house party. i was kinda excited about it, kinda not. but i didn't want to NOT go cuz most of last year i pretty much blew them off and never came through on plans of going out and i didn't want to do that again. i cry and cry cuz i have no friends and don't do anything...well...they are there....and i have invites......but that was then and now things are different. i have a different outlook on life and don't mind going out.
so it was nice. a handful of people there kids who stayed upstairs (god i remember those days...lol) i had a few drinks....vodka/cranberry about......um.....4 i think......a few beers......food.....dancing......well they danced...i watched and enjoyed watching them....heh
im such a perv. i watched this one girl "walk it out" most of the night......heh
(shut up jeannine)
alcohol + Jeannine= all night horny texting Ms. Sexy.....LOL
the kids would come down every once in a while to dance. they were so cute....certain songs would come on and they would come running doing whatever dance they did in the video and put on a show. if you ever seen the move "stomp the yard"....its kinda like that. "Crunk" is what i think its called. anyway....it was cool....and this 5 year old was just amazing the way he was dancing. i tried to get some pics but it was too dark. anyway...we all had a good time and i got to see some people i haven't seen in a long time.
yeah...i got people's too! lol (private joke)
it started snowing really bad around 10pm....we did a midnight run for more liquor and just about everyone was gone by 1am...except me and J and her husband who were still enjoying...said drinks. we all pretty much passed out and i woke up at 5am feeling not so great, had to dig out my car and went home.
i can tell how much my eating habits have changed. she had chicken wings (YUM!!!) pizza and jumbaliya (YUM!!!!) and a veggie platter.
so i pretty much had some of everything...more chicken wings (with hot sauce...yum!) than anything....and came home with food cuz there was so much and she put a plate together for me......which thankfully is all gone now.....but oh my goodness i am so bloated from all the salt and stuff......i feel yucky.
so tomorrow im going to just drink lots of water and detox...lol
back to the Y weather permitting. the storm is pretty bad. we had a lot of snow and now its raining and sleeting. it was weird to see raindrops. been so long...lol.
here i am, another night of no sleep....4am. i hate weekends sometimes. i would rather go to work then sit at home doing nothing. i have plans next weekend too on friday night which should be fun.
well i guess i should try and sleep.