It's just a little bit more of me I'm sharing with you.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Hello World

Love white tigers.
I took this pic when we went to the zoo last year. i just found it again. i've been cleanning out my files and pics on the computer. its amazing how much crap ive accumilated on here.
and then i look around my house......hmmmm, interesting.

so i went out last night. go me...get that social!! woot woot!!

so yeah, a friend from walmart celebrated her 30th and she had a house party. i was kinda excited about it, kinda not. but i didn't want to NOT go cuz most of last year i pretty much blew them off and never came through on plans of going out and i didn't want to do that again. i cry and cry cuz i have no friends and don't do anything...well...they are there....and i have invites......but that was then and now things are different. i have a different outlook on life and don't mind going out.

so it was nice. a handful of people there kids who stayed upstairs (god i remember those days...lol) i had a few drinks....vodka/cranberry about......um.....4 i think......a few beers......food.....dancing......well they danced...i watched and enjoyed watching them....heh

im such a perv. i watched this one girl "walk it out" most of the night......heh

(shut up jeannine)

alcohol + Jeannine= all night horny texting Ms. Sexy.....LOL

so sorry babe.....lol


the kids would come down every once in a while to dance. they were so cute....certain songs would come on and they would come running doing whatever dance they did in the video and put on a show. if you ever seen the move "stomp the yard"....its kinda like that. "Crunk" is what i think its called. anyway....it was cool....and this 5 year old was just amazing the way he was dancing. i tried to get some pics but it was too dark. anyway...we all had a good time and i got to see some people i haven't seen in a long time.

yeah...i got people's too! lol (private joke)

it started snowing really bad around 10pm....we did a midnight run for more liquor and just about everyone was gone by 1am...except me and J and her husband who were still enjoying...said drinks. we all pretty much passed out and i woke up at 5am feeling not so great, had to dig out my car and went home.

i can tell how much my eating habits have changed. she had chicken wings (YUM!!!) pizza and jumbaliya (YUM!!!!) and a veggie platter.

so i pretty much had some of everything...more chicken wings (with hot sauce...yum!) than anything....and came home with food cuz there was so much and she put a plate together for me......which thankfully is all gone now.....but oh my goodness i am so bloated from all the salt and stuff......i feel yucky.

so tomorrow im going to just drink lots of water and detox...lol

back to the Y weather permitting. the storm is pretty bad. we had a lot of snow and now its raining and sleeting. it was weird to see raindrops. been so long...lol.

here i am, another night of no sleep....4am. i hate weekends sometimes. i would rather go to work then sit at home doing nothing. i have plans next weekend too on friday night which should be fun.

well i guess i should try and sleep.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Lookin Good, Feelin Great!!!

Another 4.8 GONE!! 13 total

not the greatest picture. something going on with my lip there...so not normal...but oh well. i was told i don't smile so there you go....lol
i took this pic about 3 days ago. yesterday i got a haircut. had so much fun with stef. i haven't seen her in a long time and she was working by herself so i stayed with her at the shop and then went for dinner. we had a really good time. i just love her to death.

i am surrounded by beautiful people

stephanie...my hairdresser and really good friend

i can't even begin to tell you how great i feel. my whole outlook on things have changed....i can't remember the last time i did drive thru or a fast food place. when i go out i....get this....eat sensible!!!! food days at work go un-noticed. my love for salads is BACK!!! excersise has made an incredible difference in my life...even if it is for just a little bit.

i was shooting for 3 to 5 and got 4. that is awsome i can feel it too.

so there are things going on....bad things. well not really horrible...but annoying things.....that kinda put a damper on your day type of stuff that i really don't care to discuss.....but wanted to tell you that even though they are stressful things....im so not stressed. lol

im in such a great place in my life right now....im riding high and i don't ever want to come down. im so motivated to this to the point of it not even being a thought. it just happens.

this was taken 3 days ago. my official "before" pic

i'll take one every month or so.......so some comparisons.

Ms. Sexy and I.......still there :o)

ciao bella!!

A Quicky

This is going to be real quick cuz its very late and im very tired but i needed to get this entry out to you all before i forget again. i was reminded by my mother that in the last few weeks ive been saying "nothing really exciting going on" and apparently i was wrong. and shes was right. so some things i forgot to mention.....1. my sister had a baby and im an aunt again!! woo hoooo!!! and 2. it was my brothers birthday on Feb 10th and i forgot to mention it. HAPPY BIRTHDAY RAYMOND!!! even though im pretty sure he don't read this.....its there. thanks mom :o)

weight in tomorrow and im expecting to have a 3-5 lb loss...but ill take whatever loss there is and be happy about it.....and finally....

you may or may not know but i really don't do forwards. they are way to long and 99.9% of them i never even open just delete. so if you send me a forward that I MUST SEND TO 200 PEOPLE OR THE WORLD WILL END.......it was nice knowing you. with that said...i do read some that come from certain people cuz they usually don't send them and when they do they are pretty good....like if I were to send one....you should probalby read it cuz its hysterical....

and thanks to my very dear friend MARY who i adore....sent me this forward today AT WORK and had me in tears i wanted to laugh out loud so bad but couldn't. so im going to share it with you dear readers and if you happen to be Italian....all the better!!!

so on that note, i hope you have a wonderful day and remember to tell someone you love them today. it will make you feel good :o) enjoy!

ill have you know that every single one of these things are TRUE!!!!! and ive lived to tell it! lol

42 Things in the Life of an Italian Child

01. You have at least one relative who wore a black dress every day for an entire year after a funeral.
02. You spent your entire childhood thinking what you ate for lunch was pronounced "sangwich."
03. Your family dog understood Italian.
04. Every Sunday afternoon of your childhood was spent visiting your grandparents and extended family.
05. You've experienced the phenomena of 150 people fitting into 50 square feet of yard during a family cookout.
06. You were surprised to discover the FDA recommends you eat three meals a day, not seven.
07. You thought killing the pig each year and having salami, capacollo, pancetta and prosciutto hanging out to dry from your shed ceiling was absolutely normal.
08. You ate pasta for dinner at least three times a week, and every Sunday, and laughed at the commercial for Wednesday is Prince Spaghetti day.
09. You grew up thinking no fruit or vegetable had a fixed price and that the price of everything was negotiable through haggling.
10. You were as tall as your grandmother by the age of seven.
11. You thought everyone's last name ended in a vowel.
12. You thought nylons were supposed to be worn rolled to the ankles.
13. Your mom's main hobby is cleaning.
14. You were surprised to find out that wine was actually sold in stores.
15. You thought that everyone made their own gravey
16. You never ate meat on Christmas Eve or any Friday for that matter.
17. You ate your salad after the main course.
18. You thought Catholic was the only religion in the world.
19. Your were beaten at least once with a wooden spoon or broom.
20. You thought every meal had to be eaten with a hunk of bread in your hand.

21. You can understand Italian but you can't speak it.
22. You have at least one relative who came over on the boat.
23. All of your uncles fought in a World War.
24. You have at least six male relatives named Tony, Frank, Joe,Vinny or Louie.
25. You have relatives who aren't really your relatives.
26. You have relatives you don't speak to.
27. You drank wine before you were a teenager.
28. You relate on some level to the Godfather and the Sopranos.

29. You grew up in a house with a yard that didn't have one patch of dirt that didn't have a flower or a vegetable growing out of it.
30. Your grandparent's furniture was as comfortable as sitting on plastic. Wait!!!! You were sitting on plastic.
31. You thought that talking loud was normal.
32. You thought sugared almonds and the Tarantella were common at all weddings.
33. You thought everyone got pinched on the cheeks and money stuffed in their pockets by their relatives.
34. Your mother is overly protective of the males in the family no matter what their age.
35. There was a crucifix in every room of the house.
36. Wakes would be held in someone's living room.
37. You couldn't date a boy without getting approval from your father.
38. You called pasta "macaroni".
39. You dreaded taking out your lunch at school.
40. Going out for a cup of coffee usually meant going out for a cup of coffee over Minnie Zingarelli’s house.
41. Every condition, ailment, misfortune, memory loss and accident was attributed to the fact that you didn't eat something.
42. Those of you who get this...KNOW who to pass it on to!

Friday, February 16, 2007


Weight loss is such a funny thing. I went to my meeting last night feeling really good and was very successful. Finally I actually felt like I lost weight and I did. 3 lbs!! GO ME!! I say. This is finally happening…its finally working…I'm focused and excited and loving life right now.

So I talk to sarah…..

Sarah: so how did you do?

Me: 3 lbs!! I say all happy and shit….

Sarah: oh…..good. in her “is that all???” kinda tone….

Then later on I talked to my mom…..similar conversation…..


I realized that last week was a major loss…..but OMG!!….3 lbs ROCKS!!! I'm not on this losing marathon or anything like that…9 lbs is not going to happen every week…I'm proud of those 3 lbs. I would be proud if it was 1 lb!! I'm finally losing weight!!! And they were all like….”oh……well good” all nonchalant…….HELLO!!!!

Ok….i had to get that out cuz it was bugging me.

So yeah….ok…so your all not confused when I tell you that I lost 8 lbs all together…..my first week I gained 3 lbs…..then lost 9 and now 3. so technically my loss is at 8.2 I think Is the number…..GO FUCKING ME!!!!

I have to say I'm really focused. At times it’s not even a thought it just happens. I'm eating so much less and so much better foods. I don’t even give McDonalds a second thought in the mornings which is awesome!!! For me. I typically fight with myself and lose but now I forget I'm even passing it. and now that I'm going to the Y its just made such a major difference. I'm eating so much better. On valentines at dinner I only ate half my meal and gave the rest to Sarah for lunch at work. Left it in my car so I wouldn’t be tempted…and really I don’t think I would have been…..i have food at home I could have eaten but didn’t cuz its just not my main focus anymore. That’s really what it most likely is. I'm distracted. Big time. Which is a good thing. Its nice to have something other than when is my next meal to think about…..
and such a lovely thought she is…..heh

So my computer is up and running!!! YEAH!!! I actually feel whole and human again. How sad is that!! But really….its great to have it back. Only now I have a hundred updates and software to install……fun fun

OMG DID YOU WATCH GRAYS LAST NIGHT!!!! I hate that show for ending and making me wait 7 WHOLE DAYS!!! To come back on. Its really not cool at all.

I'm at work now. There is a problem with the server so I have nothing to do…..but wait. So I thought I would bang out this awesome entry to you folks cuz you know you love me…..hee!
You’re welcome.

Not too many plans for the weekend.
Clean, gym, bingo, sleep, play poker online with my friends….god I miss that!!
well i finally left work around 630 this evening. i came home and talked to Ms. Sexy all night.
This my friends.....is a good thing :)

Thursday, February 15, 2007

So Much for Love Day.....

yeah so vd didn't go as planned but it was a pretty good day all in all.

it started at 6am when i was sitting in my car FOR AN HOUR trying to get out of my driveway and just gave up. called in. the snow was pouring down, it was a mess. car didnt' want to go anywhere...so i decided to take a snow day.

the roomie was having car trouble so we decided to check out the dealerships and look at some vehicles. i have to say we had a great experience. i was really impressed. so she test drove the one she was interested in and it was nice. had some lunch and went home to find MY COMPUTER!!! (thank you so much JAK you are truly the best and i love you to death!!!!) so i was a happy camper....note: im at the library......talked about the car and what to do and a short time later was back at the dealership and roomie has a new car!! sweet :)

Ms. Sexy got sick so our dinner plans got cancelled. i was truly bummed. I was really looking forward to meeting her. im sure we'll get together soon. but for now....shes can't even talk she sqeaks.....lol...very cute.

so i called my friend cindy cuz i knew she wasn't seeing her girlfriend and we went to dinner. it was a nice night, good food and the day wasn't a total loss.

of course i got home and immediatley went to installing the computer. im having trouble with the dsl so i can't get on the internet as of yet but hopefully tonight after grays anatomy ill get that fixed and be up and running again.

so im going through this music phase and this song that on here now really gets me going. i totally LOVE LOVE LOVE this song. its one of my favorite gospel songs. so i hope you enjoy it. GET UP AND DANCE!!! LOL omg...i just remember...i found a new station too. its called The Love station and they play dance, disco and motown. it totally rocks!!! im obsessed with music!!!

ok...well i need to run. weigh in tonight.....hopefully that will be a great outcome. it should be.....

ill let you'all know!!

see ya

Saturday, February 10, 2007


wow...ok im like totally distracted these days...lol in a good way though. more on that later.....

what a week!! ANS!! i can't even believe it. no more crazy anna. what are the tabloids going to write about now. shes was always good for a spread. heh seriously though...she will be missed by me. i kinda liked her. i thought she was crazy and wild and sexy and just nuts!! but she was funny as hell! i do feel sooooo completely bad for her daughter though. what a life that kid is going to have. poor thing.....

so my computer is still dead. i have a friend who is oh so generously sending me a computer that was being thrown away by her company. its a dell about 4 years old....works fine. so im waiting on that. hopefully by next week ill have that and be up and running again.

can you guess where im at today?? yeah....the library where i have 51 minutes to get this out. so much to tell....not really. good thing i type fast. oh so quiet here.....

lol...this man sitting across from me just asked me if i knew how to get the computer working. apparently his time ran out and the computer shut down. so i was sorta confused for a sec...and took the easy way out...."sorry first time here"......which is not completely false. they revamped there systems and access so i wasn't sure what was going on......well so he walked away and i said....."hit the power button"...he looked at me like i was speaking chinese......"on the hardrive"...again that look....."the box on the side of the monitor...there's a power button....push it"...he looked, found the button and TA DA!! we have lift off ladies and gentleman......he then looked at me and realized that i actaully do speak english and felt pretty stupid. he was working on his resume......lord.

ok so went to weight watchers on thursday...lost 9 lbs :)

went to the Y today...20 min on the treadmill and it was OK. i didn't die, my legs didn't fall out from under me..the world was still standing. it wasn't too bad. the place was not really crowded, they had TV's all over. i do however desperately need an MP3 player (donations accepted...LOL j/k) cuz i really do need to have music. the tv's were cool and im happy they were there and it was a good show that i can get lost in ....but i seriously need the music. ive been jamming at work too...love my job!!. so yeah....20 on the tread, i tried some other machines that just weren't working for me so i went back to the treadmil for another 10 min and all was good in my world. i felt great. a sence of accomplishment. were going again tomorrow. and monday and tuesday and....oh...not wednesday...heh....i got a date :) but thursday and friday and so on and so forth. im doing this.

so yeah....i have date on valentines day. hmmm.....so my major distraction....her name is hmmm...im gonna call her Ms. Sexy. im not going to get into to many details as i have no idea where this is going, but for right now....i have a date. heh i can tell you that she is VERY distracting :)

the car is still going strong. i had a flat the other morning....but all was good. roadside came and saved the day. this weather sucks!! i hate it. hello spring any day now.....

man i haven't been the to library in a long time. i don't know how people do this. 41 minutes and counting.....i better save this....lol

well i need to get home and get some things done. i know there is more i wanted to say but my mind is just blank now. so damn distracted........

be back soon!!
love ya'll, jeannine