It's just a little bit more of me I'm sharing with you.

Sunday, December 31, 2006

Meet Zippy!!

so there she is....my new car. 2005 Ford Focus. low mileage, clean, nice, and her name came to me as we were crusin down the tollway doing....um.....lets just say NOT 55......lol....and we were zippin in and out of traffic so nicely and smoothly.....and it just came to me......Zippy!

so yeah...me and the Zipper are going to be doing just fine. im not in love with her....but i like her a lot. and to quote the dealer....

"you don't have to love her, you just have to date her....for about a year or so...make your payments on time, come back and we'll put you in something you love...."

so im dating now.

there is one thing that i absolutley HATE about this car.....i feel like im in prehistoric, back to rotary phone days......NO POWER WINDOWS. omg...im in hell.......every time i go through a toll booth....HELL!!!! i am sooo getting the IPASS asap!! crank crank crank.....totally sucks!! but...i have heat, i have AC (woo hooo) i have everything i need. its awesome!!

so yeah...i have a new car and im very happy. ive never owned such a young car before. all my cars were at least 10 years old. of course ive never had a car payment either.....but they are pretty low too and im happy about that as well.
so here it is New Years Eve. another 3 day weekend, alone, nothing to do. however im not as bummed out as i was last weekend. i feel really good actaully. ive been talking to a wonderful woman (Hi Sherrell!!!) that always lifts me up mentally, just all around goodness, and its always a feel good to talk to her.....so that has been nice.
Sherrell if i haven't mentioned before was my first girlfriend, my first love. we were together for 9 years and its been about that long since ive seen her....but thats going to change cuz me and Zip are going to take some road trips......and that will be one of my stops...to see her again. so a big shout out my girl!!! i know your loving this...LOL
so do you have big plans for the NYE? ive got things to do around here. i want to finish up what i started last weekend. i still have that one room to take care of. im going to start the NY off clean and focused......i have big plans.
so be safe out there.....don't drink and drive.....and have a HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! thanks for sticking around one more year......i know that 2007 will be a good one. its already starting out that way :)
take care my friends.....love and hugs to you all!!!

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Wednesday, December 27, 2006

a Meme.....

1. A is for age: 40

2. B is for beer of choice: hmm....MGD or Corona with a lime

3. C is for career right now: Insurance

4. D is for your dog's name? well i don't have a dog....but my kitty's name is Sofie

5. E is for essential item you use everyday: hair gel

6. F is for favorite TV show at the moment: Gray's Anatomy

7. G is for favorite game: BINGO!! and poker

8. H is for Home town: Born in Brookly NY, currently reside in IL

9. I is for instruments you play: nada

10. J is for favorite juice: Orange

11. K is for whose butt you’d like to kick: the person who cancelled BINGO tonight!! pisses me off.....
12. L is for last place you ate: my desk at work

13. M is for marriage: not happening

14. N is for your full name: Jeannine A. thats all your gettin.....

15. O is for overnight hospital stays: ive had a couple. the last one i broke my ankle in 89....

16. P is for people you were with today: co-workers and the rent a car people

17. Q is for quote:“don't overload your plate, unless you plan to share” confusious say......

18. R is for Biggest Regret: i have many.....

19. S is for status: Single......as usual

20. T is for time you woke up today: 5:30am everyday

21. U is for underwear you have on now: Just My Size sport-cut blue

22. V is for vegetable you love: I love all veggies

23. W is for worst habit: i tend to sleep a lot

24. X is for x-rays you’ve had: ankle

25. Y is for yummy food you ate today: i had a bagel for breakfast and a sandwhich with a salad for lunch

26. Z is for zodiac sign: Gemini


well im going to the dealership tomorrow....wish me luck!!
have a great day!!

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Monday, Monday....

oh its not Monday is it....its Tuesday!! i wonder if ill get it right this week. wednesday will be tuesday, thursday will be wednesday and it'll be friday again before i know it.....lovely.

so my 3 day weekend was filled will cleanning. i got some shit done ive been meaning to do 4 eva! and im still not done instead of 3 rooms im down to 1. and that will be next weeekends 3 days of nothingness for me to do.

this is sooo damn pathetic. its 3:30 am and i can sleep cuz im too excited for it to be 5am so i can go to work. can you believe this. i can't sleep cuz i want to go to work. and honestly if i had gotten paid today like i usually do but didn't cuz banks were closed yesterday...i would be showering right now so that i can leave in an hour, take myself out for breakfast until it was time to go to work. read a paper.


i was so excited. i called my mom. it was 4am. she didn't mind. lol

so i was supposed to go check out this car....

today but it looks like im going to have to reschedule my appt for tomorrow. please cross your fingers and your toes and pray to whatever God you pray too that these people work with me and let me have this baby...cuz i really like it and i want it! supposidly they work with ppl like me and so im hoping they keep there word. wish me luck!! AINT IT THE CUTEST!! Ahem....yeah.....um....its looks cool. lol

its a 2006 Buick Rendevous. and the price is right. low mileage. If you know anything about cars and have any advise about this one...please feel free to use the comments. i know nothing about cars.....but i do know that i want a compact SUV. nothing real big.....so please if you have any suggestions.....

im trying to stay positive.

3:40am. my alarm will go off at 530. i guess i should see about getting a little bit of sleep. im just ready to go to work. how sad is that......

have a great day!

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Happy Holiday!

I got a card from my brother via email yesterday. i miss him. its weird. i haven't seen him in person for many years now. we hardly talk on the phone, but yet were close. we have the strangest brother/sister relationship which drives my mother crazy. she hates it that we don't talk on a regular basis. we don't need too. and when we do talk its very short but sweet converstaion. and were ok with that. so...there my little brother sporting the big guns.

so its been a little while since ive posted. one of my goals for next year is to go back to journaling more often even if i don't have anything to say. ive made a few goals....not resolutions...but goals of things i want to accomplish in 2007.

1. restore my credit (which im actually working on now) and get out of debt.
2. work on the never ending battle of losing weight. only this time take it more seriously.
3. make some new friends....and have fun.

thats about it. so life has been a major bummer. im not digging the holidays and very ba humbug and thats just the way it is. im very depressed and lonely really. (see #3)

my car died. ive been without a car for about 3 weeks now. the first week i stayed with sarah and couldn't take it anymore so the second week i paid a friend to drive me back and forth and last week i rented a car. i was going to just keep renting but thats not working out for me either.

tuesday im going to a dealership near sarah and i might just stay with her this week coming up if that deal doesn't go through....but im hoping and praying it does even if i do have to pay and arm and a leg to get it....i have bad credit, i need a car.....but these people supposidly work with "bad credit no credit, no problem" like me...so hopefully they mean what they say and ill have a car by tuesday.

i got a new assignment at work which completely rocks my world. i totally love it. its something i know ill be at forever. i hope anyway. the best part is that im constantly busy so no time to slack off....lol and the days just fly by.

i feel really bad that i have nothing for anybody for xmas. im just broke!! i keep saying xmas is in january....lol

im trying to get out of this slumpy funk im in. a lot has to do with my car, being broke, im so lonely for companionship.....ive just completely given up on myself.....

one good thing....i am trying. i had 3 days this weekend. i told myself im going to get things done around here and ive been doing it. mostly done too. i have one room i need to battle...sarahs old room. she still has stuff here and i need to move some stuff around.....ive got bags of garbage piling up ready to go out. ive been cleanning. lol just getting rid of everything. that will be my goal for tomrrow. that and mopping the floors.

if this was 20 years ago, i'd be sitting on my aunts couch opening presents with my family.

Merry Christmas.

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