I'm sick. I'm doing ok. Still have this stupid tickle and cough...but as long as i don't talk much.....I'm ok. I bought Halls today so it doesn't get out of hand.
so let me tell you about my adventures yesterday.......
so as you know i left early yesterday "due to cough" (mostly) and i took my happy ass to Wal-Mart to get a few things....
Gray's Anatomy DVD set
couple of shirts
check out shoes
check out desk chair
so i go and grab some t-shirts that i love and needed cuz my others were getting worn out.....
went over to the shoe dept and found two pairs of shoes for work one of which I'm wearing today and is so far working out. went to electronics and picked up the DVD set. now i need to rewind here.......
a couple of weeks ago i pre-ordered this on Amazon for like 38 bucks. no shipping. which i thought was a good deal and they would have it delivered by Thursday.
i checked out the Wal-Mart website and it was $44. i thought that was strange. checked out best buy and it was $34.99!! so i cancelled the Amazon order and decided i would save myself a few dollars and go to best buy. THEN i called the Wal-Mart i used to work for and asked how much the DVD set was and he said $33!! turns out that online and the store are two different things. so i was GREAT! now there is a Wal-Mart on my way home (not the one i called) so i stopped there and now back to yesterday......
i went over to electronics and found the DVD and it was marked $47!! i was thinking that HAD to be wrong...so i had them check the price and sure enough.....$47. now i know that Wal-Mart's don't compete with each other but they do match other stores like best buy and circuit city etc.....so i questioned them about why the price was so high since BB & CC was sooo much cheaper and that they were supposed to be lower etc.......
well long story short....they pulled out the CC ad and said they would match there price and i was like....do you have the BB ad??? they are $34.99 and i would rather pay that...LOL and so i got the DVD set for a mere $35 buckaroo's!!!
my body was hurting so bad from coughing, my feet hurt from my shoes being so bad, all i wanted to do was go home and watch GA.
but i still had to stop at Aldi's. and i did and man i love that store. I'm good for about a month now on $25. you just can't beat that!! and now finally i am on my way home.
I can't even begin to tell you how bad I'm hurting. it has been raining all week and dreary and cold and every bone is my body is screaming!! so on top of back pain, feet pain, body aching, I've got cramps and I'm bleeding like a slaughtered pig (sorry) and i had to pee sooo bad. it was about 4-430 when i finally got home.
as i pull into my driveway it starts to drizzle a little. no biggie
get into the house with all my bags....run to the potty to find out that my "friend" was not as bad as i thought it was and went down and put my groceries away.......and finally able to get undressed, put on my comfy house clothes and slippers and finally get to watch GA.
but before i do that i want to check my email real quick, while i have some dinner which was something quick i picked up at Aldi's and i can hear the rain coming down.
now...its no secret i live in the basement right. so my windows have wells right. my computer desk is a huge freakin corner desk under said window......right. and I'm hearing this odd sound like water pouring into a cup only 10 times louder.....you know what i mean.
so i lift the curtain to see that the well...which has a drain mind you.....is filling up and is now above the window line.....of the open window that i cannot close because of my stupid huge corner desk blocking it and all i see is this waterfall pouring from the window down to my floor under my computer desk with all the wires and power strips and cords just flowing away into my bedroom on the part of the floor that is not yet carpeted but flowing to the carpeted area and soaking said carpet. water just flowing......under the walls to the back storage area and out to where the washer and dryer is...flooding that area.......
so while all that is happening.......when i first saw the water coming in i quickly called the roomie who is out of town, for guidance.......LOL.....really to find out if there was a drain tile there and its most likely clogged so i hang up with her and now mind you i am in my comfy house clothes that i DO NOT where outside......pair of old sweat pants cut into shorts that are very big on me (no string to tie....I've had the pants for years, i can't bear to part with them so made them into shorts....i have issues) and are basically just hanging on and tee shirt...no bra/slippers. HOUSE CLOTHES!!!!!
so i ran in the back to grab a broom handle and i run upstairs (well walk very fast) open the back door to what looked like monsoon rain just pouring so hard and so fast and SO MUCH!!! that our lawn literally was a pool of water it was coming down that fast.......now our yard is fenced in and the window is just outside the gate which is locked and i had about 12 keys in my hand not knowing which one was it and wouldn't you know the 1 most least obvious key which was also the last one i tried because i thought for sure that that was NOT the key......was the key.
by now i am soaked from head to toe. i was soaked 5 seconds out the door. trying to walk across the lawn to get to the other side....i should have swam i would have gotten there faster. i was sinking in mud.
so i finally got the gate open and I'm poking around the inside of the well cuz i can't see anything inside there but water pouring into my bedroom.......finally i tapped the well and the water drained..........
i get back to the house and i am literally drenched from head to toe.......holding my shorts up cuz now they are soaked and heavy and don't want to stay up......i go back downstairs and asess the situation. now before i ran up i needed a quick fix so i threw my comforter down to stop the flow and soak up. i figured that can be washed.....and it was all i could think of to stop the water......
so i spent the next couple of hours mopping, cleaning, trying to get all this damn water out, my rug is soaked......and all i wanted to do was watch Grey's Anatomy. it was about 930pm when i finally was able to lay down and watch the show. and no i didn't get nuts and watch all of it. i watch the bonus DVD and one of the extended episodes and then i crashed.
and that was my night.....