So THIS is what 7am Feels Like!!!
well since I really don't know what to do right now as it is 7:30 am and I'm sitting at my desk here at work. I have a meeting at 9 and that is about all that I have to do today. I couldn't sleep for shit last night. I woke up at 2am after only falling asleep around midnight and couldn't fall back asleep.
I watched TV, nothing on. I read some of my book till my eyes hurt, still...not tired. checked email and putz'd around on the internet...still....wide awake!! so I watched the last episode of The L Word that I downloaded (which was really good and I hate Shane right about now which also pisses me off cuz I really loved her character damit and now I'm mad as hell at her.....shithead how could she do that to Carmen!!! UGH....WOMEN!!! UGH!!!!) it was like 530 and the roomie was out of the shower so I just decided to jump in and get ready for work. my alarm was set for 6 so I was due to be up anyway. the cool thing about being here so early is that I can leave early. like at noon!! yeah baby. I love my job. the meeting ends at 10:30 and ill sit here and putz around on the internet and then go home. I got it really good here. let me explain how this works....
as you may or may not know I work for a major insurance company in the home office so I don't actually work the "insurance" part, I'm part of a team which keeps the company in compliance with policies and procedures on a financial level. making sure that systems are working properly, users have access to what they should need and nothing more, financial statements are processed according to policy and basically keeping the employees up to date on compliance practices. you heard about Enron right...well our team makes sure that the higher ups don't make any mistakes so that what happened to Enron doesn't happen to us.
I am a contractor here. I don't work for the company I work for an agency that placed me here. I've been here for a year now and so basically when the team doesn't need me anymore I move on to another dept. which I like and is fun. I've been in this dept just short of a year now. the agency works exclusively for the company (which is huge) so there is always someplace for me to go. which is nice.
my actual job, my function here....I really have no idea. since I started this position my main purpose was/is keeping the documents on the team share drive up to standard and taking notes at meetings. well the share drive is up to date and has been for a long time now and meetings are once a week (Thursday) every once in a while there will be another here and there but that's about it. and I'd say maybe once a month if that....the team leader (who approves my timecard) will throw something meaningless at me like print documents and make a book for a conference she need to attend...kinda thing...but that doesn't happen very often. oh..also every quarter when we have our 3 day conference....I'm in charge of getting that all set up (every 3 months) and basically for the rest of the day I surf the net. on Fridays I run a report that takes about an hour to do. so if you were to calculate all that in a weeks time.....I do actual work about 4 hours a week.
now here is the kicker. my team lead, who approves my timecard, I never see. she's never in. she never sees me except on Thursdays. when she's out.....I'm not needed. now ask me how much she's out....LOL....most of the week. I typically come to work 2-3 days a week. but I get paid for a full week/40 hours.
I know you hate me right about now.
now I'm not complaining at all. I love it and I'm certainly going to miss it when it ends....if it ever does. she keeps threatening that the work is going to'm still waiting. she's been saying that since I started working with her. its nice to have that flexibility. I never have to sit in traffic, I don't have to wake up really early....I do wish I had a clue as to what they do cuz sometimes listening to them talk I'm like.....HUH??? some things make sense...but some other times....omg.....its like another language.
anyway...I thought you might like to know since I'm sitting here now and I have an hour till my meeting starts and I have not a thing to do since I surfed all
I think I'm going to get some coffee and maybe something to eat.....ill be back!
ok that didn't take long. instead of coffee I opted for yogurt with granola and a bottle of water. I've been trying to get back to eating healthy again. its been really hard and I'm not doing so well in that dept....but that's another entry....for another time.
mmm love yogurt and granola. I'm going to go see if I won a shopping spree....brb....
nope...didn't win...ah well
ok well I think I've bored you enough. I need to get prepared for the meeting now anyway. print documents I need, figure out where its at...all that good stuff. so you all have a wonderful day and ill chat with ya soon!
speaking of chat...if you have yahoo messenger and you want to chat....add me to your list. my screen is gems4fun
on AIM I'm jeanninehugs
add me and lets chat. I'm on mostly at night especially on the weekends...I get so bored when I'm working in during the night when it slows down.....would love the company!
65 degrees today!!! woo hoooo get out and enjoy the sun!!!