Remember Me???

well howdy folks. Me again....Just thought I would pop in to see what's going on. Nothing to exciting happening in my world. I did quit my second job at the Cellular place though. As you can see by the pic.....I was real busy that day. LOL actually it was a nice place to work but it was effecting my other job and I wasn't about to lose that one.....So therefore I had to let it go. Way to much brain power for that's the latest pic. Taken on my new camera phone...LOL. Yeah....Sarah and I went on a family plan so I now have a cell phone. Its very cool and I love my new toy. There is always something to do on it...LOL
so lets see...What been happening.
work is good. Still there.
still seeing Renny. Pretty much exclusively. LOL I guess you can say were a couple. I'm not really sure. We've established that we like each other very much and she's the only one I go out with and I'm pretty sure I'm the only one she sees...Since we see eachother quite often and are in some sort of communication when we don't. Lets just say it hasn't been officially established that we are. We meet for coffee mostly at IHOP and just rip on the patrons.....They are a funky bunch after a certain hour....LOL. Makes for good conversation. Not that were lacking by any means in that dept....But nonetheless.....Its entertainment at its best folks. But yeah....Its all good in the hood. Ill be spending the weekend at her place.....Woo hoooo!!! If its a rockin....Don't come a knockin.....LOL...I crack myself up....Sorry.....LOL
things at home are going good. Sarah and I are doing really great. She even got a job!! I'm really happy for her. She's been doing really well, going to school and being more responsible and more understanding. She also got rid of that girl which was a great step in her favor. I know she will find someone so much better for her. Someone to treat her with respect like she should be treated.
ok well I just re-read my last entry and basically repeated myself here...LOL...Yeah I'm doing good. LOL
I don't' feel like I'm in that slump anymore. Maybe a little but not like a couple of weeks ago. I'm feeling better now that I don't have that second job. I'm also getting away this weekend for a couple of days....To renny's. That will be nice. A friend of mine is moving and so she sold all her stuff.....I scored some major items!! A bedroom set (2 dressers, mirror, 2 nightstands), a 27" TV, vcr, stereo, microwave oven, coffee pot (automatic) all for $300. She also cleaned out her cabinets and gave me all her food, and some odds and ends she through in. I'm gonna miss her though. She's my bingo buddy.
speaking of bingo...I won $75 last weekend!! Yeah baby
so Sarah now has a place to put all her clothes!!
the roomie bought her 2 Italian leather black sofa's for a great price too. They are sooo freaking nice. If I had the space I would have taken them myself. But they look really good upstairs. And comfy too!!
hmmm lets see......It snowed like a mutha last weekend. I have pics on my flickr...Go check it out. Well that's all for now. I'm going to bed and try and sleep. I haven't been doing so well these last few days in that dept. Hopefully tonight will be different. Altogether its already 2am and I'm not really tired. As usual.
ciao fer now!!!