Update on Sarah and I.....Were doing well. We've come to an agreement and so far its working. And I'm happy about that..cuz this mom stuff....For the birds. I don't know how you'all do it...MOM....I am truly sorry for all the bullshit I put you through when I was a teenager. Had I known then what I know now....Our relationship then would have been much better. So time will tell and I know that Sarah knows how I feel about things, and I only hope that she makes smart decisions in what she does because she has so much potential and is so smart and can do great things. And she knows that I am here for her. So that is all that I can ask right now. I do still worry, but I guess that will always be there.
so were sitting on the couch watching TV and out of the corner of my eye I see this thing moving across the floor. I only wish I thought to get the camera and take a picture but we were, well...Sarah was so freaked out and I was in shock I guess because I never expected to see what I saw crawling across the floor that I had to yell upstairs for the roomies daughter to come and save us. Let me back up here a bit.....
as you may or may not know, we live in the basement. Our windows have wells, one particular window above the couch there is no screen so we never open it cuz I don't want any bugs coming in and there is a family of frogs living in that well. Can you see where this is going......
so out of the corner of my eye I see this thing moving across the floor and the light is off cuz were watching TV and I'm thinking .....Holy shit...That is one mother of a bug....I turn the light on and this toad is just walking from the laundry room which is way over on the other side of the house....Is just walking like he owns the place. I nearly died laughing. Sarah checked the window and it was wide open...She remained standing on the couch as she was a scardy cat...And the roomies daughter who is 13 mind you....Saved the day.
wow....Sarah just came home, its before midnight and its not a school night......I'm impressed and quite pleased. I can sleep sound tonight. When she doesn't have school she can do what she wants as long as I know if she's staying out late or not.....I'm cool with that. School nights she's home by 11 and so far that is working. I'm so proud of her. I really am. It keeps me sane. That's for sure.
-->edited to add: well i was mistaken...she just came home to change clothes and went right back out again. but i know where shes at and whos shes with so its cool. i just need to get used to not seeing her on the weekends. in and out. in and out. she is trying though and i appreciate that. she calls and lets me know whats up and that is all i ask. ok breathe jeannine........just breathe. man i need to smoke!!!! UGH!!!!!!!!<----
my nerves have been shot these last couple of weeks. So bad so that I have been craving a cigarette really bad. I want one in the worse way but I know its bad and I won't do it....But damn......I really really want it.
I'm sure after bingo on Saturday ill have a different opinion.....Cough cough....
big news at weight watchers...I lost 7 lbs this week. Down 12 total. GO ME!!!
I realized that I haven't posted any pictures in a long time. I need to work on that.
work is good, keeping busy at the job and at home.
I'm making friends. I've been hanging out with my hairdresser a lot, and this girl at weight watchers who I think is gay too, has been talking and emailing me. I'm becoming quite popular there....LOL. There isn't a week that goes by that the leader doesn't say something to me or about me in the meeting. Its a lot of fun and oddly enough, I'm liking the attention. Its been a long time since anyone has paid attention. So I'm really happy about that.
ok well that all folks....
Hugs, Jeannine