Feelin Popular!

so speaking of feeling popular, I have to say I'm always shocked when I get that email saying that some joined my notify list. I always wonder where you found me?? So let me just give a shout out WOOT!! WOOT!! To all you new readers who joined my list recently.....You know who you are!! :o)
so life on the homefront is pretty much........................The same. I've been keeping busy making jewelry of course. Have some great new items on the site if you want to check it out...The link is over there ---------> I'm too lazy right now.
I feel another obsession coming on. After talking to Say (see link above....Still lazy) I'm going to take a crack at making some candles and see what happens. I've been wanting a candle making kit for the longest time but never got one...So now I think I'm going to see about getting one or getting the supplies I need to make candles. I think it will be fun to do and since I love candles...Why not, right!! So look for that in the near future.
Sarah is moving back this weekend. And I just wish I had the camera right now cuz you have to see this cat. Of all the spots to lay on this desk she chooses to lay on top of my beading pile that I have here off to the side, on her back with her back legs crossed and hanging off the keyboard. Its it too freaking cute. But I don't have my camera right now.
work is going really good. Been really busy. This weekend I'm taking a road trip to visit an old friend of mine that I haven't seen in a long time, Tammy. Some of you long time readers might remember that name. Well she's since moved back to her hometown, got divorced from the jerk she married and got married again to her childhood sweetheart and is living happily ever after. She lives about 2 hours away now so I'm going to take a drive there on Friday and chill for the weekend. That should be nice. I haven't been away in a while. And the weekend after that Sarah and I would like to take another road trip up North into Wisconsin, since she's got a good car now, we can do that...And possibly, if she's so inclined, visit a friend, maybe talk candles...LOL :o) either way were going cuz I love the area and would like to check it out again. Its been a few years since I've been there. So looking forward to that!
Damn im gonna miss Bingo night!!!! UGH!!
ya know last week (yes i went again) the two other ladies i was sitting with won. one won 2 small bingos and the other won $500 bucks!!! needless to say it didn't rub off on me.
I've started watching TV again. Over the weekend they had that Dancing with the Stars marathon. So I got to see all the shows at once. I love that BTW....It was pretty good. Tonight they have a dance off with the winner and the runner up. We'll see on Thursday who won. The Biggest Loser is on again. I still like it. This time its men against women. Its pretty interesting. House & Medium and ER is starting on Thursday, Bones.....I've yet to see this show but it looks like it could be really good. I missed it tonight watching R U That Girl with TLC. I love them too. Always been a huge fan. I think they are awesome individuals and very talented. I just got the 3rd season of OZ, that HBO series from Netflix. So I'm going to be watching that probably tonight since I can't seem to fall asleep tonight. Its already 2am and WIDE AWAKE!!!
update on my brother.....He's supposed to be out of the hospital tomorrow. The 2nd surgery went well and He's been able to keep food down. Nothing solid yet, puree mostly, but keeping it down is a good sign. His lungs however have been filling with fluid...So once that is taken care of he will be going home. So hopefully tomorrow we'll know.
other than that I can't really think of anything else
this cat is a trip!!!
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