It's just a little bit more of me I'm sharing with you.

Thursday, September 01, 2005


My heart goes out to those people who are suffering right now due to Katrina. The devastation is so bad that 80% of the state is under water! Can you imagine that?? I was listening to my radio station last night in the wee hours of the morning and the question was asked, what would you do? And after thinking about it, I really can't even imagine. What would I do??? Try and survive? I thank God for what I have today and I pray for those folks in Louisiana. My problems, my issues, my stresses, my debt, my aches and pains, don't seem so catastrophic anymore. I think about it sometimes and feel bad that I have this bottle of water sitting here and there is an entire state of people dehydrating and dyeing of thirst. Its all so sad.

ok....Well....Lets see. Whets been going on. Not to much. Work is still good. Its a bit slow. I am looking forward to the 3 day weekend. Its so nice when I think about it. If I was still working for walmart, I'd be working on Monday. Bastards. Now I can enjoy holidays and long weekends and not worry about work.

weight in today!! Hear all about later on my other site
we interrupt this entry to bring you this special bulletin.....
we now return to your run of the mill entry.....
so I've been trying out cell phones. Since I can't get a regular one (bad credit) I've been checking out the prepaid ones. So far I checked out 2. Boost Mobil. Sucked. Net 10 was ok till I found out that text messaging is not available in my area and my phone number is in the Chicago area code and I am not in Chicago. So ill be returning that one too. Sarah is going to be putting me on her plan and that will solve this. Speaking of Sarah....
she's doing great. Her schedule at school has changed so instead of 3 days a week she now has 4 days a week of school, she is still working and was offered another position at another store that she really wanted to work, but is now reconsidering because of another more career oriented job that she is involved in. That job is closer to home though. she's been threatening to move back so that she can pursue this career and commute to school from home. She'll be saving money in the long run. So were talking about it. Not sure what she's planning, were going to put in on paper this weekend and do the pros and cons of it.
other than that.....There really isn't much else going on. I'm waiting for this day to end so I can weigh in and get that overwith. I missed my meeting last week and I'm expecting a loss this week and I feel really good about it. So we'll see....
that's it for now!! Have a good day!!


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