I need a new phone book. I pulled out the one that I have and noticed that just about every person I have in there has been crossed out. Meaning that they are no longer at that address I have in the book. I found another book with some people in it but the book itself is so big that I just don't like using it. I need a new phone book. I've been toying with the idea of getting a day planner but ugh...Those are so hard to choose. There are so many of them and choosing the right one for you is like buying a car. It has to be perfect. I used to have one years ago and it was practically my life....But the problem is...I don't carry a purse or handbag. I'm not one to carry shit around. I have my wallet in my back pocket and my keys in the front. What else do I really need?? However....Now that I'm working I've taken to carrying a bag. A work bag. The lady from the first job gave them to us as a thank you and I really like it a lot. And so now when I go out on interviews and stuff or other jobs...I have something to hold my papers. And now a day timer. Still...I need a phone book.
I also need a change in my life. I think I need to move stuff around, throw shit out, take a trip or two, kinda like.....Find myself, I guess. I don't know. I do know that I need a change. Is this mid-life crisis talking?? Am I going through the change of life? I don't think I am. I don't really know. Work has been great. All these different jobs I'm doing...I love it. And they love me. Every job I've taken so far has praised my work. Which is a great feeling. I mean... I know I'm good....But to hear it is always nice. ;o)~ my agent is great. They just adore me and have no problems keeping me busy. Which is a good thing.
so my goals this summer is to get a better car, do some light traveling like visit my mom again, maybe get to NY to see some folks and definitely going to MA to visit my friend Mel that I have never met before but were like best of friends for the last like 3 years. She was my weight watch buddy way back when and is just a great friend now. So that is definitely on my goal list of '05. I also want to find some social (gay) groups around town and maybe make a few friends there. I just need to do something. I hope this works out for me. I hope I'm able to do it. I just need change.
"Believe in what makes you feel good. Believe in what makes you happy. Believe in the dreams you've always wanted to come true, and give them every chance to." ~Dena DiJaconi
Have a great weekend everyone
Hugs, Jeannine