It's just a little bit more of me I'm sharing with you.

Saturday, February 26, 2005

Back to School

After writing my post yesterday, I started doing sarahs hair. She wanted it straightened. It takes almost 2 hours to do this. We watched this movie (Disney) called Haunted House (I think) with Eddie Murphy. It was pretty good I thought. For a kid movie. It took the whole movie to finish her head. She got a lot of hair. So its like 1am. So now we have to find her outfit to were. She went through the whole closet and didn't like anything she had. Now of course nothing I said mattered cuz I'm just some old lady and the biggest decision I have to make in my wardrobe is which color t-shirt do I want to wear (yellow/gold) after I figure out if I feel like wearing my black jeans or my blue jeans. (blue). Done. Everything she put on showed something or other that she didn't like. The roll. The bump. Big boobs. Flat ass. I'm fat. blah blah blah. First of all she's not fat. IM FAT! She's pushin a little cushion but she's not FAT! She is broad shouldered and has a round face and she I'm sure needs to lose a few, but who doesn't! So nothing I said mattered and its now 3am and finally we have an outfit. We needed to be up by 7. 4 hours sleep. Lovely....The appointment was for 11 to take a 2 hour test and then at 2pm is the financial aid workshop.

so were driving to the train station and make it there with 8 minutes to spare and endure the hour and 20 some odd minutes to Chicago. I take a nap. The whole time I'm thinking what the hell am I going to do while she's taking this test. Thinking thinking......I know...Walk around, take pictures, COFFEE!!!.....Yeah...This was going to be good. And fun! So we get to the city and get outside and its FREEZING ASS COLD out. The school is about a 15 minute walk from the train station and we stopped to get something to eat, still no coffee. I'm checking out all the places to go...All the little coffee shops, starbucks, caribou, and this cute little shop that looked very appealing and smelled wonderful as we passed by so I decided that that is where I will be. It was about a block away. Cool. My eyes were watering so much it looked like I was crying, but it from the cold.

so we get inside, meet with the rep, and walks Sarah and to the room to take the test and then says to me...."And you can play on the computer". Here I was all set to venture on my coffee journey and in an instant (like giving candy to a baby) I got all excited to be sitting in a classroom with all the other students taking this test and my first thought was I'm gonna update my site. Sarah is 3 chairs away from me right now working on her test. I just want to write a note to her and pass it down to her cuz I'm dying to know how she's doing over there and hope the teacher doesn't see me and make me read it out loud in class. heee! (I just looked over at her and she looked at me and I mouthed "how are you doing" and she mouthed back "OK") I'm such a dork. LOL
I've been listened to gospel music lately. I just love it. I find that I can never sit still when I'm listening. My feet are going, my hands , if not clapping, and tapping on something. My body moves. We go to church every once in a blue moon and its a Baptist church. I just love it. The choir alone is enough to get me there. They are awesome!! They get you on your feet and they get you moving. Its so funny to see all the people (especially the older church ladies) who "catch the spirit" and do that funky dance at the podium. More power to them I say. Just give me a tambourine and I'm good. But lately I've been listening to more and more of it. We have it on the computer since Sarah and her friends download it and they sing together so every once in a while I hear it but never really just put it on to listen for myself. And now...This week I've been listening to nothing else. And the funny thing about that is that it doesn't matter what song I hear I always end up crying. What is that all about anyway???? Even when we do go to church. I cry. And not just a tear here and there...I mean all out bawling. Uncontrollable sobbing. I'm a mess. I'm guessing its because I can relate to the words I guess. I dunno. But it always happens. Some of those singers though....And the choirs.....Are awesome!!

Tyler Perry's Medea (diary of a black woman) movie came out yesterday. If you haven't seen these plays.....See this movie. The plays are hysterical. I've seen them all. I'm hoping that this movie does it justice. I hope it doesn't turn out to be a bad rendition of a book turned into the movie. They never really are as good as the book. Were prolly going to see it today after we get back.

I'm not a religious person by any means. By birth, I'm catholic. I don't however practice it (as I wave my rainbow flag) I pretty much stick to the non-denomination category. I actually enjoy going to the different churches just to see and learn about other faiths. But the Baptist churches are the most fun.
well I have a feeling that Sarah is almost done as the teacher (or person in charge) is walking around and looking over her shoulder. Or maybe she's just checking on her to see where she is at. Either way......I'm outta things to talk about here. Its 12:30pm now and the workshop starts at 2. I started typing at 11:50. She still has about an hour.

have a great weekend!!

Friday, February 25, 2005


By my lack of updates you would think I either got a job or something. This would not be the case, but I can say that this has been a busy week for me as far as interviews go. So that is promising. Finally!! The phone rings. I had a few good ones and one really horrible one. Of course the horrible one I wanted most of all and the interview was cut short by 2 wrong answers. I have never felt so disappointed in a company and in myself. I just couldn't believe it.
I've been applying for several position in this company for several weeks. One particular customer service position was very appealing and I wanted it. I was going to be Ms. Customer Service!! But I never heard from them....Until last Tuesday. I was happy. HAPPY!! This is the interview I've been waiting for. The job I wanted. I was going to get this job. I rehearsed, I went over questions in my head, practiced, studied everything I did over the years, I was going prepared to answer the secret mysteries of the world. I was getting this job.
I'm feeling good. Its Wednesday. Interview day. I'm 20 min early, fill out the application and I wait till they call me. I got called along with two other people. A kid wearing jeans that don't exactly fit......You know what I mean. I can tell you that he wears calvins. Ok!! The other guy was an older gentleman who didn't speak very good English. I'm thinking that they are applying for warehouse positions. We go into this room with computers. I got this.
she hads us test. Number test. I do these all the time. They are to see how well you can work with numbers. For example....There are two columns of numbers were some match and some don't. Your to check the ones that do match. There are 300 pairs and you have 4 minutes to finish this test. The other test was to see how well you do number sequence. For example if it says 1 2 3 4 5 _ _ the obvious answer is 6 7. 1 9 9 2 9 9 3 9 9 4 9 9 _ _ the answer would be 5 9....Get it? There were 30 of these you had to finish in 4 min.
after the first test of matching the numbers, the kid says....."Man that was hard".....Ugh. Then the lady comes back with our test with the news that we are all losers and didn't even make the minimum score.
all the life was just sucked out of me and I felt like I was in a some sort of twilight zone hell. My dream job is down the drain cuz by 2 points. I just couldn't believe it.
oh...Before I forget, cuz I get yelled at every time I make an entry and don't mention this but.......Are you all ready now.....
SARAH GOT HER NOSE PIERCED!!!! In case you didn't hear that......
I love to embarrass her....hee (click the link to see)
ok...My job is done. Back to ME now.....sheesh. Ok so I got home thoroughly upset but I let go of it and went back to the drawing board. On the up side, I've had several interviews this week and one I went to today looks really good, but I really want the other one, but hey....Anything would be something right now. So hopefully I will have some answers by Monday.
I've been the mad puzzler since I lost my job. I've been banging out a puzzle a week just about. I've got 4 done and I'm about to work on one I got from Bonnie a few years ago of the NY skyline (including the twin towers) that I couldn't do because its 3 Ft long!! So I'm attempting to do it since I have a table big enough to do a regular 750 pc puzzle but still not big enough for that one so I'm doing half at a time. Make sense? I've been gluing them together and they are really nice. Ill post them soon. I can't wait for the NY one to be done. Its going to be really nice.
tomorrow were going back to Chicago to take care of financial aid stuff for Sarah at the college. We don't have a day planned like we did last time but to just walk around when were done and check out some sights. It should be fun. Ill be sure to take more pictures this time.
ok well that's it for me....I now have to straighten her hair.....Way to much fun...I know your jealous!
have a great weekend!

Thursday, February 17, 2005

Me Again.....

isomnia has definitely entered my system. And its not because I sleep all day long, cuz I don't. I'm not up at the crack of chickens either, but I'm up by 10'ish and for whatever reason I can't seem to sleep at night. I try. I lay there, stare at the ceiling, then the back of my eyelids, back to ceiling again, the clock.....Watch the minutes drag on by.....Then I'm up and sitting here. Its probably stress. I lay down and my mind is flooded with worry about money and no job.

I went to 3 more agencies this week so far. I have another one or two to go to tomorrow. Hopefully someone will get something for me. I can understand one agency not calling...But all 5.....Come on now. There has got to be something out there for me. Today I went to this one place and the rep that was helping me was so on my level and understanding of my needs, even could have sent me on a job TODAY if I only knew payroll......(which I'm sure I could have worked my way through it but it wasn't on my resume, therefore...I don't know it) but that didn't work out. They make you take these test to test your skills, like for typing and the MS package and I totally ACED them all. I did better today than I did yesterday. prolly cuz I've been doing so many. She tested me on MS Access which I told her I didn't know much of but got 65% write on it, which means I answered more than half of the 30 questions write. So I knew more than I thought. My typing test was awesome too believe it or not. LOL I typed 65 WPM with 95% accuracy. No shit. She was really impressed. I scored a 98% on Word and 95% on Excel and 82% on PowerPoint. betcha didn't know I got skills. I thought they were pretty easy questions. But since I didn't have to use any of this for the last 3 years...I think I did pretty damn good. So I cross my fingers that she will come through for me. Funny thing is is there is this company that I really want to get into and tonight for the first time I saw there truck pass in front of me and I NEVER see this truck, so I'm gonna hope its a sign and pray.
did anybody watch the grammys on Saturday? I try to catch the show every year cuz at times its entertaining and I watched last Sunday and OMG it was the worst show!! That song that they put together for the tsunami disaster was awful!!! Did they really expect people to just flock to the phone after hearing them sing it and download it??? Ugh...I thought it was horrible. They all sounded so bored singing it. They all looked like little high school kids getting in front of an audience for the first time and just singing this song so they can get it over with. It was horrible. I only hope that the studio version (if any) sounds better.
one pivotal moment for me however and I will never forget this in all my years to come is when Melissa Etheridge came out on stage. I don't know if you all know this but I am a HUGE fan of ME. I LOVE HER!!! (I know what your thinking...Yeah you and every other lesbo on earth....AND SO??? Is that so bad???) I've been a fan of hers since way way back when. I remember her first appearance on the grammy's when she came out and sang "bring me some water" and right then...I fell in love. I had to know who this person was. It was Melissa. I became a fan that day.
if you haven't heard she was diagnosed with breast cancer back in the summer and has had the surgeries and is now ok. However she is now finishing up the chemo. When I found out about this I was devastated. I couldn't believe this was happening to her. But she pulled through and she was good and I was happy again. It pretty much put is aside in my mind I guess and haven't really thought about it much since......Until Sunday night.
Janis Joplin is another woman I love to listen too. I just love her vibe, her voice, her songs....She's was just a great soul. ME did a tribute to her that night cuz she got some kind lifetime award and Joss Stone and ME sang a coupe of JJ songs. ME comes out..........And she's bald. BALD!! I think I held my breathe for the entire song I was so shocked and amazed and felt so much admiration for this woman at that moment that I couldn't even contain the tears. I was in awe. She just simply amazes me. I can't say enough about her. she's truly an inspiration to all of us.
Well that's about it for me.....hopefully I can get some sleep now.

Friday, February 11, 2005


Nothing to much going on here. Same shit different day. However today I had to drop $300 bucks to get brakes on my car. Like I really needed that to happen with no job. Thank god I had the money and I hope to god I have a job my next month cuz that was pretty much my rent.

so I still haven't heard anything from anybody. I guess the interview that I went to didn't go as good as I thought. I really thought I had it. They really seemed to put on the happy face and was eager to have me. I guess I was wrong.

unemployment fell through due to "a violation of a known and reasonable company rule" so I'm not sure whether or not to try and appeal. I guess I should since I really have nothing to lose. So we'll see.

its starting to become harder and harder to get out of bed. If I didn't have to I wouldn't. And that's the truth.

ugh this is getting depressing....Anyway.....

I'm going to be starting a work at home thing. I'm looking forward to it. I just finished the certification and so hopefully by next week that will begin. There are still some more steps to take before I can start taking calls...So I'm looking forward to that starting. Even when I do get a job...This will be a good thing to do to make some extra cash. So that will be good.

hey my car is fixed! Yeah!! Hopefully it will keep going for a while. I know that that the transmission isn't running so hot, so I hope that it will make it through the summer. Maybe by then I'll have enough money saved for a new car.

well Sarah just got home and I gotta pee.

have a great weekend!!

Sunday, February 06, 2005

A Day in the City

Yesterday Sarah and I went to Chicago. What an AWESOME!!! Day we had. The main reason for going was because Sarah had an interview at this college that she really wanted to get into and they tell you right then if you are accepted or not AND SHE WAS!!! Go Sarah! Its your college! Get your smarts on!! Ok ill stop.

anyway!!.....We decided to make a day of it since she has never been downtown and I never really been there other than to drive through....So we made plans to do things. What a day we had. It was just perfect. I had looked online to see what was going on and thought that it might be nice to go to Navy Pier since I have never gone and there is lots to do there. Also...The IMAX theater is there and I've always wanted to check that out.
(I lost a chunk of this entry somehow so forgive the choppiness here)
The Polar Express, a show called Aliens of the Deep which looks really good and were going to see that next time we go and the one we went to see called PULSE: A Stomp Odyssey which is just like Stomp only this is taken around the world. Its was really nice and the music was great.

now I'm not sure what happened here but I had written a whole bunch more and this one section is lost so now I'm going to try to recreate it. Ugh

I have pics here if you want to see. There will be more posted when I get the camera developed. The digital pics are coming out really dark and they are not the best ones...But for now they will do.

the train ride home was long but entertaining. Filled with kids and Navy folk. The navy base is one of the stops. 90% of the train empties out at that stop. Scattered about were a few old timers that kept me wondering what they would be doing out so late on a Saturday night, but I guess everyone has there fun at some point in time. We got home around 11pm and just crashed. It was a fun filled day of sight seeing, walking, and enjoying the great weather we had.

today is laundry day and cleaning. sarahs at work right now so that gives me a chance to get some stuff done. I'm sure ill talk more about our day when things come to light but right now I just have to much to do to be sitting here.

if you really need a good laugh, I mean laugh out loud till you wease kinda laugh...You have got to read this and watch the video at the end....WARNING....Do not drink while viewing the video!!! Trust me!

have a great weekend!!

Friday, February 04, 2005

Light Bulb Moment

I was sitting at my desk and all of sudden it hit me like a tone of bricks.
I have FrontPage......FrontPage!!! omgosh!! I have FrontPage. I can do html and copy and paste and put pics up and graphics and do all kinds of neat stuff that I have been wanting to do FOR EVA!! and its been sitting in my computer all this time and BAM!! like a brick it hit me and here I am. genius
so now I can do entries that I really want to do. what a dumbass that I didn't think of this sooner.

anyway....so here I am doing my first entry in front page and it probably wont' be anything exciting cuz I really don't' have to much to talk about.
tomorrow Sarah and I are going to Chicago!! she has an interview at this college that she is very much interested in and I secretly hope she gets in because its closer than Denver!! and then after that were going to tour the town since she has never been in the city and I've been there once or twice mostly just driving through. been to the museum but that is about it. didn't see the heart of the town. so tomorrow were going to make a day of it and take the train out there, walk over to the school which is about 4 blocks away from the train station, check out the sights and then head on over to the theater which we will either take a bus or taxi over to. its going to be 54 degrees and partly sunny so its going to be a really nice day. I'm looking forward to it.

I had an interview today that I am half interested in. well mostly interested. I was interviewed for 2 positions, customer service rep (which I want) and a data entry supervisor (which I'll take but the hours suck). the CSR position is Monday Friday normal hours. the DE position is Friday to Tuesday. yuck!! and the other downfall that I really hate with a passion but will get over is the hour drive to work. well more like 45 min. but still. I would start at 7am which means leaving my house at 5:30AM to make sure im there on time. they are very particular about that. so I have to be there at 7. I am soooo not used to driving that far for work. WM was 20 min away. 15 on a good day. sweet!! so that really sucks. I was told there are a couple of people from my city that works there so maybe I can hook up a car pool but then thinking about that some more I would hate to have to rely on someone else to get to work. what if they leave early or something. im stuck!! so im going to have to run my car in the ground and deal with the commute......IF....I get the job. as far as the interview goes....I think it went well and they seemed to like what I had to offer and my interest was there. I asked a lot of good questions. how do I know? they said so. "that's a great question, im glad you asked" about how far is the coffee pot from my desk......heh

so that was exciting. getting up at 6am was not. see I told you. since I've been home getting up early was nothing to me....didn't even take a nap. today....I dragged my ass out of bed....snoozed for 15....was at the interview 20 min early (it was for 9am, I was leaving room for error if I got lost which I didn't) left there around 11, got home around noon, checked email, walked the dog, and TOOK A NAP!!! for an hour till Sarah got home from school then I was up.

ooo we went to subway for dinner....yum...then we were going to walk around Kmart but instead went to the thrift store and man oh man that place is huge!! ive never been there before and I found some really neat stuff. ill post it pics soon I don't have time right now but I did get a pair of shoes (the same shoe i just bought yesterday in a different color that I paid $19 for at payless) for 4 bucks, this great mug that I got for a friend, Sarah got a pair of jeans for 3 BUCKS!! and Sarah found a Melissa Etheridge concert t-shirt from a concert that I was trying to get to so bad.......60 cents. now I can tell people how great the concert was....heh. I could prolly get a pretty penny for it on eBay. hmmmmm

so that was fun. I had to put a relaxer (to loosed her curls) in her hair tonight for her interview tomorrow. I just hope to god it took otherwise I'll have to straighten it. yeah baby....I got skillz!!

Tuesday, February 01, 2005


What happened to January? Is it February already?? whoooooa....Slow down time, let me catch up here, jeeze. I feel like the older I get the faster the years go by. Isn't it supposed to slow down?

7am and the dog is walked, the kid is in school, breakfast is made and the coffee is brewing as I type. I've already searched for jobs, applied to 3 and made 2 phone calls , breakfast is done, coffee is brewing again and I'm pretty much done for the day. Time check: 8:37am.

I do need to run out and pick up dog food, but that's about the extent of that....

you know I can't get this out of my mind. I was looking at the ads this morning and there was this position at this company that I'm torn about. Its for a customer service rep at this major corporation that I am most definitely qualified for and would have a good chance at getting the position but the hours are horrible. Its a "no life" shift as I like to call it. 12:30 to 9pm but its Monday through Friday which means I still have the weekends but do I want to work those hours during the week?? Do I have the right to be picky? The job is easy enough and the pay is really good, ugh I don't know. And then I feel bad for leaving Sarah by herself all night, I know she will hate that.....Ugh I don't know. I'm so torn.

well I'm gonna shower and get dressed, go to the store to get some dog food and ill be back. Hopefully there will be messages on my voice mail of employers wanting to hire me.....Let us pray......

have a good day!!