Back to School
After writing my post yesterday, I started doing sarahs hair. She wanted it straightened. It takes almost 2 hours to do this. We watched this movie (Disney) called Haunted House (I think) with Eddie Murphy. It was pretty good I thought. For a kid movie. It took the whole movie to finish her head. She got a lot of hair. So its like 1am. So now we have to find her outfit to were. She went through the whole closet and didn't like anything she had. Now of course nothing I said mattered cuz I'm just some old lady and the biggest decision I have to make in my wardrobe is which color t-shirt do I want to wear (yellow/gold) after I figure out if I feel like wearing my black jeans or my blue jeans. (blue). Done. Everything she put on showed something or other that she didn't like. The roll. The bump. Big boobs. Flat ass. I'm fat. blah blah blah. First of all she's not fat. IM FAT! She's pushin a little cushion but she's not FAT! She is broad shouldered and has a round face and she I'm sure needs to lose a few, but who doesn't! So nothing I said mattered and its now 3am and finally we have an outfit. We needed to be up by 7. 4 hours sleep. Lovely....The appointment was for 11 to take a 2 hour test and then at 2pm is the financial aid workshop.
so were driving to the train station and make it there with 8 minutes to spare and endure the hour and 20 some odd minutes to Chicago. I take a nap. The whole time I'm thinking what the hell am I going to do while she's taking this test. Thinking thinking......I know...Walk around, take pictures, COFFEE!!!.....Yeah...This was going to be good. And fun! So we get to the city and get outside and its FREEZING ASS COLD out. The school is about a 15 minute walk from the train station and we stopped to get something to eat, still no coffee. I'm checking out all the places to go...All the little coffee shops, starbucks, caribou, and this cute little shop that looked very appealing and smelled wonderful as we passed by so I decided that that is where I will be. It was about a block away. Cool. My eyes were watering so much it looked like I was crying, but it from the cold.
so we get inside, meet with the rep, and walks Sarah and to the room to take the test and then says to me...."And you can play on the computer". Here I was all set to venture on my coffee journey and in an instant (like giving candy to a baby) I got all excited to be sitting in a classroom with all the other students taking this test and my first thought was I'm gonna update my site. Sarah is 3 chairs away from me right now working on her test. I just want to write a note to her and pass it down to her cuz I'm dying to know how she's doing over there and hope the teacher doesn't see me and make me read it out loud in class. heee! (I just looked over at her and she looked at me and I mouthed "how are you doing" and she mouthed back "OK") I'm such a dork. LOL
I've been listened to gospel music lately. I just love it. I find that I can never sit still when I'm listening. My feet are going, my hands , if not clapping, and tapping on something. My body moves. We go to church every once in a blue moon and its a Baptist church. I just love it. The choir alone is enough to get me there. They are awesome!! They get you on your feet and they get you moving. Its so funny to see all the people (especially the older church ladies) who "catch the spirit" and do that funky dance at the podium. More power to them I say. Just give me a tambourine and I'm good. But lately I've been listening to more and more of it. We have it on the computer since Sarah and her friends download it and they sing together so every once in a while I hear it but never really just put it on to listen for myself. And now...This week I've been listening to nothing else. And the funny thing about that is that it doesn't matter what song I hear I always end up crying. What is that all about anyway???? Even when we do go to church. I cry. And not just a tear here and there...I mean all out bawling. Uncontrollable sobbing. I'm a mess. I'm guessing its because I can relate to the words I guess. I dunno. But it always happens. Some of those singers though....And the choirs.....Are awesome!!
Tyler Perry's Medea (diary of a black woman) movie came out yesterday. If you haven't seen these plays.....See this movie. The plays are hysterical. I've seen them all. I'm hoping that this movie does it justice. I hope it doesn't turn out to be a bad rendition of a book turned into the movie. They never really are as good as the book. Were prolly going to see it today after we get back.
I'm not a religious person by any means. By birth, I'm catholic. I don't however practice it (as I wave my rainbow flag) I pretty much stick to the non-denomination category. I actually enjoy going to the different churches just to see and learn about other faiths. But the Baptist churches are the most fun.
well I have a feeling that Sarah is almost done as the teacher (or person in charge) is walking around and looking over her shoulder. Or maybe she's just checking on her to see where she is at. Either way......I'm outta things to talk about here. Its 12:30pm now and the workshop starts at 2. I started typing at 11:50. She still has about an hour.
have a great weekend!!