Finally a day off. Good Lord! A day off and NOW at 2pm I can finally rest. Lets see.....
Monday: a complete blur. I know I worked...Not sure how long.
Tuesday: worked a normal day, I had dinner at home. Baked pasta...That's about all I remember. The last time I saw the roomie.
Wednesday: worked a double
Thursday: worked a double
Friday: worked a double.
its pretty bad when you have to go back to entries to find out what you did that day. 5 more days....5 more days. That's all I have left and the madness is over.
so you would think that today would be filled with sleep and rest. No. This morning I got up at 7:30 (late) and rushed to get out of the house to go to my weight watcher meeting. (
5 lbs lost...Go me), Sarah had to work early today so I couldn't even stay at the meeting which bugged me cuz the leader was my old leader from my other meetings when I first started and I really wanted to stay but couldn't. grrrrr. So I got home in time for her to leave. To step back a bit...She was supposed to wake me up after her shower at 7 but instead of snoozing the clock she shut the fucker off and woke me up late.
so instead of giving her the car I took her to work cuz I had errands to run. Gas, post office, make sure I put her pants in the wash and have them dry before she gets home, call her debutante coordinator, pick her up at 12, walk the dog. Lovely.
Sarah had a "deb" thing to day today. She is visiting a nursing home and hangin with the old folks. I think they are having a holiday party or something I don't really know. But she's gone now, so I can rest. thankyajesus.
I'm going out tonight to dinner with the roomie and Maria to the Olive Garden for the roomies birthday dinner. At least she didn't have to wait 12 years for her dinner. Both Maria and I waited for months before we got ours...LOL....She only had to wait a week so she she better enjoy this damit! ;o)
I'm listening to Fantasia's CD right now. I have to say...I LOVE IT!! You know who she is right? American Idol winner. LOVE HER!!!
tomorrow (Sunday) were having the kids holiday party at work. (did I already mention this?? Let me scroll up......Nope) this should be fun. It was a hell of a set up. As usual everything got done last minute. I have a lot of stuff going on at work including running a dept. I had a huge fund-raiser on Friday night which I 'LOL get to in a minute....Organizing the kids holiday party for this Sunday and organizing our holiday party next Sunday, getting ready for the big closing of my dept next Friday, etc, etc.
I have a lot to do. Then on top of all that I have to deal with a million phone calls from people wanting to know if they can get a donation for something or another. Fun stuff I tell yah.
last night we had a fund raiser in the store that we do every year around this time. Its called Shop with a cop. Basically the local police dept raises money for underprivileged kids to have a shopping spree at our store. Of course WMT donates money ($2,000) and each kid will have $100 to spend. It was really great. I love doing this too. This is my 3rd year. Its so funny cuz every year there is always one thing that goes wrong. The first year they forgot there tax exempt number, the second year they forgot the credit card (they thought the sams club membership card was also a credit card...That was hysterical....) and this year I had a customer issue. Usually my dept is already closed when we do this but because were closing at a later date this year, I had to shut down the dept at 6pm for customers because they do all the checking out in my dept. Its easier then going to the registers. There are 32 kids and a police officer to each kid (family). The officers take them to dinner (most likely pizza) and then to the store and they shop for stuff that they want. Its really great cuz you will get those kids that buy for there parents and siblings and sometimes it just gets to me. Except those times when the parents go and they are pregnant and you see a bunch of infant stuff in there pile and only a few things for the actual kid...That makes me mad. The whole process takes about about and hour and a half and they spend about $3,000. Its just a really fun and event and we have Santa there too giving out candy bags and listening to all the stuff kids want for Christmas
so last night this customer comes in and I politely told him that the dept was closed for a fund raiser event and he lost it. Mind you there are about 2 cops around him and he's fighting with me cuz he came from bum-fuck Idaho to get his layaway and he hired these two Mexicans with a truck to help him haul his stuff (entertainment center, TV, DVD player and stereo) and nobody told HIM the dept was closing for this event and blah blah blah blah blah. Well sir...My registers are tied up right now and I have no way of ringing you up and......
I want to see a this point four fingers pointed at me (my girls) as I said.....I
AM the manager (with a big cheesy smile on my face, knowing for damn sure I am not the "manager" he is looking for but that is my job and I'm sticking to it) hump!
but then I had a brilliant idea of sending him to the jewelry dept cuz they have a layaway register as well and they could ring him out. Make a long story short...( I know to late) he came back and I got the maintenance man and Sarah to pull his items (both of which don't know anything about layaway, Sarah knows a little about the bins...hee hee) and proceeded to bitch out the customer some more because of his rude behavior in front of all these people who are involved in this event. Then I told him that the people who are getting the bins are going to pull his stuff and I suggested that he wait at the exit doors and they will get him his stuff when they find it....If they find it....LOL
Don't mess with me! I can make your life hell!! And loose your shit buddy. THEN WHAT!! :o)~
I got an interesting letter in the mail today. I have to SAY I am one who usually breaks these things but I SAY to myself....Self.....This is just too damn cute to pass up. I really have to SAY that this is a freaking BRILLIANT idea and I should also SAY that I FREAKING LOVE IT and I'm really excited to see the outcome.
so if you want to know what I got in the mail today....
EMAIL me and ill send you one. I will SAY this....You will definitely LOVE IT!!! (hint: its not a chain letter, but don't read the bottom of the page...Its a lie....LMAO!!!)
Still time to get a card....
EMAIL me if you want one.
Still no questions, so if you have one
EMAIL me and I'd be happy to answer.
and yeah...This is long enough
have a great weekend!!
buh bye now
hugs, jeannine
time check......4pm...And STILL....No nap. arrrrrgh!!!