Day 2 - I'm on a Roll !!
I walked through the doors of work today and saw a few worried looks on the faces of my fellow associates. I say my good mornings as cheesy as I can be and still....Worried looks. So I see my buddy Glow and she proceeds to give me all kinds of excuses and tells me "well...You will see" so I'm thinking...Ok...layaway must have been busy and they didn't get all there binning done which is fine.....I expect it at this time of the season. I see my assistant. He summonds me for a "walk" puts his arm through mine and proceeds to tell me how I'm his favorite and how much he loves me. Now I'm really scared. What the hell could have happened, and why didn't anybody call me, and I knew I should have come to work yesterday and UGH UGH UGH........
my dept consist of 5 HUGE counters. 2 hold the registers and 2 hold the packages and the other is basically my desk which can also hold packages and paperwork and anything else were not sure where to put. Ill have to take pictures one day. Maybe after the holidays when its nice and clean ill takes pics of the job.
ok so I'm walking around the corner getting ready to turn into my dept and what do I see but boxes piles 4/5 high almost to the ceiling on 2 of counters. At first I was completely drained until I took a good look. No labels. "hey these are cancellations!!!" my manager then proceeds to agree and laughs at me. Seems that they had to much times on there hands yesterday to come up with this scheme to try and fool me.
so yeah....On of our big due dates was November 30 and I had 169 layaways to cancel that weren't picked up by that date. So they did some yesterday to help me out. They left me around 30 or 40 to do today which was really nice. Were not taking anymore layaways so its been nothing but pick-ups. It was a really nice day.
every once in a while we get that occassional missing layaway. Always a pain. I had this customer come to pick up her package and for whatever reason it was not where it was supposed to be. She was in a wheelchair and I know she didn't' want to hang around and wait so I offered to personally deliver her layaway package. It was found the next day and I delivered it today to her. She was really appreciative and I was happy to do it. She was a nice lady.
as busy and as hectic as this dept can get I really love it. There have been lots of other opportunities but I just can't seem to let go of this one. Its really hard. I keep saying this is going to be my last year but every year I'm still there. I don't know....We'll see. My season is almost over and then its going to be pretty boring for a while. Maybe I'll work with another dept manager in there dept to get some training in and go from there....
oooo I gotta tinkle.......brb
phew...Ok I'm back. That was close. That is the only thing that sucks about living here. The damn bathroom is upstairs. I can't tell you how many times I've almost lost it on the way up. (for the record...It doesn't suck living here, its just the bathroom that sucks. I love my home :o))
we went to curves tonight. We haven't been there in 2 weeks with the holiday and work......But we got there today and tomorrow again. Boy was I feeling it. But it was good. allll goood!
ok well that's me. Until tomorrow....
hugs, jeannine
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OK...So I'm going to follow suit here and copy other journalers and try this entry a day thing. I know its not been the case here but damit...I'm gonna try. So if you have some burning question that you would like to ask me....Please EMAIL me and I will grant your wishes and fill your minds with more useless information about my so called life. mmmk, good.
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