It's just a little bit more of me I'm sharing with you.

Friday, October 29, 2004

12 Years

In Loving Memory of My Dad

No matter how much time passes, I'll never forget you.

I love you and I miss you much
Your Daughter, Jeannine
Posted by Hello

Saturday, October 23, 2004

I'm a Big Loser!!!

Had my first weigh-in today and I lost 7 lbs!! woo hooooooo

I had a really good week and I'm really proud of myself. You can read all about it here.

phew...Today was a busy day. My meetings are at 8am but we get there at 7:30 for weigh in and so I set my alarm for 7 (I took my shower last night) but I never actually put the alarm ON! Ugh. I've been anxious for this meeting all week cuz I knew that I had lost weight but I was so damn curious to know how much and I was really excited about the whole thing so I went to bed fairly early I guess....Around 11pm and kept waking up throughout the night to see what time it was. I'm such a dork!! It was the weirdest thing. It was just like this little thing inside me and it was like every 2 hours or so my eyes would just open to see the clock and then shut. At 4am I went to pee woke up again at 5:42 (I remember) and then at 7:16. 15 MINUTES LATE!! I never put the alarm on..I just set it. Moron. I know that I have time cuz I don't have to be there at exactly 7:30, but still......I was anxious. I wanted to be there damit. I wanted to know ASAP! So the roomie and I went in separate cars cuz I had this thing to do after the meeting so we got there and I weighed in and watching her write the number down I see its a lower number but it didn't calculate in my head quite fast enough......And then I saw -7 and I was very happy. It would have been more had I not gone out for dinner last night but that's ok. I'm very happy with the results AND AND AND......

Sarah and I joined Curves last night!!! Wee...I'm very excited.

this has been a really good week for me. I'm sooo happy.

so enough of this....I get up this morning and walk over to the dryer and slid almost falling on my ass cuz the floor is wet. Now its dark so I didn't see the water and the floor is tiled so when its wet its slippery and I didn't have slippers on and my first thought was.....I'm gonna kill a dog or cat and EWWWW I just stepped in pee pee and I don't have time to take a shower until I looked really close and focused more to see its water.

hmmm.....What's this?? So I turn the light on and I see all this water on the floor around the washer dryer and the freezer. The sump pump is also there. So I'm looking....The washing wasn't running...The freezer is still running good and the drying wouldn't be leaking water so I'm looking at the sump pump and that's looking normal. I don't see anything leaking from the sink...What the hell???? So the roomie comes down and I'm showing her and still trying to figure it out when she shows me the window. It rained all night and drain tile in the window well in clogged and so the water just pooled in the well and leaked through. We have the window covered in plastic and you can see it about 1/4 of the way up.....Imagine if that wasn't there....That would have been on the floor....yikes! So with that all figured out.....I resumed to getting ready and we'll deal with that later. So I went to the meeting that lasted till 9am and then I had to go to work to get this check for our local fire dept and present it to them with Sam's this morning. Wal-mart and Sam's club had this grant called the Safe Neighborhood Hero's and its $2,000 that we get to give away. WM split it with the police dept but Sams gave it all to the fire dept. So there was a big presentation and pictures were taken and I hope to god its not in the papers.

after that I went to Menards to get a window well cover so that the debris doesn't get into the windows anymore. If the weather clears up today I'm thinking about making myself useful and attempt to clean them out. Most of the window are good but there are a couple that are still clogged. So I'm going to attempt to do that. If it clears up. Its raining today.

so Sarah went to work and now I'm home. Probably going to finish up the laundry and clear some clutter. The roomies friend is coming over today with the new baby. She had a baby girl last week and now she's done. She has 3 boys and now one girl. The oven is closed. LOL (and so needs to be)

other than that....Life is good! Have a great weekend!!
hugs, Jeannine

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

It's Official.....

brrr....Its cold.

I don't think ill ever get used to this weather system we have here in Chicago. Summer and winter. Spring and fall come around for maybe a week but then its gone. Literally. Gone. So now I have to find a coat, well actually a jacket cuz I don't like bulky coats.

so its official now. I went to the doctor on Sunday and he told me that I have tendonitis in my left hand and the bump that is developing is a cist. Its very small now (like a pea) and told me that if it grows any bigger that I will need surgery or something. So I wear a brace thing that I've been wearing and that helps. Basically its going to heal itself. It wasn't bothering me until I took that fall then it started again. And he said that the fall aggravated it. But its actually getting better now. So that's good.

its been a good week. I can't complain to much. Nothing really much going on. I do have a funny short story/incident that happened at work today....Went something like this.....

(page): Customer assistance is needed in layaway

I was in the backroom/warehouse doing my binning for the day and was on my way up.....Total time between page and me going to the front....3 minutes.....

as I was walking up to the counter and seeing the customer there and on my way to the register I hear another page for management to help the customer in layaway....So I cancelled that page and proceeded to help her. As I was starting customer no. 1, customer no.2 started walking toward the counter. Customer no. 1 politely scooted over saying she was first. (she obviously went to another dept to have management paged)


me: I apolo....


me: all I said was trying to say was that I apologize for the wait. I am the only one here today. So I proceeded to apologize again and at that time customer no 1 was telling me not to worry about it....And cust no 2 shut up.

she wanted to cancel her layaway. I should have made her wait for a manager to come cancel her damn layaway instead of doing it myself. That would have really pissed her off...LOL

I love that line.....I don't like your attitude. People think that will get them somewhere. Not.

anyway....There is absolutely nothing at all interesting in my life going on right now that I can think of other than its freaking cold out and I want fall to be here.

Saturday, October 16, 2004

Third Times A Charm???

Is that how the saying goes? What does it mean anyway? I understand the premise behind it, but what does "charm" have to do with it?

anyway....Its 7am and I'm about to go to my "first" (third attempt) Weight Watcher meeting. You know how they say death comes in three's, well I figure, since this is my third attempt at seriously killing off this weight and in a sense killing the "old" me....That this time should stick. LOL

seriously though, I can feel the motivation that I had the first time and I know that this is going to work again for me. I'm looking forward to it. I've actually even gone as far and looking up some other support groups in the event that I need it. So I think I'll be alright.

its 7am. Saturday. oy

so ill let you know what comes of it. I think I'm going to the doctor today because my wrist is hurting real bad. I was thinking carpal tunnel but then I found out it was tendonitos (?) so now I'm going to find out for sure. There are times when I feel like there is a knife going through my wrist and just twisting around-that's how bad it hurts. And now its sore as a mofo. I've been wearing a wrist (thing) to keep my thumb from moving and that seems to help some but man.....Shit hurts. So I'm going to see if I can get it checked out today.

other than that ill be cleaning and putzing around. Most likely taking a nap at some point. Sarah is working early today so she'll be home later and maybe we'll go do something.

so until then....Have a great day and keep smiling!!!


there is also an update here at the Feedbag!

Saturday, October 09, 2004

True Confessions

Today's Post is Here.

Have a good weekend.

Monday, October 04, 2004


what a frustrating day. my weekend was quiet. didn't do a damn thing. as a matter of fact i hardly got out of bed on sunday. just one of those kinda days, ya know. the roomie was the same way. basically made our way to our couches and the bed and back. just that kinda sunday. well monday was no joy either. i come into work to hear all this talk that has been going on about me from one of my associates that works in my dept. aparently she thinks she can do it better. ARRRRGGGGGHHHHH!!! i just hate that. shes is the most two faced person i have ever met and even went as far as saying....don't let her know I said this.......ugh. well if she didn't want me to know than she should have kept her damn mouth shut. EVERYBODY talks. it might not have been the person she was talking to who told me, but she was talking loud enough for someone to hear and THEY told me. dumbass.

you know...its one thing to say shit behind my back but its another to be all sweet and innocent in my face. this coming from a person who is supposidly "my friend", who i have been trying to help out cuz shes a major problem in my dept and i have been trying to keep her from being a cashier. im just venting. this has been brewing all day. she came in today all smiles and i swear i hope she read between the lines as i shot daggers out of my eyes to her. not a happy camper!

im going to start seriously looking for another job. im tired of walmart. they work you to death and don't pay you for it. at one time i overlooked it and thought about the future....now....i need to think more in the present. this is not where i want to be in 5 years. the thought of going corporate again scares me a little. their really is not to much stability in that. but i will keep going along. until i find it.

im still bored with life. nothing changed in that dept either. im in such a rut right now and i can't even see my way out. how sad is that.