It's just a little bit more of me I'm sharing with you.

Saturday, July 31, 2004

I gave up jogging for my health when my thighs kept rubbing together and setting my pantyhose on fire.

Several years ago (about 10 or 15 who knows) when I was living in Canada (Vancouver if you must know) I had this hobby. Beading. I would bead for hours and make all kinds of stuff. Necklaces, bracelets, rings, pins...You name it and I really enjoyed it until it became a job. I sold most of my pieces which was really cool and I liked the income I was getting but after a while it just wasn't fun anymore. Well after talking to a friend, I now have a bug up my ass to do this again. I am such a Gemini. Once I get a thought in my head I have to have it NOW!! No baby steps for me man...Oh no. So today we went to a bead shop which was small but the only one around here, yesterday I was checking out the supplies that wal-mart has (which I get discount on..heh heh) and now I've spent the last 3 or 4 hours online getting all kinds of info and patterns and ideas.

I'm such a mess.

I did buy a loom kit today. I figure that if I can get through that without losing my mind....Then this might be a good idea and worth investing. Who knows..Maybe it can be a money maker for me since I love being creative and crafty. Who knows. Time will tell and ill be sure to keep you posted.

the fair is in town and were gonna check it out tomorrow. Should be fun. The roomie went today and said it was good so were gonna check it out tomorrow. Its so quiet in the house right now. Nobody is home but me. I can run around naked if I wanted too however I won't be doing that.

work really pissed me off yesterday. I didn't' want to be there at all. Sometimes that place gets to me. Were trying to raise some money for an associate who has cancer and has been in the hospital all week last week and hasn't been well enough to make it to work cuz the chemo is really kicking her ass. She doesn't have insurance and her doctors are not helping her at all and She's one of the nicest people you ever want to meet, so we were trying to come up with fund raisers to help her out. Well...One of the things were trying to do is wear shorts for a week (this is against policy but can do for a special reason) for 2 bucks, have a bake sale, a pot luck, the usual things we do to raise money and walmart will match what we make. Well...Trying to get a manager to sit down for 5 minutes yesterday was nearly impossible and the store manager wasn't in and it was co-managers last day so he was really busy. However....I gave him the information in the morning and every hour I had to remind him and then I was like...fuck it....Told him I had to leave and I need an answer and he just said no. Bastard. What a prick. I really hate to say that about him cuz he's a really nice guy but damn......So now I have to do this all over again next week with the store manager and hope that he approves the shorts thing (cuz that is a big money maker. People will pay to wear some shorts at work...LOL). Its iffy cuz he's a "strict to policy" kinda guy so I'm not sure that will fly with him. We'll see...

My moms on the road again. Going to the Carolinas to check out some property. Crazy woman, gotta love her.

Well Sarah will be home in about an hour and i need to get off my ass cuz i promised her i would fold clothes and she will be very upset with me if she knew i was on the computer all night. such fun....lol at times im the kid and shes the adult around here....its really fun stuff people...you should try it.

ciao for now

Thursday, July 29, 2004

One of life's mysteries is how a two-pound box of candy can make a woman gain five pounds.

Howdy folks.

phew what a day!  payday is always a hectic day in Wally world and it was exceptionally busy in my dept today.  usually its not so crazy during the day but it seems that everyone took the day off and I'm really starting to feel my age.  my days are fill will old age pain.  its killing me!!!!  I need to see a doctor.

anyway....Today after work the girls (Sarah & her friend) picked me up....(yes I gave her the car today and they went to the mall and shopped) it was very strange.  we went to another store because I needed some pants and I got a couple of shirts and tennis shoes (sneakers) at walmart, and then we went to dinner.  a buffet.  can you say stuffed!!!!  OMG...The food was so damn good and her friend can eat!!  6'4", 17 yrs old and I think she put away 4 plates of food then desert.  this girl can eat.  so of course I had to taste everything...Ugh.  it was good.

so now I'm dead tired.  so glad its Friday tomorrow.  I did an overnight shift on Tuesday and I think that is why I'm out of it.  I feel so damn old.  really need to do something about this.  NOW!!!  damit.   amp!!

so that's it for my little entry.  HEYYYY...Did anyone watch Amish in the City last night???  I thought that show was really good.  I felt for the amish kids cuz they seemed to be the butt of every joke but when she cried when she went on the beach!!!  OMG...I was in tears.  I really liked it.  it will be interesting to see the outcome of it.  I have a feeling there are going to be lots of arguments like, "well this is how we do it in the real world" type of thing.  we'll see.

have a good day!!

Monday, July 26, 2004

Reason to smile: Every seven minutes of every day, someone in an aerobics class pulls a hamstring.

Work was cool.  wasn't hectic, they actually kept the dept clean and organized and only one problem that was easy to solve so all in all the day went smooth.  I did however get "talked too" because I'm to nice to associates who have layaways.  seems that I give to many extensions for both customers and associates.  a layaway is for 2 months.  some of these people have had there layaways for almost 4 months.  opps...My bad.  my manager is cool and understands but policy is policy and I need to go by it.  so that wasn't to cool.  I hate it when they call me in to the managers office.  it always makes me nervous.  even though I don't do anything wrong (like stealing) it still creeps me out.  

came home today and my 17 year old daughter and her 18 year old friend were playing with bratz dolls with my roomies 11 yr old daughter.  they were having a good time too.  LOL  Sarah got her hair braided halfway up her head tonight.  it looks pretty good too.  she's been wanting to braid her hair (micro braids) for the longest time but we just never found anyone who could do it and now her friend can, so she's happy.

does this sound right to you??  I've talked about how my one fish was nipping at my goldfish right.  so to punish the bastard fish we got him his own tank.   that to me doesn't sound like punishment to me!!  anyway..The gold fish seems pretty happy about it and is coming out from hiding.  hopefully the scales with grow back.  poor thing.

we had a really nice dinner of stir fry with rice.  I had rice and veggies for lunch and drank lots of water.  I told the roomie that ill be joining curves soon so that we can work out together.  most likely in the next 2 paychecks.  my eating habits have gotten so much better, eating more structured meals and not to much late night eating so I'm happy about this.  once I start to exercise, I'm hoping that my legs and body won't hurt so much.  I'm really feeling my age. 

I used to always say "I don't feel as big as I look".....Well now I do and I don't like it.  so I'm back to taking baby steps and going forward once again on this weight loss journey.

wish me luck
Hugs, Jeannine


Sunday, July 25, 2004

Vacations End

Late night TV is going to truly kill me.  after watching all the TLC shows:  TS, WYWO, IAF, and WNTW (though I have to say that TS was AWESOME last night.  they upped the budget to 25 grand and it was a tear jerker moment for everyone folks.  good stuff) that finally ended at 2am, I caught an episode of Showtime at the Apollo.  now....As a teen I used to watch this show every weekend.  it always came on after SNL which was my favorite show (back in the day when you had the original "not ready for prime time" players, when Eddie Murphy was a nobody, you get my point) and I was trying to figure out if this show was a repeat or not.  Sinbad was the host.  looked the same.  that chick was still there.  looked the same.  that lady in the front row who was there every freaking weekend was still there.  looked the same.  but still not sure if it was a repeat or not.  is that show still on?? 

so the musical guest comes on and Sarah and I are talking and we missed the name of the rapper that was on stage and the music is playing....Sounds familiar....Can't quite get it.....Then it clicks.  this young man on stage wearing jeans, a timberland jacket (no shirt, with a six pack) and a hat that is covering most of his face, screaming on the top of his lungs...Is none other than...LL Cool J singing Momma Gonna Knock You Out.   I was just in shock.  this is a grown man now.  I felt so damn old at that moment it wasn't even funny.  then to add insult to injury...I guessed the year to be 1991....And I was right.  ugh

so after that show came on Cheaters.  I'm not sure if this was an old show or not I've never seen it before but one thing I have to say about that show.....It only proves just how stupid men are.  now I'm not bashing all men cuz I know that not all men cheat...But the ones that do are making you all look really bad.  this one chick had her husband watched and when she confronted him this is what he said...."What do you want me to say...I'm a man".  I kid you not folks...That is what came out of his mouth.  that's all I have to say about that.

I really need to expand my channel viewing.  I'm missing some good shows.  I never know what to watch cuz there is just so much to watch that its just so easy for me to go right to TLC or E.

remember yesterday how sad I was about my cats...Well today I want them gone.  they have been sooooo miserable today.  and my fish too!!!  I have this one Gurrami fish who is eating my big huge goldfish alive and so now I put him in another bowl to punish him.  bastard.

I just made myself a nice salad with some chips and dip and to wash it all down....A beer.  I'm doing laundry and trying to figure out why I have no sound on my computer which is really pissing me off.  I've cleaned (woke up at 2pm), vacuumed and put up pictures so far this evening.....And now I'm here.

so my vacation is coming to an end and tomorrow its back to work.  sure ill miss the late nights and waking up whenever I want, not having to get out of my pajamas unless I was going somewhere...Which was no where.....But I'm happy to be going back.  I know that there have been lots of personnel changes.  2 of my managers have left the store to go to another supercenter that is opening up.  one I was thinking about transferring too if it was closer (something I was supposed to check out this week since I had the time....Ah huh) but I'm not sure.  I declined the personnel manager position cuz I'm really not ready to leave my dept yet.  I love it there.  its so busy and makes the day go by so fast and sitting behind a desk is just not what I want to do right now, so I withdrew my application.  I really want to be support manager so that I can keep my dept and do support when I'm needed.  so that is what I'm going to do.  so it will be interesting to see what's going to happen to this store.  I just hope the replacements are as good as the ones that have left.  I really liked them and is a big part of my wanting to transfer to the other store that they are in.  so we'll see.

ok well I think I've babbled enough....Have a good day!!
Hugs, Jeannine 

Saturday, July 24, 2004

Typical Weekend

I had a feeling it would come to this but I didn't think it would be this soon.  My cats are causing my roomies allergies to act up pretty bad.  she can handle 1 or two, but 4 is too many.  so Sarah was told today that she can have her dog here....But the cats have to go.  its either one or the other.  Sarah LOVES her dog and cried when she was told this cuz she was so happy.  I can't tell you the months of her in depression cuz she misses her dog.  so now he's coming back with her when she goes home for a family reunion.  I didn't think I would be sad about this but losing Sophie makes me sad.  all the rest can go....But I'm gonna miss my Sophie.  she's my baby.  but I can't have her if her allergies are going to be bad.  so if anyone is looking for a pet.....I have a few available.

didn't do to much of anything today.  roomie and I went to walmart to buy a lawn mover.  that was about the most exciting thing.  other than that....It was a pretty relaxing day.  my vacation is winding down.  Monday is back to work and frankly...I'm happy about that.  I love my job and being home for a week is just plain boring.  we did some things...Went to the zoo....But or that I could have taken the day off and been happy.  I am fully rested though.  I can say that.  work keeps me active.  being home I just sit around and watch TV.  I did some painting last night.  next weekend I'm going to finish painting the stairwell and hopefully soon we can finish putting up some drywall on the unfinished walls.  (there are only two)

its quiet here tonight and I'm bored.  hope you had a great weekend!
hugs, jeannine

Thursday, July 22, 2004

My Photo Album

My Photo Album
Lookin a little tired here but its a start.  illl be posting most of my pics here so visit often and check it out.  tell me what you think in the comments section.  would love to hear from ya :o)

Wednesday, July 21, 2004

Day at the Zoo

Yesterday we all went to Brookfield Zoo in Chicago and we had a great time.  well I did anyway.  I'm pretty sure everyone did.  I really thought It was going to be really miserable for me cuz I've gained so much weight and my body is really feeling the strain that I didn't think I was going to be able to do it...But I did with no pain at all.  the only problem I did have was with the heat but that is not a problem...It was hot out.  everybody was sweating.  we left around 8:30 am and left the zoo around 4.  a lot of the attractions were indoors with air conditioning so that was nice.  it was a really good day. Here are some pics.... 

this little guy is actually hanging upside-down like so. 

Purdy Kitty Posted by Hello

white tigers Posted by Hello

All of the animals were fantastic.  the zoo itself was really nice.  they had a dolphin show that was pretty cool too.  I've noticed something about myself though.  every time I go to a dolphin show.......I want to cry.  don't ask me why but every time I go to a dolphin show I get this overwhelming feeling of joy and I want to just ball like a baby.  thank god it was hot so when I wiped my face it just looked like I was wiping sweat and thank god no one was looking directly at me or else I would have been caught with red eyes.  damn dolphins.....

the animals were pretty active and most of them were out and about which is great.  I hate going to the zoo and they are all inside hiding.  the gorillas were funny playing with each other.  of course no pics of that...LOL...Here are some more...

Some Penguins Posted by Hello

Blurry Elephant Posted by Hello

Giraffe Posted by Hello

The Bear Posted by Hello

Big Fish Posted by Hello

walrus swimming on its back Posted by Hello

we didn't do anything today.  Sarah and I had the house to ourselves since our roomie had to work (awwwww) and her daughter spent the day with relatives so Sarah and I watched TV all day.  these reality shows.  LOL  E is becoming my new favorite channel.  today we watch this reality show on Las Vegas showgirls and the horrible lives they lead.  jeeze.  but then they had this show called the abc of Angelina Jolie.  basically they go through the alphabet and with each letter come up with something that has to do with Angelina.  it was pretty funny.  highlight of my day if you ask me.  Cat Woman comes out this Friday and I will be there to see that movie.  Halle (I can work a whip like no other) Barry......ooooo la la.  must see entertainment.

its Wednesday and I have 4 more days left of my vacation and I can honestly say.....I miss work.  I find myself wondering how they are doing...Stuff like that.  but I won't call.  Monday I was there for a while to find out that some problems have occurred over the weekend, there was a lost package, etc etc......And I'm thinking......Do I really want to come back to this???  I've been gone 3 days people...Can you NOT survive without me!!!  heh

other than that, things are starting to come together here and soon ill have pics of the new place.  I need to find an easier way to post pictures cuz this site doesn't make it so user friendly.  well I'm off to the potty and then get myself a bowl of Skinny Cow Chocolate Cookie Dough with peanut butter chunk ice cream.  mm mm good.

Hugs, Jeannine


Sunday, July 18, 2004

Gone Sail'n

I remember when I was a kid my parents and I would go out every weekend and hit the garage/yard sales around the neighborhood and my dad would so appropriate call it...."Going Sailing".  I mean we were die hard about it too.  Saturday night we would go to the bagel store to get the first copies of the Sunday paper which back then came on Sunday and was the biggest paper you could ever get your hands on.  The New York Times & the Daily News.  I personally like the Daily News cuz it had the comics, but the NY Times had a great magazine in it and I used to take the pages of it and paste it to my walls, but that's another entry.....
anyway....So of course we got a dozen bagels, lox, cream cheese and our papers and home we went.  now when your a kid this is a big thing because the papers don't come until late at night so this was a big deal for my and my sister to go out at 10pm and them come home and have a bagel for a treat and start pulling apart the paper and handing out the section each of us want.  good times!!
well the classified section always held the listing of all the garage sales and on Sunday after our bagel breakfast, we would go and hit every garage sale around.
other peoples junk became our treasures.  I wonder who came up with this idea?  anyone know?
so were sitting around the house yesterday, have I mentioned I'm on vacation this week??  we were supposed to have a GS ourselves this weekend but that never panned out on Saturday so Sarah is at work, roomies kid is out swimming and were home trying to figure out what to do.  were both tired, no energy, the couch is calling us is a bad way, still need to go grocery shopping but just not in the mood.......So we decide to check out the local sales.  we hit a few houses, I got a few candles for a buck and then afterwards we had lunch and did our grocery shopping.
today we had ours.  I can tell you this...I would rather go to them then have one.  its cool to make the money but the work involved....I'm on vacation people!!!  it lasted about 3 hours and them I gave up, especially since.....I had no help.  Sarah had to work and I was left by myself to fight the masses.  I made most of my money off these two women who didn't speak a word of English so every thing they picked up a cup I said 25 cents and they say $1.00, so who am I to argue.
I ended up throwing the rest of the shit away.  I have a box of clothes and some appliances that I'm giving to salvation army and the rest of the junk is just that....Junk.  pitched it.  its so nice to walk into my place and not have boxes around me.  Sarah and I stayed up till almost 2am getting everything done....And were almost there.  just a few more little things to do and were finally done. 
thank god!!
my cats are driving me crazy.  I really think that 4 cats in this small space (they don't go upstairs yet...Dog) is to much.  I'm seriously considering giving 2 away, but I don't see that happening in the near future.  Ruben and ebony go upstairs more than Claire and Sofia and that's only because there is a huge dog upstairs who just as scared of the cats than they are of him.  its really funny.  Rocco just wants to play with them but he don't understand.  its cute
I'm not doing anything on my vacation but relaxing and getting this place finished up.  Tuesday were going to the zoo, so that should be fun.  its a big zoo and were going to spend the day.  other than that.....I'm just chillin.
so this has been a productive weekend that's for sure.  hope you had a great one!!
hugs, jeannine

Wednesday, July 14, 2004

word for today....STUPID!!!!

You know...You hear these stories about companies that are just SO stupid...But you think that perhaps its an over-exaggerated story-telling when in fact...Its TRUE!! Well I have such a story and believe you me.....It all happened.

were talking about the phone company folks. I've never (well I didn't actually deal with it...My roomie did) had to deal with such stupidity in all my life. We opted to get a second line to the existing account instead of getting just one phone line for me because 1. Its cheaper and 2. DSL is on the main line and this way I can have it and it ends up being cheaper. I'm all about cheap people! So my roomie calls the phone company (who shall remain nameless, but if you live in IL and used to have Ameritec, you know who I'm talking about!!) to set up the second line in the house and get information on how we can get the DSL on both computers. The process is pretty simple....Phone guy comes to install new jack in the basement and we network the computers through a "Portal" (which is wireless and very cool) and VALA!! I got a phone line AND DSL on the computer. Easy enough right......grrrrr

they told her the phone guy could be out on the following Tuesday (this was like 2 weeks ago) which happens to be around the same time the portal adapter thingy should be delivered too...So I take the day off. Now we haven't moved in yet officially and we still had some painting to do so this would have been a great time to get that all done. So 9am...Were off to the house. Phone guy was coming between 1 and 5pm but we got there early thinking UPS would show up, so we wait. And wait......And wait a little longer......The phone rings around noon.....Its my roomie.

the order was cancelled she tells me, by a third party. hmmmmm.....A third party??? Seems that the order was never placed to begin with...But they gave us a number.....But the order was cancelled....I don't know.....All I know is that everything was cancelled and I took the day off for nothing. I should have known that it wasn't going to be a good day cuz when I was painting...It came out horrible and all my ideas sucked and I just gave up. Then to find this out......Ugh....Off to get some chocolate.

so now the next appointment was for the following Tuesday and they are scheduled to come install the jack between 8am and noon. Now I happened to have had the day off this day so that was good. 8am.......9am......10am....I call. Says that he is running behind and were next on the list......11:30......Noon.....12:30......I get a call.......Running late on the last job...Will be here in about 30 min.....30 min came and went and at 3pm he finally showed up. UPS was also successfully in sending the package, but now the roomie is pissed. You would think that we would be first on the list since they screwed up last time....And they promised to wave fees, that weren't. Not a happy camper. But hey...We've got phone now and DSL is all hooked up. Allis good.

about a week later the roomie says to me that the services on the phone should be up and running by Thursday (tomorrow) so now I'm happy. Call waiting, voice mail, long distance...All that......So I asked her today to call my number to see if the service got hooked up yet and as she hits the talk button on her phone says (in an annoyed voice) something is wrong with my phone, my dial tone is skipping.............I sighed.

she's never had voice mail so she wouldn't know what that type of dial tone meant and when I told her she wasn't very happy. It seems that they put the services on her line and not mine.

stupid stupid (S) stupid (B) stupid (C) stupid stupid

so that is my horror story about the phone company. so i can't wait to hear tomorrow what happened and how long i have to wait now to get my services....so mom if your wondering why i haven't called...its because i don't have long distance yet.

other than that....things are great.

hugs, jeannine

Wednesday, July 07, 2004

Boxes, boxes everywhere.....

Finally things are starting to come together. Every box is in its appropriate room and now we just have to unpack. We got a lot done but there is still a lot more to do. The space is smaller and I don't have the closet space I used too so its hard to find a home for things. Were going to be having a yard sale I'm hoping this weekend to get rid of some of the crap I have. The basement is almost done. Basically the ceiling tile and 2 doors are the only things that are top on my list of getting done. I'm hoping to have a ceiling by this weekend. All and all the rooms came out really nice. When everything is in place ill take pics so you can see. I'm really happy here.

the cats however.....Not so happy. Did I mention my roomie has a dog...LOL. Good times. They pretty much stay downstairs and there is a gate in the doorway so Rocco can't come down. One time he did and they all ran to the ceiling. It was quite amusing. Yesterday Ebony and Ruben ventured off upstairs and Rocco was outside. I couldn't resist. I had to let him in. It was just too tempting. Kind like chocolate cake....You just have to have it. So I let Rocco in and the two cats when tear-assing downstairs so fast and all Rocco wanted to do was play. LOL....Hours of entertainment I tell yah.

were not to happy with the phone company these day. Last week they were supposed to come hook up the phone line and so I took the day off to be there and they never showed up. Turns out the order was cancelled by a third party. Someone on there end. So that day was a bust. The next available day was yesterday (Tuesday) so had the day off and they were supposed to come between 8am and noon. You would think since they screwed up the first time that I would be the first call......No.

they showed up at 3. We got nothing done that we had planned. I've been trying to get Sarah to dmv so she can get her license but the first time we didn't have all the forms and they this happened. So again...Nothing got done. We had to hangout upstairs cuz its hard to hear the doorbell. Anyhow.....They finally came and we got a phone now. I've also got DSL which is pretty cool too.

I just can't wait till everything is done. We've got this little bug problem though that is pissing me off. Earwig. They are like everywhere. I'm going to read up on them and see how I can go about getting rid of them. So annoying. But I love my home. I feel bad for my roomie sometimes cuz were up late and some nights we get in late from work and she's in bed by 8 or 9 and I always feel like I'm gonna wake her up....The stairs creek too....Ugh.

anyway.....Work is pretty cool. Getting busy with back to school stuff. Its hard to believe that the holidays are approaching. Next month kids are in school, then Halloween and before you know it we'll be stuffing our faces and opening presents. 5 months people. 5 months. Of course, in wal-mart world summer is over and Christmas is in July. Ugh

how about this weather. Is anyone having a summer?? cuz were not. It rains more than anything and its maybe hot...One or two days a week...But we haven't hit anywhere near 90 or 100. Not that I'm complaining.

I applied for a personnel manager at work. I wanted to withdraw the application but my manager won't let me. He thinks I would be great there and wants to see me through the interviews since I'm not 100% sure but I'm thinking I'm going to decline. I can't seem to take myself away from layaway right now....Am I sick or what!?!?!?!? I keep thinking about that sweet overtime at the holidays. Sweet paychecks. So I'm not sure. There are others who applied that are way more qualified than I am so I'm thinking they would not hire me there anyway. But who knows.

well that's about it for me right now. Its pretty boring. Nothing to exciting going on.

Sunday, July 04, 2004

Happy 4th of July!!

well yesterday was moving day and i must say...im glad thats over. UGH!!!! I HATE MOVING!! maybe its because ive moved so many times in my life that this time i was like.....trash everything...start over. i have such a headache.

we moved in yesterday. i got 3 guys from work to help me out and they did a great job. i really didn't have much so it didn't take long at all. now is the hard part. finding a home for everyting. we had a nice afternoon when we were done. fired up the grill...had a few beers...just chilled.

sarah had to work last night. i was exhausted from the move and two hours of sleep the night before, so we slept really really good last night. the cats are freaking out...ebony is in heat and she's driving me crazy. did i mention my house-mate has a dog...lol...its pretty entertaining. he came downstairs last night and the 4 of them shot into the ceiling like bandits. good times.

today we have the pleasure of unpacking and of course now sarah is doubled over in pain due to cramps and i just want to go back to bed but can't.....

vacation in two weeks.

can't wait.

it's very apparent that i have gained back a lot of weight. i can barely go up and down stairs cuz my knees won't let me. i was sweating like a pig all day yesterday, out of breath, out of shape, just not good at all. im very dissapointed in myself. how i let it get this far, why i let it get this far.....i don't know. i do know that this move is a good thing and im looking forward to the outcome. i feel like i let a lot of people down. including myself.

lets hope for the best.

well gotta go unpack now. ill be updating more now. we've got DSL here so im happy about that.

Happy Fourth of July!! Be Safe.
Hugs, Jeannine