I gave up jogging for my health when my thighs kept rubbing together and setting my pantyhose on fire.
Several years ago (about 10 or 15 who knows) when I was living in Canada (Vancouver if you must know) I had this hobby. Beading. I would bead for hours and make all kinds of stuff. Necklaces, bracelets, rings, pins...You name it and I really enjoyed it until it became a job. I sold most of my pieces which was really cool and I liked the income I was getting but after a while it just wasn't fun anymore. Well after talking to a friend, I now have a bug up my ass to do this again. I am such a Gemini. Once I get a thought in my head I have to have it NOW!! No baby steps for me man...Oh no. So today we went to a bead shop which was small but the only one around here, yesterday I was checking out the supplies that wal-mart has (which I get discount on..heh heh) and now I've spent the last 3 or 4 hours online getting all kinds of info and patterns and ideas.
I'm such a mess.
I did buy a loom kit today. I figure that if I can get through that without losing my mind....Then this might be a good idea and worth investing. Who knows..Maybe it can be a money maker for me since I love being creative and crafty. Who knows. Time will tell and ill be sure to keep you posted.
the fair is in town and were gonna check it out tomorrow. Should be fun. The roomie went today and said it was good so were gonna check it out tomorrow. Its so quiet in the house right now. Nobody is home but me. I can run around naked if I wanted too however I won't be doing that.
work really pissed me off yesterday. I didn't' want to be there at all. Sometimes that place gets to me. Were trying to raise some money for an associate who has cancer and has been in the hospital all week last week and hasn't been well enough to make it to work cuz the chemo is really kicking her ass. She doesn't have insurance and her doctors are not helping her at all and She's one of the nicest people you ever want to meet, so we were trying to come up with fund raisers to help her out. Well...One of the things were trying to do is wear shorts for a week (this is against policy but can do for a special reason) for 2 bucks, have a bake sale, a pot luck, the usual things we do to raise money and walmart will match what we make. Well...Trying to get a manager to sit down for 5 minutes yesterday was nearly impossible and the store manager wasn't in and it was co-managers last day so he was really busy. However....I gave him the information in the morning and every hour I had to remind him and then I was like...fuck it....Told him I had to leave and I need an answer and he just said no. Bastard. What a prick. I really hate to say that about him cuz he's a really nice guy but damn......So now I have to do this all over again next week with the store manager and hope that he approves the shorts thing (cuz that is a big money maker. People will pay to wear some shorts at work...LOL). Its iffy cuz he's a "strict to policy" kinda guy so I'm not sure that will fly with him. We'll see...
My moms on the road again. Going to the Carolinas to check out some property. Crazy woman, gotta love her.
Well Sarah will be home in about an hour and i need to get off my ass cuz i promised her i would fold clothes and she will be very upset with me if she knew i was on the computer all night. such fun....lol at times im the kid and shes the adult around here....its really fun stuff people...you should try it.
ciao for now