Busy Busy Girl!
WOW!! My life has completely turned around!! I went from "my so called life" to "Sex and the City" only not so much sex and whole lotta city. And I can't even begin to tell you how happy I am!
So let me introduce you to my friend Rebekah. Since the first day we met we clicked. and have been pretty much inseperable since. especially lately. ...more on that later. anyway...shes is this great, positive, beam of light, hysterically funny and i am blessed to have her in my life. ive talked about her before, she has a theatre company, ive posted her poster on the site for her show (which was yesterday and ill talk about that too). She just found out last week that she is now 2 years cancer free, in fact this weekend is her 2 year anniverary since her transplant. I can't say enough good things about her...shes just a beautiful person, inside and out.
so since knowing beck ive been hanging out in the city a lot. i go to her place a lot. it used to be a weekend thing i would crash there and hang out and now....i basically come home to get clothes and pay rent. which is why im home tonight.
so as i mentioned before Beck has a Theatre company (Bare Boned Theatre) because of that shes been involved is some fun activites that i have been helping her out on. the fundraiser was one. we had a blast and she raised more than she expected. THEN...one night were at her place and were making t-shirts for her cast for the Pride parade. Hamburger Mary's, the resturant/bar that is sponsoring her show invited her and her cast on the float to promote her show along with them which was very exciting. This year i was finally going to the parade with my friend Cindy cuz in the 8 years that i have lived her i have never gone to the parade. so since beck was going to be in it....i definatley wanted to go and support her and her company.
so were making these shirts and she says..."would you like to be in the parade?" and this is me...."are you fucking kidding me??"so not only was i going BUT I WAS IN IT!!! and it was by far one of the best days of my life!! oh. my. God. i have no idea how long the parade was in mileage but it was about 3 hours long. i can tell you that much. i wish i can say i did the whole thing.....i pooped out toward the last half hour.....and only because the floats were going faster and i just keep up. but the up to then, i. was. on! handing out the post cards, i was getting high fived, felt up by gay boys and girls!! seriously...they just put there hand out and touch your boob!! it was great!!! so many came out to hug me....my shirt was awsome!!! we had the BBT logo on the front and the pic of the poster on the back only mine had the logo going all across the front of the shirt makeing a rainbow stripe. it is fantastic. im trying to get some pics and ive been checking you tube to see if anyone captured us. we were number 163 out of 250 floats so not likely. but i have hope. there were pics taken so as soon as i get some ill show you. so i was in the Gay Pride Parade. OH...so like i said i pooped out toward the end. so i found this sushi resturant with window seating so i went in and finallyl sat down...i was overheated and im sure dehydrated some....so it was nice to get some food and water and watch the rest of the parade go by. so i text beck to let her know what happened....and we'll meet up later...she can pick me up since we drove together, EXCEPT......i have her keys.
so now...my happy day just turned ugly cuz everyones stuff was in her car and THANK GOD i forgot to lock her doors so they were able to get there stuff...but she needed to give 2 rides AND they still had rehersal to go too at 6 and it was 4. so needless to say i was upset and she was mad and things got a little tense so i got my food to go and started walking again to find a cab to get to her quickly which didn't happen so she told me that she got a cab and is coming to get me. at this point my self esteem shot to an all time low. the "i hate being fat" thoughts flooded my head...i should have finished the parade and beck was great, bless her heart....i was very comforting as i just lost it in the cab and i hated that!! she thought i was upset cuz she got bitchy and i didn't even care about that....i was so upset with my self for not finishing, for being fat, and forgetting i had the fucking keys!!! that lasted for about 5 min and all was good in the world. we were on our way home. it was a long fun tireing day and i will never ever forget it!!
so that was June 24th and since then i have been helping her more and more with her company and i am now a part of it!! she needs help. she does almost everything herself so i keep her orgainized and do things that i know i can handle. yesterday was opening night and man it as great. the turnout was fantastic! we got more people than expected and im learning more and more everyday. Production Assistant is what ill be doing and eventually in managment. really i don't care...i just want to be a part of it and help out where i can.
its been a lot of fun and now im fading. so ill continue this another time.....
How about an update?
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