It's just a little bit more of me I'm sharing with you.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Beautiful Day!

Hello world!
what a beautiful day we had today. 70 degrees.....perfect!
I almost wasted it away laying in bed. i was sooo lazy today. but i finally got my ass out of bed and got in my car and i decided to go to the marina and check out the boats and watch the water.

i took this today

this is the spot i like to go to think. its a small beach with all these rocks and to just sit there and listen to the water.....i love it. the sun was shining, it was warm, the water was calming....and my mind was just going.......
life, work, bills, girlfriends, other friends, where am i going, what am i doing, when am i going to do it!! when will i get my shit together?
all this goes through my mind and i sit there and talk out loud, sometimes cry, sometimes get mad, but in the end i always feel better.
spring is finally here.
i think I'm allergic to my cat. I'm finding that i get a reaction on my skin after petting her. i really hope that is not the case. i would hate to have to get rid of her. but I'm itchy!!!
so something really cool happened the other day. an old friend from High School found me on My Space and we have now reconnected. how cool is that!! AND.....shes gay! heh
sexy too....lol
there is really not to much going on. work is good, I'm alive and soon........
i will be a success

Monday, April 09, 2007

Since you asked.....RENNY

Thank you RENNY for that lovely comment….lol….smart ass. Actually its an Italian recipe and it’s an Easter pie. Here is a link to a receipe if you want to give it a shot! Good luck with that one…lol

I am completely bored out of my mind. I really don’t do bored well at all. Nobody to talk too…the internet is just not as entertaining as it used to be. Man I remember when I could spend hours upon hours just surfing stuff…..and now…..nothing. so bored. really don’t do bored well. I even went for a walk. Its kinda cold out. Dreary. Wish the sun would come out. I should probably appreciate the slow down…..tomorrow could be crazy and I would be wishing for this….no I wouldn’t. I like being busy. Better to be busy than be bored I say….damn right! Boredom sucks ass. My butt hurts from sitting here doing nothing. Already did my puzzle. Wish I could play poker. Did I ever tell you that I love smiley faces? I have a lot of them. I guess you can call it a collection. I see them every day. They make me happy. I can’t wait to see my mom. Can’t wait to go away. I hate it that I have no family here. Feels lonely. Especially around the holidays. I hate my chair. I'm always sliding out of it. constantly have to reposition myself. One of these days I'm going to find a piece of rubber to sit on so I won’t slide down. I'm wearing my baby blue shirt today…..with a smile on my face cuz I have highlights now and I feel damn cute again.

…..And there you have one minute inside Jeannine’s head……

Ok so if you couldn’t guess I'm at work. Very slow.

I'm going to see mom and the kids in may and I can’t wait!!! So excited.

I went out with the girls on Friday night to that comedy club again and again we had a blast. I recouped pretty much all day on Saturday and Sunday I was nursing cramps. Fun stuff I tell ya…I know you wish you could live my life…..lol

So there really isn’t to much going on per usual. At work, bored as hell, BORED AS HELL!!!

In case you didn’t know…….

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Happy Easter!

i know its a christmas pic but Easter is very significant of my grandma and its the only pic i have of her at the moment.

growning up Easter was spent at grandmas. mom and dad, my brother and sister, aunt and uncle, two cousins. every year we would get together at grandma's with plastic covered furniture, and a tv that sat in a big wooden fancy box on the floor with no remote and the 10 commandments was on. she would make lots of food, pot of sauce, some kind of pasta, lots of different meat, stuffed artichoke which was the favorite part of our meal, italian bread, antipasta salad, grain pies, pastries, cookies, candies made by my aunt,fruit, expresso, coffee, manhattan special........these are all the things that made Easter.

as she got older easter just became another day. kinda like today. nothing really special.

but i did get a special bunny treat from my friend cindy.

isnt he cute!!

and there you have it. pretty bored. pretty boring. i guess ill go to sleep now.

Happy Easter

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Hello Social Life!

Well i apparently have a girlfriend. well that's what she says anyway....I'm still not too sure. lol
so i guess this email from Ms. Sexy.
" Hi how have you been? would you like to meet for dinner this week?"
I'm thinking....OK this is crazy. nothing for 3 weeks and now she wants to have dinner. OK...that was Friday. Monday another email....shes going to be in my area, would i like to meet her then instead. so i say...."I'm not meeting you till you call me"
5pm....she calls.
we talked....i was calm. she was actually on her way.....so this is really gonna happen!! so i change get ready....not really too nervous...if you didn't know, i haven't met her yet. we've been talking forever and well....you know what happened 3 weeks ago....but i was cool. it wasn't too bad....until.....
i get to the restaurant, step out of my car.....shes walking over to me.....I'm waiting by my car....and she came right over and hugged me.
now to back up to the 30 seconds she was walking over to me....lol
i see this GORGEOUS woman.....beautiful......tall.....body to die for.....curvy, sexy as hell, i mean just oozing sexy......now Ive seen pictures but just shoulders up and of course her legs.....but that was it.....never the middle. and let me tell ya.....ooooo weeee!! back to the hug.....
so she hugs me, smells delicious....and my entire body just started shaking.......LOL
and then i was cool. i was excited, shocked, not so nervous anymore, couldn't take my eyes off her.....i was truly impressed.
we had great conversation, lots of flirting, i spoke my mind about the no show no call dinner, she apologized, felt bad. she had things going on....and yes should have called, she apologized. i told her never again. basically. but.....umm.....i don't know. we were very comfy with each ohter and words of going out again and how cute i am lol, and semi plans made......were spoken.
we leave the restaurant....i walk her to her car.....another wonderful hug....followed by some unexpected kisses from her.
i was done.
so i went home with a smile on my face....thinking...ok we'll see what happens.......
today...to my surprise....i got called, and text ed, and i didn't even have to make the first move. she had called me while was out shopping. made a joke of "now that i have this fancy girlfriend i need to get some fancy clothes...." ha ha ha....she laughed..thought that was funny.....and then i corrected myself by asking....well...."maybe i shouldn't say that.....do i have a fancy girlfriend" and she basically said......" i thought we clarified this already..." meaning yes i do.
so i think i have fancy girlfriend. lol
I'm going to keep her as Ms. Sexy for now. she knows about my blog, but i don't know if she wants her business put out there....so i just want to clear that up first with her.
so I'm not really sure how this is going to work....shes a busy girl.....and i require time. so we'll see how this works.
so that's about all that is going on right now. ill keep you posted on the girlfriend thing. lol its by far the strangest relationship?? Ive ever been in. seriously. we'll see what happens.
peace out!!