It's just a little bit more of me I'm sharing with you.

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Happy Turkey Day!

Ok so yeah im a little late....but i hope you all had a great day.

I've been spending some time at sarah's apartment because her brakes went out on her car and until she gets them fixed....im basically living there. why you ask....well....she needs to get to work...so since we work together....it was the only logical answer. its been cool. actaully worked out for the better. it was good that i was there.

so we had our little turkey day which turned out really really well. i was given a turkey at bingo so we had that....she made a huge pot of greens that came out really good. the turkey came out perfect....we had sweet potatoes, mac and cheese, cornbread stuffing, and cornbread and she made a banana pudding thing with nilla waffers...which was good...and i got a sweet potatoe pie and we had the ice cream. took us about 6 hours to make.....15 min to eat...lol it was really good though. and the day was really nice too...windows open nice warm breezes.....perfect day.

im home now. for the night anyway. i have a four day weekend. sarah wanted to see her friends and i need to come home to take care of some things....im getting all caught up on my shows that ive been missing. I flipped out when i forgot to watch Grays Anatomy on thursday. completely forgot. its a good thing ABC has full episodes of all the showes online or i would have been screwed!!! it was sooo good. im also getting caught up on Lost. that show is losing me.....

its going to be nice to sleep in my own bed tonight. sarah has an airbed which is great and comfy and all...but a bitch to get out of.

ok well nothing else really is going on. just living life one day at a time....pretty boring if you ask me. i wish i had a life....something to do other than go to work and come home. bingo is my only fun....how sad is that. ah well.....at least i have something right.....LOL man if i had a better car i would sooo driving it somewhere right about now.

enjoy the weekend

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Thursday, November 09, 2006

Random Thoughts.....

What American accent do you have?
Your Result: The Northeast

Judging by how you talk you are probably from north Jersey, New York City, Connecticut or Rhode Island. Chances are, if you are from New York City (and not those other places) people would probably be able to tell if they actually heard you speak.

The Inland North
The South
The Midland
The West
North Central
What American accent do you have?
Take More Quizzes

is this right on or what!!!! like they say you can take the girl outta NY but you can't take NY outta the girl! so true so true....

so yeah i know its been a long while. honestly there is really nothing going on.

work is great. im so freakin busy im loving it!!! im actually moving again...right back where i was on the second floor....on friday. fun stuff. boss lady has been out all week and its been really really nice and relaxing....even with all the work i have.

sarah is doing good. i actaully spent the week with her and so far shes doing great. shes actaully starting to show a little. im not sure if its just her getting bigger from food or its the baby. (or babies) doc appt on the 21st. ill let you know how that goes.

my CAT who i love and adore and can't live without but will become chinese food IF SHE DOESNT' SHUT UP!!!!! omg...ever since sarah and the dogs moved out she never stops. constant meowing. C.O.N.S.T.A.N.T!!!!! its enough to drive you batty. i might have to get her a friend. but i don't know. ill have to think about that one and talk to the roomie too....

heh....ya know what im having right now.....for most you'll probably say EW!! but i know this will bring warm fuzzies to my mom so im going to share....

im eating a banana sandwhich :D love you mommy!!

speaking of mom.....while my brother is away (please keep him in your prayers) my mom is taking care of his kids (please keep her in your prayers as well...lol) for the next 14 months or so. they are 5 and 3. im sure shes having the time of her life....LOL

can you believe the holidays are here......here's an eye opener.....47 days till xmas. 16 days till turkey!!