Quick Entry
Howdy Folks...sorry i haven't been around in a while and while i would like to say that my life is just so exciting and i just have no time for you dear readers...such is not the case.
in fact my life is not exciting at all there fore....nothing to write. until today.
Just so you all know and not worry...i might not be around for about a week as i am going on vacation leaving this wednesday for South Carolina to visit my mom. im sure i will be on her computer from time to time to check emails and such and i might procduce and entry or two...but no guarentees. you should be used to this by now.....lol
there was some excitement in the neighborhood today.....thankfully not our house but unfortuatley these people didn't deserve it either especially since they have been calling and calling to have these dead trees that belong to the other house.......removed. and well you know how the city works....nothing gets done untill something catastrophic happens.....and so now dead tree lays on there house doing much damage and so now the city has cut both trees down. now if they only came and did there job in june like promised......this would not have happened.
my heart really goes out to them too cuz they are the nicest people.....really.
in other news....sarah got a job at the same company i am working for so that has been nice communting in her car (she has ac) and forcing me to be on time....lol. its cool though. she likes the job and is very happy and so im happy for her. things are starting to look up for her and im really happy and proud of her.
im really excited about my trip....i can't wait. im not looking forward to the plane rides but ill deal. my fault my problem, ill make the best of it and apologize in advance for anyone sitting next to me.....my bad.
ok well thats all that is going on for now.
take care!!!!
im outta here!