Meme of sorts.....
Crap I forgot all about the Tuesday threes this week.....UGH!!! Let me get it....BRB
and don't worry there is a real entry after this......
just scroll down if your not interested.
List three of your favorite quotes:
1) Everything happens for a reason
2) one day this will all be a blur
3) this too shall pass
List three toys you loved when you were a child:
1) the slinky (still do love it)
2) I know I had a doll I loved, according to my mom
3) and this oven bake thing that really worked....LOL
List three things you always put off:
1) waking up early..snooze...snooze...snooze...Etc.....
2) paying bills
3) and these days....Meeting people, friends and family.
and the other one......
if you would like to participate, just copy and paste in the comments,
thanks!! Ill have mine in there too....
1. Name:
2. Birthday:
3. Place of residence:
4. What makes you happy:
5. What are you listening to now/have listened to last:
6. Do you read my blog:
7. If you do, what is particularly good/bad about it:
8. An interesting fact about you:
9. Are you in love/do have a crush at the moment:
10. Favorite place to be:
11. Favorite lyric:
12. Best time of the year:
13. Do you remember when we met?
14. Have I been a good friend to you?
15. Tell me something you've never told me before.
1. One thing you like about me:
2. Two things you like about yourself:
3. Put this in your lj/diary/blog so I can tell you what
I think of you.
4. Post a picture of you (if possible):
ok now for the real entry....
there has been some rain in the forecast ..Have you heard??? I can't
get over the east coast and how much they have been hit. Its pretty scary.....
so I'm coming out of walmart last week and I see this!! It was actually
double but you can't see the other one. It was on
Gay Pride day too...Very cool.The pic doesn't show how
bright it was. You could see all the colors well defined...It was awesome.

and this has to be the funniest freaking this EVAH!!!
ok were (Becky and I) sitting at bingo when I hear Becky say....
"oh my"..But in a frightened sorta way.....
and I looked up and THIS is whaI i saw.....

ok i have to explain this. this woman is one of the workers there who "looks like"
this very quiet, shy mousy type woman, church going, volunteers, very sweet and
not the thong wearing, ass hanging out all over the place kinda woman.
well the table in front of us caught on (were all sitting behind her) and Becky goes into uncontrollablele hysterics to the point of not breathing, she throws me her papers at me and
runs to the bathroom and I'm there dabbing both our papers through tearI'm laughing so hard. Everyone around us in complete hysterics and the best part about all this is that this woman
you can't get this kind of entertainment anywhere else folks....You just can't.
other than that there really isn't much going on. Work is getting to be a pain. They
are changing people around, I might be moving to another floor again. This woman
that is my so called "manager" is driving me up a wall and wants to cut my hours
.So my agent is looking to find me something else. Just a big pain in the ass she is. I want my old boss back.
I am sooooo looking forward to this wonderful 4 day weekend!!! I can't wait!
I was going somewhere but that got cancelled so ill be home resting and relaxing.
the rommies are going away so it will nice and quiet and I'm thinking about getting
some spring cleaning done if it should happen it will be something. LOL
until then........ciao!