It's just a little bit more of me I'm sharing with you.

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Meme of sorts.....

Crap I forgot all about the Tuesday threes this week.....UGH!!! Let me get it....BRB
and don't worry there is a real entry after this......
just scroll down if your not interested.

List three of your favorite quotes:
1) Everything happens for a reason
2) one day this will all be a blur
3) this too shall pass

List three toys you loved when you were a child:
1) the slinky (still do love it)
2) I know I had a doll I loved, according to my mom
3) and this oven bake thing that really worked....LOL

List three things you always put off:
1) waking up early..snooze...snooze...snooze...Etc.....
2) paying bills
3) and these days....Meeting people, friends and family.

and the other one......

if you would like to participate, just copy and paste in the comments,
thanks!! Ill have mine in there too....

1. Name:
2. Birthday:
3. Place of residence:
4. What makes you happy:
5. What are you listening to now/have listened to last:
6. Do you read my blog:
7. If you do, what is particularly good/bad about it:
8. An interesting fact about you:
9. Are you in love/do have a crush at the moment:
10. Favorite place to be:
11. Favorite lyric:
12. Best time of the year:
13. Do you remember when we met?
14. Have I been a good friend to you?
15. Tell me something you've never told me before.

1. One thing you like about me:
2. Two things you like about yourself:
3. Put this in your lj/diary/blog so I can tell you what
I think of you.
4. Post a picture of you (if possible):


ok now for the real entry....

there has been some rain in the forecast ..Have you heard??? I can't
get over the east coast and how much they have been hit. Its pretty scary.....

so I'm coming out of walmart last week and I see this!! It was actually
double but you can't see the other one. It was on
Gay Pride day too...Very cool.The pic doesn't show how
bright it was. You could see all the colors well defined...It was awesome.

and this has to be the funniest freaking this EVAH!!!

ok were (Becky and I) sitting at bingo when I hear Becky say....
"oh my"..But in a frightened sorta way.....

and I looked up and THIS is whaI i saw.....

ok i have to explain this. this woman is one of the workers there who "looks like"
this very quiet, shy mousy type woman, church going, volunteers, very sweet and
not the thong wearing, ass hanging out all over the place kinda woman.

well the table in front of us caught on (were all sitting behind her) and Becky goes into uncontrollablele hysterics to the point of not breathing, she throws me her papers at me and
runs to the bathroom and I'm there dabbing both our papers through tearI'm laughing so hard. Everyone around us in complete hysterics and the best part about all this is that this woman

you can't get this kind of entertainment anywhere else folks....You just can't.

other than that there really isn't much going on. Work is getting to be a pain. They
are changing people around, I might be moving to another floor again. This woman
that is my so called "manager" is driving me up a wall and wants to cut my hours
.So my agent is looking to find me something else. Just a big pain in the ass she is. I want my old boss back.

I am sooooo looking forward to this wonderful 4 day weekend!!! I can't wait!

I was going somewhere but that got cancelled so ill be home resting and relaxing.
the rommies are going away so it will nice and quiet and I'm thinking about getting
some spring cleaning done if it should happen it will be something. LOL

until then........ciao!

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Talking Elevators

the strangest thing happened to me today.

when i get to work i take the service elevator as opposed to the normal elevators cuz the service elevator is closer to where i sit. so its not an elevator that gets used a lot. so today i get it and all of a sudden the "place call" button lights up and i hear this girl talking....

now this elevator is as slow as mole-asses (heh) and i could probably get there faster if i took the stairs, BUT...thats a whole nutter entry all together so lets stick with the topic, mmk....cool.

so this girl....is trying to sell me a newspaper. in the elevator. so (thank Gawd) i was alone and i said "you are calling an elevator"....and she pauses....and then continues with the schpeal!!!

once again..."You are C A L L I N G an E L E V A T O R! (in case she was blonde i said it slowly) bacause aparently she didn't get it the first time.....and again......she pauses......and continues.

now im only on the second floor and man would i have LOVED to keep having this converstation cuz you just can't make this shit up folks. i was thinking i was on candid camera or something trying to get some sucker to get a subscription bought from the voice in the elevator.

so speaking of work....man am i busy!! they are giving me projects left and right and now i HAVE to be here.....which is a good thing. i like to be busy. it sounds like there is another move for me AGAIN because now the majority of the work that i will be doing is coming from the folks i orignally started with a year ago and since i don't have to much going on up here anymore...they are talking about moving me back down. i have mixed feelings about it. yeah its cool ill be on the first floor (closer to the door OUT!!...lol) however i lose my window and up here there is a lot more activity, people talk, and where im going is so fucking quiet. up here there lively.
one really cool thing about the new location is i will be closer to the water cooler. right now its like walking to idaho to get some water. and my space up here is bigger too. i really hate to move again....but i guess ill have too if they decide.

Hey im going to see my mom in August!!! woo hooooo!! Can't wait :o) a whole week! look out sushi bars...here we come!! mom and i always do sushi when were together. yum!!!

I'd like to give a big shout out to my good friend Becky who just celebrated her 40th birthday yesterday!!


and on that note......

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Tuesday kind of Thing

List three of your irrational fears:

1) fear of dying
2) i always think im going to have a heart attack
3) i hate to fly

List three things you'd never eat:

1) bugs
2) people
3) yellow snow

List three things you regret:

1) breaking up with my first gf
2) gaining weight
3) screwing up my credit

not much going on, not much to say.....except here. same shit different day....basically. you've heard it all before....lol

have a good day!

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Since its Technically Tuesday!!

The Tuesday Three!

List three things you've drank today:

1) coffee
2) water
3) more water

List three things you've eaten today :

1) Mcdonalds Breakfast Burrito
2) Yogurt Parfait
3) chicken salad sandwhich

List three talents you wish you had:

1) x-ray vision
2) to be invisible
3) to predict the future and be right!

copy and paste to your blog go to www.tuesdaythree.blogspot.com and join in!!

Monday, June 12, 2006

Happy Pride!

It wouldn't be right if I let the entire month go by without acknowleging Gay Pride Month.
I haven't yet been to any festivites. Our parade is the last sunday of the month....not sure if im going but who knows by then. one of these days ill get to one.

I saw two things today that i have never ever wittnessed in my life before. one just just down right freaky and the other scared me half to death. lets go to the freaky one first.

im not sure if you can see well but there is pasta on this slice of pizza. ive never in my life seen anything like this. ziti people. there is ziti on this slice of pizza. i don't even know what to say about it other than of course i had to try it and it was like eating pasta on pizza. one bite was all it took. couldn't even swallow it. i just don't understand it.

so not recommended


you like my new fishy. you can play with him and feed him.

the things i do for you all.....


sitting in my car, playing with my camera phone i took this....

it was raining this is the garden at my friends house. you can't really see the growth but its there. as you can see its a HUGE garden!
This is the pumpkin. they are going to be so big!!

heh...can't wait!
when i was a kid there was this drink called Manhattan Special. you can still get it but its hard to find. its a coffee soda. really really good. as a kid it was like getting a treat to be able to have some. so when i heard about this new Coca-Cola Blak i thought "Cool!" and then i tried it......BLECH!!! is all i can say. totally gross. tasted like coke with black coffee. not sweetened. it was just gross. cool bottle though.


ok the other freaky thing that happened to me...well that i witnessed today i don't think i will ever forget. i have never seen anything like it in all my life and i hope to God i never see it again. i was driving home on the tollway northbound going home and on the southbound side going toward chicago, at the same time i was passing this 18 wheeler starts flipping!!!

everyone on my side starting moving to the right cuz we didn't know where this thing was going to land....no one on our side got into any crashes but the the trailer was laying across all 3 lanes and traffic was stopped on that side. i know it hit cars and i don't really know any detail other than that but it was really fucking scary to see that thing all of a sudden start flipping around. im hoping they do a story on it on the news so i can find out what happened. this was around 3pm. at 5 i was listening to the radio traffic report and they were still at a deadlocked.

i can't even imagine. i just only hope that nobody got hurt to bad.


Hells Kitchen starts tonight! YEAH BABY!!!


ok well i guess that is all for now.

ciao baby!!

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Hello 40!

The day was beautiful. The sky was clear, the clouds were bright as you can see. it was a clear not so hot comfortable day. i went to work with a smile on my face. it was my day. im 40 today and i feel great! i wasn't at work for very long. a couple of hours. i need to get some sleep as my birthday celebration started at midnight at Ihop with cindy. we had a good time and i received some really great presents from her....2 cd's and a hershey kiss candy dish that sings to you. its really cute. she also made me a cake which was yummy.

after that i was on the phone all night with my dear friend Maggie (my vegas friend) and didnt' really get to sleep till almost 6am....i only slept for a few hours cuz the phone didn't stop ringing but that was cool. i spoke to people i havent talked to in years!! litereally. i got in touch with my old best friend from 20 years ago and that was cool. a few NY freinds called me and my first girlfriend who i still keep in touch with called me and that was the highlight. she always makes me feel good. after that i was pretty much up and off to work for a little while. there really wasn't anything to do there so i could have stayed home.

then i was home and basically went to bed. i needed to sleep some cuz i knew it was going to be a late night. i was meeting my friends at bingo for my bingo birthday party. LOL it was great. we had a great time and everyone there had fun with us. i got a lot of free stuff too which was very cool. didn't win any money, but maria did and that was great. we had pizza, the roomie made cookies, maria came with chips and dip and becky brought the cake. so yummy!! a good time was had by all. afterwards we went to the local bar for a drink and then i was meeting someone afterwards so we all went home. they all had to work. i took the day off. heh

i got home on thursday and crashed. sarah and i went to dinner and saw a movie. she got me a cd ive been wanting and birthday cards which was really nice. i wasn't expecting anything and she really shocked me. we had a nice time since we never really hang out anymore. it was nice.

i also found out that my cousin had her baby and my sister is pregnant!! so that was awsome news! so i have to say that i honestly had a great birthday. and im really happy about that.


so ive been trying to book a flight to see my mom for the longest time. i just can't seem to get dates that i want. its very frustrating. i want to do a thursday to monday but i can't seem to get anything except wed to tues. which is fine but i was trying not to miss so many days at work. im going to keep looking though. im still trying to get to vegas.


so all in all its been a pretty good couple of days. the weekend is here. not much going on. talk of fishing but its raining so we'll see. and other than work and bingo...not to much else going on.

have a good weekend everyone!

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

So Long 39....

I took this pic a couple of years ago at the local beach.

so here it is....30 minutes to 40. im actaully feeling pretty good. im on my way out the door actually. going for my late night ihop run with a friend of mine for coffee and chat. most likely get something to eat since i haven't really eaten today. kinda hungry. i know i know...spare me the lecture....its my birthday damit!

so i talked to someone today who i used to be best friends with back when i was teenager so its been a good 15-20 years since ive seen or talked to her......she is still in the same place, living at home with her parents, same job, same life, nothing has changed. she had nothing to talk about. she never grew up. i almost felt bad for her and i realized how much i have grown and lived my life. and im happy about that. im happy with my life....and i know that it will only get better.

so i just wanted to do a real quick update while im still in my 30's. i hear 40 is a pretty cool age. i guess ill find out soon enough :o)

have a great day!!

here is today Tuesday Three!!

List three people you'd like to trade lives with for one week:

1) Oprah
2) God
3) a porn star

List three places in the United States you'd like to visit :

1) Vegas
2) Texas
3) South Carolina

List three songs that make you dance in your seat as soon as you hear them:

1) hips don't lie
2) in da club
3) i can't think of any others

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Busy Weekend

This is by far one of the many cutest pics off this website called CuteOverload.com that if you haven't checked it out yet....go on....i'll wait.





Welcome back!! was i lying?? the cutest shit you'll ever see.

wow busy weekend man. well it wasn't like packed jammed with stuff to do...but the stuff that i did do was definatly fun and got me out of the house and man o man im beat!!

it all really started on thursday actually. i had gone to bingo cuz i was bored and afterwards i went home and then got a call from my girls at walmart to go out. aparently there was drama going on and i needed to be filled in. i thought were were just going to go across the street to Denny's but instead ended up at this bar. we had time for one drink as they were closing and then ended up at another bar which closed later and we went there. after about 4 long island ice teas and a shot of yager...i was good to go. the bar is two blocks away from my house so i know i was good. we had a great time.

i woke up and decided to stay home since it was friday and i really didn't have much to do and the person i was working for was not going to be there anyway, so i took advantage of the day and rested. spent most of the day in bed until i had to work that night. i had only scheduled myself for a few hours (till 1am) cuz i had an early day on saturday as well and i didn't want to be up all night.

i never did get to sleep. lol

i found this really cool site off of the greys anatomy site where i can watch the last 5 episodes of Lost (and others) for free. FULL EPISODES!! so i ended up doing that and i must say that i am really disapointed at the way Lost ended.

so at 7am when all the shows were done cuz of course i can't stop watching till its all done, because IM A FREAK!!!...i took my shower and off to start my saturday! YEAH!!

as you may or may not know i started weight watchers again. this was my first week and you can read about it here. i'm doing it with my friend Cindy. the meeting starts at 8:30am so that will get my day started pretty early on saturday. I'll be joining the Y soon too and we'll do that together as well. Shes already a member. its so cool cuz at the meeting i met up with two ladies i used to work with at walmart so it was great seeing them and sharing with them.

Cindy has been really great about making my birthday special. on the 1st i got a great CD from her and on saturday she gave me a beautiful fruit basket that she put together herself with all kinds of great fruit, bananas, apples, oranges, pear, avacado, nuts it was really nice.

Thank you My Friend.

so after the meeting we went for an early lunch at this great Mongolian Stir Fry place that was just awsome. one of those places were you get the ingredients you want they cook it up for you on the grill. it was awsome. and really reasonable in price. i had chicken and shrimp with tons of veggies in a garlic peanut sauce and then i went for seconds and i got veggies and tofu with more shrimp and some mongolian sauce and more garlic. this brought back to me what i used to do when i first started weight watchers and lost a ton of weight. how i would buy a bag of mixed veggies, tofu and peanut sauce and cook it all together and that was my meal and i loved it. so im going to start that again.

after lunch i was truly exhausted. it was around 1:30pm when i got home and i slept for a couple of hours before i have to get ready for bingo at 6 then a full night of work when i got home from there. bingo was fun as usual. My bingo "ho" Becky (BIG BOY!) and the roomie had a good time and was just laughing the night away as we donated once again to the church. lol

so becky and i have been planning this fishing trip and we decided to go today (sunday). so last night after bingo was over she called me to go to walmart cuz we needed bait and we didnt' want to go in the morning. we planned on leaving at 6am. it was 11pm when she called. go i got dressed and she picked me up, we got the bait and dunkin donuts was open and so we went for coffee and it ended up hanging out for a couple of hours and didn't end up getting home till almost 2am. she was calling me at 6am to go fish.

5:45 am phone rings and were on our way fishing! it was a beautiful day. the sun was hot but it wasn't muggy out and i got a little burn and some color on my face which is nice. i need that. the only thing the fish were biting at was the bait. i swear these fish were trained. they must get fished a lot and know. and then there was this other bastard that kept jumping out of the water saying "ha ha you can't catch me".........fucker.

so i got home, again...exhausted and slept for a few hours and now here i am. typing to you :o)

so that was my weekend. it was great! i had a great time and im looking forward to next weekend too

3 more days to 40!!