It's just a little bit more of me I'm sharing with you.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Tuesday Three and Stuff

List three items of clothing you'd hate to part with:

1)my sweats
2)my tees
3)my jeans

List three TV shows you wish would come back:

1)greys anatomy
2)queer as folk
3)will and grace

Political affiliations aside, list three people who you wish
would run for president:



welp....not a whole hell of a lot going on in these here parts. The weekend was pretty good. I worked at home a lot, slept, joined weight watchers again on saturday with a friend, you can read about it at the Feedbag Blog over on the sidebar there.....when i update. played bingo saturday night, can't remember sunday and monday i spent with my friend at her house. they had a bbq and we watched movies. met her mom. it was cool.

back to work today. they have been keeping me really busy. i actually have lots of work to do now. other than that things are pretty much the same.


Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Today's Tuesday Three! On Time!!
Join the madness...

List three of your favorite comfort foods:

1) Ice Cream
2) Mc Chicken Sandwhich
3) Coffee....lotsa coffee with chocolate

List three celebrities you think are probably good people:

1) Oprah
2) Sandra Bullock
3) Julia Roberts

If you could whisper three things in the president's ear and you knew he'd seriously consider what you said, what would they be:

1) Approve Gay marriage.
2) Stop this insane war.
3) Go hunting with Dick.
So this is Tuesday. I'm at work as usual doing nothing. well im doing something...just right at this moment...im not doing anything. why? cuz i have so much to do and really no ambition to do it. im kinda tired today. shouldn't be since i slept most of the day yesterday. i wasnt' feeling all that well and decided to stay home. which was cool since the boss lady was out. shes also out today which means its an early day for me as well.

so last night i went out to dinner with a friend and had way to much to eat but it was ok since i didn't eat anything all day so it was all good. just didn't have to eat as much as i did....or maybe i drank to much water......yeah thats it...lol

i am starting weight watchers again. was supposed to join on last saturday but had this horrendous toothache which lead to headache and i was not about to move....so next saturday will be the day. my friend however did join and so im going to unofficially start since i know the program as well and will be updating The Feedbag daily on my journey there. so sign up for the notify there if your intereseted. i won't be posting any of that here...since hopefully i will have other stuff to talk about here other than im fat and nobody loves me....lol

im starting to think that vegas is not going to happen. which really sucks. i really want to go. but i haven't talked to my friend yet so im going to think positive. any later though and i won't be able to go cuz i can't afford it ya know......cross your fingers.

i had a nice weekend. it was pretty busy. as i recall i didnt' sleep much...lol friday went to dinner and a movie with a friend. saturday pretty much had the toothache and didn't do anything till about midnight when i had to get out of bed to work. sarah bought me some advils so i was good to go by then. sometimes generic just isn't good enough. so i was up all night working and it was finally steady enough to make some money. then at 6am my friend came online and we got to talking about the day and next thing i know were heading out to walmart getting coffee, buying stuff for a bbq were have this day, bought some more stuff for the garden, went to kmart and i bought myself a new comforter bed set. gotta love kmart. any size, $39.99. for me that is awsome and im running there since i have a king size bed and you can never find anything decent for that price in king size. got me some new undies too and a new bra.

it felt really good too. in never spend money on myself unless its for food. i never go out to anything just for me. so it was nice to do that and im going to start doing it more often. i want to change my room around. im thinking of going blue. im not sure though. its a lot of work. and well...the new comforter matches what i have now. but ive been thinking about it. i need to change it around some. give it a new look.


Wednesday, May 17, 2006

A Late Tuesday Three!!

  1. I know its wednesday, been a little busy! shoot me....

    Tuesday Three!!

    List three things you do that tend to irritate those around you:

    1) i never have to shave my legs....seriously. ever...in life
    2) That i can work for 3 hours and get paid for 8
    3) twirling my phone?

    well that was fun. honestly i have never been told that something that i do irritates somebody. so if there is something....see comments below....i would love to know.

    List three things those around you tend to do that irritates you:
    1) when the president bumps my show...that bugs the crap outta me
    2) this girl at bingo who NEVER shuts up and is constantly annoying!! UGH!!
    3) when i dunk my cookie in my coffee/milk and it falls apart....grrrrrrr

    If you could ask one question each to any three people, living or dead, who would the three people be and what question would you ask each one? Assume the answer would be 100% true.

    1) Dear Angelina.....would you marry me?
    2) Dear Love of my life.....WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU????
    3) Dear Sperm Donor.....Are you alive?? If so ....how do you live with yourself?



    Freddie is my new Desk Mate. He lives at the office and thanks to a dear friend (who got the hints...lol) gave me this little guy to put on my desk with a sweet card. Thanks my friend!!

    omg we went for dinner last night at ihop and 6 hours later we finally got up...lol...nothing like never ending coffee and good converstation to get you through the night. i haven't done that since renny was around so it was kinda cool since

    here i go again.....no nevermind.

    thats it for me. almost time to go home. BINGO tonight!! woo hooooo!!!

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Happy Mothers Day!

Its all about mom today!! So I would like to dedicate today's post to my wonderful mom who I love and adore more than life itself! And for all you other moms out there....I hope that your day is filled with love and happiness and family all around you. I sure do miss mine. I can't remember when we were all together. I think we need to have a family reunion!! This is crazy!!
here's to your life!

This is my mom as a wee lil girl...ain't she the cutest!!
then we have Mom with mom
Mom with her number 1 child (literally) ...heh
Mom as a wife! Boogie Down Mom!!
Mom being Mom :o)

I'm sorry I couldn't I be there to share this day with you but know that I am thinking of you today like everyday and sending you lots of love and hugs your way.
I love you very much
Happy Mothers Day to you!

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Picture Day!!

Not really to much going on so i thought i would share part of my day with you....
i hope you enjoy!!

tonight i went out with a friend of mine. we went out to eat at Joes Crab Shack and has lotsa crab!!! it was sooo freakin good too. i took a pic of my plate!!

I love being able to take pictures with my phone!! its so freakin cool!! and im a big DORK!!! lol The next ones are basically pictures of my "office" and how pathetic it looks . every ones elses cubby has so much stuff hanging off there walls (p.o. box 324, zion il 60099) and stuck to there walls, (p.o. box 324, zion il 60099) magnets everywhere!! and i have nothing!! (p.o. box 324, zion il 60099) NOTHING!! i tell ya (p.o. box 324, zion il 60099) but a calender and plaque my good friend Mel gave me years ago and now that i think of it she sent me (p.o. box 324, zion il 60099) another one that im staring at right now that i think i will add to my wall of nothing(p.o. box 324, zion il 60099). HEE!! anywhoo.....enjoy the tour! this is my new desk btw....i know i took some when i first started working there but things have changed a bit......

this is the left side of my desk....see the stacks of paper....project im working on
notice the walls.....NOTHING!!!
(p.o. box 324, zion il 60099)
this is the center of my desk....where the magic happens....LOL
and the right side....notice all the binders...hence the stack of papers.....read: project above
i have these magnet frames on my credensa and here is one of the pics.
my brother

this is the star that lives on my monitor
I've developed a green thumb and here is my desk plant!
another pic of my mom...i have sarah too but for some reason the pic didn't come through...ill have to check my phone again....
my phone, my pen holder and other office utencils and also the plaque i was talking about
My VIEW!! yes i have a window now!! its not much of a view but it works.
(p.o. box 324, zion il 60099)

now that i think of it i have taken a few more pics that i don't see here.....my phone has been acting weird lately. i can text my one friend but for some reason i can't get hers....can't send pics from my phone now. i just turned it off so hopefully it will reboot (so to speak) and start functioning like its supposed too. i never turn the thing off...lol
Updated to say....it worked. duh!!!
after that we went to see Mission Impossible. it was pretty good. entertaining. seen one seen them all....the action and effects were pretty cool. ive kinda lost interest in Tom Cruise. i used to like him a lot but ever since he started acting all weird and shit.....he lost me. all that scientology stuff.....what ever. dance in your underwear again and maybe ill listen......lol
another hour and i start working again. its only for an hour and then i can sleep. im going to do some laundry while im waiting and clean my room. i talked to my mom tonight. i wanted to surprise her and visit her this weekend for Mothers DAy but as usual that didn't work out.
so im going to visit her the end of next month instead. lotsa traveling next month....
26 days till 40. 28 more days to Vegas....yeah baby!! can't wait
and if'n you like to send me a b-day card (hint hint)
p.o. box 324
zion il 60099
that would totally make my day!
ok well its time to get back to work.....fun fun!
have a great weekend!!

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Its Tuesday!!

(click the link and add it to your blog!! come join the madness!!)

List three "simple things" that make you really happy:
1) Bingo
2) getting paid on time
3) talking to my mom

List three things that make you really sad:
1) missing mom
2) gas prices
3) being broke

If you could go back in time and tell the 12 year-old you three things, they would be:
1) dont get any credit cards
2) go to college
3)learn how to manage your money

feels like a long week already. i had a pretty productive weekend. i gardened with my friend. that was fun. we have all kinds of veggies planted. so i helped her out with that and paying for it now.....so sore....ugh. but in a way im kinda glad....got me moving.

work has been busy. thats a good thing. saturday after bingo i spent the night at a friends house....she was bored, i didn't want to go home, so we had a good time.

really not to much going on these days. just trying to keep busy. im pissed cuz my boss hasn't approved my timecard when she usually does, and so now i have to wait longer to get my check. that pisses me off more than anything!!!


anyway...thats me.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Tuesday Three Day!!

List three celebrities you'd like to knock upside the head:
1) paris hilton....just because
2) flava flav....needs to really take a good look at himself
3) Tom Cruize.....getting on that last nerve!!

List three material possessions you'd hate to have to live without:
1) my car
2) my cell
3) my computer.....i bet just about everyone says this

List three things you learned from your mother:
1) Peace
2) Love
3) and happiness :o)

well that was fun. now im going to try and sleep....again. its 3 am. i need to be up around 6. i have an all day conference that i need to be awake for. its going to be a long day. this is actaully the second day. monday wasn't too bad. besides the fact that i feel like a stuffed sausage. it must be that time again. i always feel like this around that time. and i hate it.

ok...have a good day!