Tuesday Three! On Time!!
Join the madness...
List three of your favorite comfort foods:
1) Ice Cream
2) Mc Chicken Sandwhich
3) Coffee....lotsa coffee with chocolate
List three celebrities you think are probably good people:
1) Oprah
2) Sandra Bullock
3) Julia Roberts
If you could whisper three things in the president's ear and you knew he'd seriously consider what you said, what would they be:
1) Approve Gay marriage.
2) Stop this insane war.
3) Go hunting with Dick.
So this is Tuesday. I'm at work as usual doing nothing. well im doing something...just right at this moment...im not doing anything. why? cuz i have so much to do and really no ambition to do it. im kinda tired today. shouldn't be since i slept most of the day yesterday. i wasnt' feeling all that well and decided to stay home. which was cool since the boss lady was out. shes also out today which means its an early day for me as well.
so last night i went out to dinner with a friend and had way to much to eat but it was ok since i didn't eat anything all day so it was all good. just didn't have to eat as much as i did....or maybe i drank to much water......yeah thats it...lol
i am starting weight watchers again. was supposed to join on last saturday but had this horrendous toothache which lead to headache and i was not about to move....so next saturday will be the day. my friend however did join and so im going to unofficially start since i know the program as well and will be updating
The Feedbag daily on my journey there. so sign up for the notify there if your intereseted. i won't be posting any of that here...since hopefully i will have other stuff to talk about here other than im fat and nobody loves me....lol
im starting to think that vegas is not going to happen. which really sucks. i really want to go. but i haven't talked to my friend yet so im going to think positive. any later though and i won't be able to go cuz i can't afford it ya know......cross your fingers.
i had a nice weekend. it was pretty busy. as i recall i didnt' sleep much...lol friday went to dinner and a movie with a friend. saturday pretty much had the toothache and didn't do anything till about midnight when i had to get out of bed to work. sarah bought me some advils so i was good to go by then. sometimes generic just isn't good enough. so i was up all night working and it was finally steady enough to make some money. then at 6am my friend came online and we got to talking about the day and next thing i know were heading out to walmart getting coffee, buying stuff for a bbq were have this day, bought some more stuff for the garden, went to kmart and i bought myself a new comforter bed set. gotta love kmart. any size, $39.99. for me that is awsome and im running there since i have a king size bed and you can never find anything decent for that price in king size. got me some new undies too and a new bra.
it felt really good too. in never spend money on myself unless its for food. i never go out to anything just for me. so it was nice to do that and im going to start doing it more often. i want to change my room around. im thinking of going blue. im not sure though. its a lot of work. and well...the new comforter matches what i have now. but ive been thinking about it. i need to change it around some. give it a new look.