It's just a little bit more of me I'm sharing with you.

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Just a Quicky

wow two days in a row....Don't all clap at once now...LOL

well this is probably going to be short and sweet....Just wanted to update on a few things.
I just called the cell phone place and I quote:

"we received your background check and every thing is looking really good for you"
then she said something else about her boss that I can't recall at this moment since all I heard was the statement above......And then repeated...."Looking really good for you"

ok...Can I get my hopes up now....LOL

this would be such a blessing for me. So keep your FINGERS (I know your laughing....(private joke folks) crossed!!

everyone is getting sick. I know my time is coming.

you know what I noticed today when I was in the bathroom? I bet you want to know real bad huh....LOL

I noticed that when I get the TP I fold it up nice and neat. So hears my question for you folks out there in web land.....

Are you a crumpler or a folder??

inquiring minds want to know!

have a great day!

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

26 days till Christmas

well as usual its been pretty quiet around these parts. there have been some things going on, being it a holiday week last week. I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving or holiday, which ever is appropriate for you...lol

I went to celebrate the day with my friend Stephanie and her family. She's also my hairdresser I know I've mentioned her before. her sister was cooking and they were really nice to include us in the festivities. it was a blast. Sarah never made it. couldn't find the house but she spent the day visiting friends and had her own thanksgiving. I feel kinda bad that I didn't cook for her. she said she didn't really eat much cuz by the time she got there the food was pretty much gone. she did eat my leftovers though.

there were like 30 people at the house. kids included. she has a huge family. we talked, we laughed, we ate, played games, I sat and watched them plan out there "black Friday" day of shopping thinking the whole time....THEY ARE CRAZY!!! talking about leaving at 4am! there was no way I was going to partake in that venture. this is the first time in 3 years that I actually had a 4 day weekend. I didn't' have to work the holidays. I'm not dragging my ass in exhaustion from working day and night...(I'm not getting paid all that good overtime either, but that's ok) I'm not stressed out about my dept and how I'm going to handle blitz day.....and from what I heard.....they made some changes and they didn't staff the dept the way they should have and I can only imagine the look on all the customers face when they found out that they couldn't put the sale stuff on layaway.,...oooo weee to be a fly on the wall that day!! that I would have woke my ass up for....but I didn't. didn't want to be bothered with all the madness to save a few bucks. it will go on sale again.....besides...I don't' have money like that. Christmas is going to be very slim pickings for me, sorry to say. unless I hit some big time lottery or the jackpot at bingo....it ain't happening.

I was talking to a friend of mine about Christmas and the holiday in general and how every year it gets worse and worse. its all about the gift these days. the bigger the better. everyone forgot what the season is about, what it symbolizes.....its all commercialized and every year it gets worse. I don't even like putting up a tree, I've become so bahumbug about it. although I'm sure if I had my own house it would be different...and yes I could decorate my space....but for what? there's a tree upstairs I can look at if I need too. honestly, I can't till its all over. and I can start the new year off and hope for a better year.

so I've been looking for a part time job. evenings and weekends type of deal or seasonal for the holiday. I had an interview last week with a cell phone company and I'm hoping that it comes through for me. the craziest thing happened during the interview that has never happened before.

the woman who interviewed me was gay. we got to talking about everything under the sun. her divorce, her kids, her breakup with her partner of 5 years. my dating, her dating, all that. then the interview questions came and I feel like a total ass but for her it was humbling.....
she asked me what my biggest accomplishments were and as I was saying "I actually have 2" the tears started flowing and I couldn't talk....lol I got all choked up. my accomplishments being Sarah cuz I am proud of my self and of her for all our accomplishments and my weight loss......I felt like such a dork. she was very humbled by the whole thing. she even said that if it was in her power she would have hired me on the spot....but they have to do the background check and all that. soooooo....I hope to hear from them this week. she said I would get a call by Wednesday either way. so cross your fingers!!

I haven't heard from anyplace else yet. but I'm still moving forward trying to get anything that I can. it would be nice to get something before Christmas...to make some extra money. its not something I'm going to keep forever....just till I get ahead and save enough for a car. I'm still going forward with getting a car in January. hopefully this one will last till then. just another month or so....lol

work has been ok. its a little slow. she keeps threatening me that the work is coming but I never see any of it. I kinda feel bad sometimes sitting here with nothing to do and getting paid. I'm still doing the work at home thing but that is starting to become boring and I really need to take a break from it.

Still haven't found the love of my life...but i know shes out there somewhere!! :o)

Have a good one!

Hugs, Jeannine

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Here ya go...

OK OK I know I've been slacking!! jeeze people
I've been slacking big time, not because my life is so busy or anything...but because there really isn't much to talk about...I guess. a few updates....

this morning Sarah came home with a kitten. I saw the mother lying in the street the other day and I felt really bad for it...then today she comes home with this kitten that is obviously her litter. really cute. we found a home for her so she'll be just fine.

home life is back to normal pretty much. things are good again. I'm happy about that.

still dating. met a few people. I do see one more than the others, and that's been nice.

I got to hang out with some friends from Wal-Mart last week. that was a blast. catching up on all the gossip. were going out again this week. Friday maybe....we'll see

I'm on the lookout for a part-time seasonal job. ill let you know how that goes. I figure...I have the time...why not make some money. I'm not looking to kill myself...a couple of days a week to make some extra money for the holidays. work on getting that car.

I've got bills and a loan due by the end of this month that is KILLING ME!!! but I can handle it.

if you want to laugh out loud and you haven't read THIS yet....you really, REALLY need too.

work has been a little slow this week.

Hey go check out my FRAPPR!! give an ole girl a shoutout!!

Netflix update: we watched Daredevil, Elektra and Unleashed this past weekend. Unleashed was really good, I enjoyed it. I enjoyed watching Elektra...she's hot. Daredevil was ok. I've got 3 more coming this week.....I forget which ones are coming.

IT'S FREAKING SNOWING TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That's about it in a nutshell!

Have a Great Day!

Thursday, November 03, 2005


I'm currently at work. Bored out of my mind. Ever have those days when you just don't want to be there. Today is that day for me. However I can say that since I had some coffee and something to eat....Carrots with ranch dressing, I do feel better. I think its PMS. Here we go again.....
so tonight is my meeting. I'm not sure about this week. I'm hoping to break even. I went out more than I should this week. Thought I don't really feel like I gained.....I'm sure I did. I guess I'll find out in a couple of hours.
I do feel differences though. Even if I didn't lose anything, I know my body is changing. Yes its only 20 lbs, but I can already see differences in my clothes. I've already went down a size in my jeans. They are tight.....But they button and they fit. So I can't put them in the dryer.....I can deal with that. LOL I'm walking faster, I'm fitting in chairs I don't normally fit in. Even in my car. The changes are already there.
its a great feeling. Why would I ever want to stop this?? I plan to go all the way this time. I have my goals, and I'm sticking to them. I don't care how long it takes.....As long as the numbers go down every week.....Ill be happy. What I'm not happy about is what this weight loss is doing to my skin. The excess. Its gross. I will for sure need surgery. Its all flabby. ew
tonight were celebrating Maria's birthday. Girls night out!!! woo hoooo!!
things at home are ok. Sarah and I are doing good. We get along better at least. Its not perfect, but so much better than it was. Were not really fighting anymore. So that's always good. I hate fighting. Its so frustrating. Makes me want to leave and say fuck it.
so did I tell ya that I swapped desk's with another lady this week. On Monday actually. And I have to say...I got the better deal. LOL I got a window!!! She has walls. Poor thing. So now I can stare outside looking at the traffic as I have a view of the highway, which really isn't to bad actually. Lots of trees and I get a front row view of any accidents that might happen!! Woo hooo.....Action!!! J/k
its a lot better up here though. I'm closer to the lady that I work for and the people around me are talkative and alive. Unlike the ones around me downstairs. Snore city down there.
so I'm still have car issues. I have to bring it to the shop again cues now there is loud.....Really loud....Vibrating/rattling noise coming from the engine and I think its coming from the alternator. So this weekend I will bring to the shop and have them look at it and see what the problem is. So much damn money into this car and its not even worth it anymore!! I'm going to seriously see what my options are in getting a new/used car and maybe just work something out with Sarah for a little while. My car still needs new tires, struts, rear brakes and I really would rather just drive it till it dies and get another one and not put any more money into it. it was a great car and lasted a long time. But I think the time has come to make a change. I see a lot of work at home in my future........
which I'm sure doesn't make C happy since we've been dating pretty steadily now. Nothing to serious, just spending time getting to know each other. Its been fun though. We go to the movies, for dinner, this weekend were going to the club. That should be fun. I'm actually giving up my bingo night......I hope its worth it!! LOL j/k
I'm a little stressed, but nothing I can't handle. Mostly car and finances. This is going to be a rough month. Next month should be better. I can't believe its x-mas already. jeeze.
have a great weekend!!!