I'm currently at work. Bored out of my mind. Ever have those days when you just don't want to be there. Today is that day for me. However I can say that since I had some coffee and something to eat....Carrots with ranch dressing, I do feel better. I think its PMS. Here we go again.....
so tonight is my meeting. I'm not sure about this week. I'm hoping to break even. I went out more than I should this week. Thought I don't really feel like I gained.....I'm sure I did. I guess I'll find out in a couple of hours.
I do feel differences though. Even if I didn't lose anything, I know my body is changing. Yes its only 20 lbs, but I can already see differences in my clothes. I've already went down a size in my jeans. They are tight.....But they button and they fit. So I can't put them in the dryer.....I can deal with that. LOL I'm walking faster, I'm fitting in chairs I don't normally fit in. Even in my car. The changes are already there.
its a great feeling. Why would I ever want to stop this?? I plan to go all the way this time. I have my goals, and I'm sticking to them. I don't care how long it takes.....As long as the numbers go down every week.....Ill be happy. What I'm not happy about is what this weight loss is doing to my skin. The excess. Its gross. I will for sure need surgery. Its all flabby. ew
tonight were celebrating Maria's birthday. Girls night out!!! woo hoooo!!
things at home are ok. Sarah and I are doing good. We get along better at least. Its not perfect, but so much better than it was. Were not really fighting anymore. So that's always good. I hate fighting. Its so frustrating. Makes me want to leave and say fuck it.
so did I tell ya that I swapped desk's with another lady this week. On Monday actually. And I have to say...I got the better deal. LOL I got a window!!! She has walls. Poor thing. So now I can stare outside looking at the traffic as I have a view of the highway, which really isn't to bad actually. Lots of trees and I get a front row view of any accidents that might happen!! Woo hooo.....Action!!! J/k
its a lot better up here though. I'm closer to the lady that I work for and the people around me are talkative and alive. Unlike the ones around me downstairs. Snore city down there.
so I'm still have car issues. I have to bring it to the shop again cues now there is loud.....Really loud....Vibrating/rattling noise coming from the engine and I think its coming from the alternator. So this weekend I will bring to the shop and have them look at it and see what the problem is. So much damn money into this car and its not even worth it anymore!! I'm going to seriously see what my options are in getting a new/used car and maybe just work something out with Sarah for a little while. My car still needs new tires, struts, rear brakes and I really would rather just drive it till it dies and get another one and not put any more money into it. it was a great car and lasted a long time. But I think the time has come to make a change. I see a lot of work at home in my future........
which I'm sure doesn't make C happy since we've been dating pretty steadily now. Nothing to serious, just spending time getting to know each other. Its been fun though. We go to the movies, for dinner, this weekend were going to the club. That should be fun. I'm actually giving up my bingo night......I hope its worth it!! LOL j/k
I'm a little stressed, but nothing I can't handle. Mostly car and finances. This is going to be a rough month. Next month should be better. I can't believe its x-mas already. jeeze.
have a great weekend!!!