Lunchtime is always a ghost town around here. No hustle and bustle, no listening in on conversation going on around me....Completed silence.
Perfect time to do an entry!!
I made an interesting observation last week here at the office, which proved to be quite shocking. It most definitely proven where everyone's priorities are around here.
This was one day last week I cant remember the day. My black pants were in the wash and not dry yet so all I had to wear (that was clean) was my blue jeans. Were pretty liberal around here with the dress code. Business casual and jeans on Friday, very typical of corporate environment. So this non-Friday, I decided thatI'm just going to wear my jeans and hope that nobody notices. I didn't have any meetings, my desk is in the far back corner of the office and I don't get much company, so other than bathroom trips, nobody would really see me.
So off I go, in my blue jeans, polo shirt and shoes, to the office. I get there and get to my desk and as usual...Nobodydy is around. Cool.
I sit down, boot up my computer, sign on, open my mailbox and my hopes of being invisible have been painfully taken away as the alarm goes off.
Were having a fire drill.
Just great. I grab my bag, that haven'nt even had a chance to open for my day timer and work papers, and off I go. I see one of the ladies on the floor going to every cubicle making sure that everyone is moving in a timely manner. She must be the "chief in charge" when the alarm goes off. And down the stairs I go following the herd of people out the door. The first doors we pass are the Emergency doors, where by if you open them the alarm sounds....we all walked passed them and went to the revolving doors. Where we afraid the alarm would send the troops or something...or maybe one alarm is enough... go figure. Anyway...
As I walk outside trying to forget the fact that I am wearing jeans and hoping to see someone else so I can stand next to them and not the "odd one out", no such luck but I did stand near a crowd and then observed. What I saw was just simply very shocking to me.
Everyone.... and I mean everyone.... had there coffee, there muffins/breakfast, more than a few had work papers they were reviewing, I saw 2 (men) holding laptops, of course the smokers were lighting up and the thing that shocked me the most is that I only saw about 5 women carrying there purse. 5 WOMEN. There were hundreds of people out there and practically none of them were carrying briefcases, purses, handbags, NOTHING!!!
What if this WAS a fire?? They would have lost all there stuff. I guess coffee takes priority over wallets.
So the drill lasted about 10 minutes and we all shuffle back in and I was happy to see that someone else was wearing didn't, so I didnt feel so...out of place. And then of course I had to pee every 10 minutes cuz I drink to much my plan of being invisible....was a NO GO!!
Back to today....
Nothing to interesting going on. Im loving the cool weather weve been having. The sky is so clear and so blue!! It almost looks fake Its so blue. Even at night when I sit outside and I look up atIthe dark almost looks like someone just painted the colors out there. Its crisp and clear and bright. Just awesome.
Gosh Im trying to think..i know there was more going on that I wanted to talk about and now I cant think of anything.
Oh well...have a good day!!