It's just a little bit more of me I'm sharing with you.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005


Lunchtime is always a ghost town around here. No hustle and bustle, no listening in on conversation going on around me....Completed silence.

Perfect time to do an entry!!

I made an interesting observation last week here at the office, which proved to be quite shocking. It most definitely proven where everyone's priorities are around here.

This was one day last week I cant remember the day. My black pants were in the wash and not dry yet so all I had to wear (that was clean) was my blue jeans. Were pretty liberal around here with the dress code. Business casual and jeans on Friday, very typical of corporate environment. So this non-Friday, I decided thatI'm just going to wear my jeans and hope that nobody notices. I didn't have any meetings, my desk is in the far back corner of the office and I don't get much company, so other than bathroom trips, nobody would really see me.

So off I go, in my blue jeans, polo shirt and shoes, to the office. I get there and get to my desk and as usual...Nobodydy is around. Cool.

I sit down, boot up my computer, sign on, open my mailbox and my hopes of being invisible have been painfully taken away as the alarm goes off.

Were having a fire drill.

Just great. I grab my bag, that haven'nt even had a chance to open for my day timer and work papers, and off I go. I see one of the ladies on the floor going to every cubicle making sure that everyone is moving in a timely manner. She must be the "chief in charge" when the alarm goes off. And down the stairs I go following the herd of people out the door. The first doors we pass are the Emergency doors, where by if you open them the alarm sounds....we all walked passed them and went to the revolving doors. Where we afraid the alarm would send the troops or something...or maybe one alarm is enough... go figure. Anyway...

As I walk outside trying to forget the fact that I am wearing jeans and hoping to see someone else so I can stand next to them and not the "odd one out", no such luck but I did stand near a crowd and then observed. What I saw was just simply very shocking to me.

Everyone.... and I mean everyone.... had there coffee, there muffins/breakfast, more than a few had work papers they were reviewing, I saw 2 (men) holding laptops, of course the smokers were lighting up and the thing that shocked me the most is that I only saw about 5 women carrying there purse. 5 WOMEN. There were hundreds of people out there and practically none of them were carrying briefcases, purses, handbags, NOTHING!!!

What if this WAS a fire?? They would have lost all there stuff. I guess coffee takes priority over wallets.

So the drill lasted about 10 minutes and we all shuffle back in and I was happy to see that someone else was wearing didn't, so I didnt feel so...out of place. And then of course I had to pee every 10 minutes cuz I drink to much water....so my plan of being invisible....was a NO GO!!

Back to today....

Nothing to interesting going on. Im loving the cool weather weve been having. The sky is so clear and so blue!! It almost looks fake Its so blue. Even at night when I sit outside and I look up atIthe dark sky..it almost looks like someone just painted the colors out there. Its crisp and clear and bright. Just awesome.

Gosh Im trying to think..i know there was more going on that I wanted to talk about and now I cant think of anything.

Oh well...have a good day!!

Been Too Long!!

Gosh I hate it when I wait so long to do an entry. Funny thing is is that its been in my mind every day to "make sure I do my entry, make sure I do my entry..." Because there have been things happening that I could write about that would have been fun, except now....Not so much fun anymore. Or I forgot what the fun was. Procrastination....Never gets you anywhere.

lets see.....Work is still good. I've been putting in more hours which is great. Word is they are going to keep me for another year. Not approved yet...But I'm sure its a go. This contract stuff totally rocks! I'm learning more and more and its beginning (not finally) to make sense. Every time I talk to my agent (heh...I love that) she keeps threatening to ask for more money for me because I'm doing more than what they originally needed me for, but I haven't heard anything yet. Either way, I'm still very happy with the job.

I'm still doing the work at home thing. I've even started to do a couple hours during the week since Sarah is not here, it gives me time. So that has been nice.

and of course I'm still making jewelry. And that has been fun!! The sales are slow dribble.....But I still enjoy making new creations and finding all kinds of different beads to work with. You should check it out.

Sarah is doing really well. She actually might be moving back...LOL...And not because she can't handle it...But because she was offered a really good job that is closer to here. Since school is only 3 days a week, she can commute from here. She'll be buying a car soon so that is exciting and will work out well for both of us since she won't have to depend on me to pick her up or leave me without a car.

still doing weight watchers and lost 5.8 lbs so far...More on that here.

I need to give a shout out to God!! Dude...The weather!! Sweet!!

Man we've been having some nice weather. Its cool again!! Woo hooo!

is it true that the president is extending daylight savings time?? Has this man nothing else better to do with his time??? Is there not a WAR going on?? I swear the ONLY thing I like about this man is his name.

my dog is trying to hump my cat.

I'm reaching here folks......

ok one last thing before I go....Sharon...You Rock!! Its on its way :o)



Monday, August 15, 2005


I made this one over the weekend...i just loved it and wanted to share!!
I feel like I drove the entire weekend away. friday sarah came home cuz she had an interview with another company here and she needed me to take her cuz she didn't know the way...no problem. it was actaully right next door to where i used to work....so i knew exactly where to go. 7am saturday morning were on our way. i worked some of the night before so i waited and slept in the car till she was done. after that we did some shopping, running around, came home rested some more then saturday night she needed to get back to her place because the apartment people needed access to the apt to check for damages from the roommate that moved out. and since she had all these bags, i drove her. which is not really a problem but its saturday night and its in the city and of course she lives in the heart of the city where everything is going on so the one hour trip took longer. her friend came with us too. she was going to spend the night.

so i drop them off.

i didn't make it home till almost 11 and then i had to go back to work again. i called sarah when i got home to hear...."we have a problem" i didn't know what to think. her friend suffers from panic attacks. really bad. she wont' do elevators. sarah lives on the 11th floor. she knew this and was going to take the stairs. no problem. if that is what you want to do. the stairway however, is too narrow for her. she went into full panic attack mode and refused to go upstairs.

can you come back and get her?


no. i have to work...call HER mother. she won't come. .......ugh

she tells me shes going to call me back. so does and someone is coming to get her and all is well. she has a relative in the area who will get her. ok good...now i can get to work. all is good. that was saturday.

sunday was pretty quiet. i worked, i beaded, i relaxed, picked up a bit....6'ish...the phone rings. its a cell call and i just thought it was a call for sarah so i answer. its her friend. she stuck at the train station in chicago and can't get home. her mother doesn't have gas, blah blah blah......and shes crying. ugh!!

i thought she was home already. turns out that she spent the night at her relatives and still needs to get home. i knew i should have just went the night before. i wasn't very happy about it,.....but i got dressed and got her. and of course there was a game going on so the area was again packed with people and it was slow going.

alls well that end well. she gave me a big hug and thanked me and i was glad to be home again.

I had a good day today. went by fast. the weather is getting cooler i think. its getting nicer....i know that. looking forward to the fall weather.

well i can't really think of anything else going on.

I'm a beading fool!! come check me out!!

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Gripe of the Day!

gripev. Griped, gripĀ·ing, gripes

1. To complain naggingly or petulantly; grumble.
2. To irritate; annoy.

Also means: Sharp, spasmodic pains in the bowels.


Ive talked about this before and I'm going to do it again because it's todays Gripe of the Day! And that gripe is the parking situation here at The Job. Its horrendous!!! There are about 3 million parking spaces for 8 million cars. It Just doesn't work.

I've noticed that if I get here between 7-8am (which I don't) there is no problems. I can get a spot in the first parking lot right in front of my building. Around 10 (which is when I get here) It's touch and go. 2 or 3 days a week I can get a spot in the first parking lot because all these people do here is go to meetings and some are offsite so chances are 50/50 that I can get a good close spot. Sometimes I need to go to the 2nd parking lot, which is not too bad but sucks because It's not the first lot. But close enough. Then there are the overfill lots. Which are like the size of Texas and almost ALWAYS jam-packed.

So today is one of those days when there isn't a spot to be found. It was 10:30am and I'm driving up and down isles looking endlessly for a spot in the first lot. PISSED because I noticed a stupid pickup truck that took up 2 spots and that made me want to crash into it, but I didn't. I even sat there for a few minutes because it was close to 11 and that is when lunch starts around here and there are always people that go out for lunch and so I thought I would wait and see. After about 5 min I couldn't take the heat anymore (no AC in my car) so I cruised the lot one more time in case I missed something and still nothing. Not even in the second lot so I drove to the overfill lot. And of course like always, the ONE spot available is ALL THE WAY at the END of the lot 3, 000 miles away from my building and so I park.

GRIPE: As I'm walking toward my building I noticed a car doing the same travel I was doing up and down the lot and I snicker to myself "silly silly driver" as he pulls into a spot in the second row of the lot which is right in front of the damn door.


And that concludes my Gripe of the day.

So my jewelry isn't really selling. I think it's because my stuff is not "grown-up" enough for the average buyer. So I'm working on that. I am not giving up!! I did have a couple of sales last week (thanks Mom!! and other person!) so that was fun!! I bought some more stuff to try different things and hopefully that will appeal to some viewers. Hopefully.
The weekend was pretty tame. Sarah needed to do some more shopping for her place so we did that. I found HUGE bargains at Catherine's who is having there summer clearance and got 2 pairs of jeans and 2 pairs of slacks for 50 bucks!!! Now I just need some tops and I'm good to go. I like that store because they have bigger sizes and well since I'm a big girl it beats having to shop in a catalog. I'm so looking forward to being able to shop in a normal store.

I'm still losing...you can read about it here if you like. I haven't put up an entry since my last weigh but I think I will put one up later on. Join the notify list on that site to get updated when I do!

Ok well I guess I need to get back to work. I feel better now and will chalk up my morning experience to 10 minutes of exercise. Go Me!!