It's just a little bit more of me I'm sharing with you.

Thursday, July 28, 2005

Home Alone

Well the move is done and Sarah is now in her new place with her new stuff and her new roomies in her new life. I never thought it would be this hard. I'm very sad. It just seems so quiet and so empty now. I'm so looking forward to Saturday when she comes back. LOL I'm sure this will get better in time but right now, tonight...It sucks!!

so what did I do tonight to keep myself busy you ask.....Well I'm so glad you did....cuz I did a lot.

I finally joined weight watchers and I'm not really going to get into it here because I have another journal for that and if you want to read about it its here. if you want to get an email when I update there sign up for the notify on that site.....Which will most likely be once a week on weight in unless of course I have a mental breakdown then yeah....It'll be often....

I know its hasn't even been a week yet but I'm kinda bummed that I haven't sold any jewelry yet. But I'm still making stuff and I'm still going to keep at it. Patience is not one of my strong points. I was expecting to be sold out by now....LOL...High expectation I guess. LOL its been a lot of fun doing this though. I got a few more beads today. I can't wait to start making stuff!

and finally.....i got my chinese food for dinner that i have been craving for like 2 years now. it was yummy. i got fried rice and chicken with veggies and an egg roll. yum! sarah doesn't like chinese so its been forever since i've had it. well worth the wait.

and finally......thats all folks.

night night

good night

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Movin Out.....

Well shes all set. Moving day is Sunday.

Im so bummed. Im happy for her, but Im sad for me. Is that selfish? I know that Im thinking more into this than it really is cuz she'll be back...Im kind of looking forward to getting my space ...but then not Its...its been this way for so long now that Im just used to it. I guess. I keep trying to think how fun it would be to rearrange and re-decorate and do all the things Ive been wanting to do when shes gone. Kind of get my space back and just have her space for when she does come ... which will be a few days a week. I have her dog. LoL! I think Im just more worried of her not being able to handle life on her own. I keep trying to remind her of bills and stuff. Ugh...I'm a mess!!! LOL

I know she can handle it. Shes not dumb by any means. And shes a pretty good shopper. Were both spoiled by Wal-Mart and sometimes IT SUCKS!! But other times it puts us in perspective, which is a good thing. We know that we can ALWAYS get it cheaper at Wal-Mart. I just hope that that thinking still holds true when shes on her own. I know that it will be so much harder since she will be living right in the city, so costs are going to be so much higher than what she is used too. Cross your fingers.

Work is kinda slow. I came in super early today cuz I need to leave early and go to court to pay a ticket (unless they dismiss it which is what I'm hoping for) I got a ticket last month for expired tags. I just needed ONE MORE DAY!!! But he still gave me the ticket anyway. Bastard! Sure enough the next day. I got it done. So imp hoping that works in my favor and they dismiss the ticket. Pray to the ticket gods!!!

So have you checked out the site Let? If not... let me help you along!!

Well I'm gonna mosey. Have a great day everyone!!!
Hugs, Jeannine

Monday, July 25, 2005


Hello Folks...Remember me...I know its been a while...Shoot me. I've been busy!
So let me just tell ya what I've been up too! I'm so excited.

but first.....This.

Sarah is now college bound. yep...She started school a few weeks ago ( I might have already mentioned this...) and we found out on Friday that her apartment is ready for her to move in. She goes to visit tomorrow and meet her new roomies and see where she will be living and she's very excited. Last night we went shopping for "college dorm" stuff and she got a lot of really cute things (I got something too that I will tell ya about next) container type stuff. That is all the store carries....containers. All kinds!! It was fun. The store had a special opening for this...It was like the day after thanksgiving...People standing out front waiting for the doors to open (7pm-9pm on SUNDAY!!!) and the mad rush when they did. It was pretty funny. Everyone running around like crazy. After about a half hour...It calmed down.

it was like 200 degree's out yesterday. oh.my.gosh!! It was just horrible. Great day to shop!! (can you see that crazy look on my face right now) after that we went to walmart to get the what we didn't' get at the one store cuz..."We can get it cheaper at walmart" and still she didn't' spend as much as I thought she would and she a boat load of stuff. It was very cool.

OK...Now for my exciting new!!!

The one thing I purchased was this (the big on in the back) 44 draws baby!!) for my new venture!! Yes Folks I am now officially a Guest Designer at Trinket Trunk!! I am so excited about this....I can't even tell you. Its been so much fun working with the ladies on this. I've been making some really cute stuff (you really need to check it out)


ok....Well I'm at work now. My internet connection at home is on the Fritz and I don't know why. Its only my computer though. The roomies works just fine....I'm not really sure what is going on but its pissing me off darnit!! But I wanted to let you all know that I am alive and well and doing fanstatically wonderful. Despite the fact that Sarah is leaving me in a week. I'm so bummed.

Have a great day!!
Hugs, jeannine

Friday, July 15, 2005

Happy Friday!!

Reporting from work again.....

The day is kinda slow. I finished the work that needs to be done today so the rest of the day is just working on an ongoing project. I'm thinking I'm leaving early.

so here at the company we have state of the art automatic flushing toilets. kinda reminds me of the show Alley McBeal when what's his name had that little remote and would flush just before she walk in cause "he liked a fresh bowl". I always think of that when I use it. I'm sure you all are good to now and can go on with your life.

so I'm doing my thing.....And I'm hearing several flushes. I always check how many stalls are being used just because I like to know. So through the cracks of the door I see the cleaning lady and well...That explains it...But then all of a sudden MY bowl flushed. Now that was weird. Its only supposed to do that when I get up and move from the sensor. So that freaked me out a bit.

when I first went into the bathroom I notice this woman putting on make-up. Its noon and reasonable. She probably just came from lunch and needs to freshen up. No biggie. However.....Where do you drawn the line of freshens up? I've read in other journals about brushing teeth which I'm ok with. Fresh breath is a good thing. But when I was done this woman was flat ironing her hair!!!


I wonder if I can bring my one cup coffee maker here. Set it up on my desk. Its impossible to get a good cup of Joe here. I need my coffee and the coffee here sucks. When I first started here I was resorting to instant. gross

I'm stepping away from the crack bar today. I'm actually in the mood for fruit. I'm going to get some fruit and add some cottage cheese....Yummy. I've been in the mood for it for a while now. Just can't seem to steer clear from my addiction.

speaking of addiction.....I have not yet joined weight watchers. But I will. Next week. I know I keep putting it off but I'm hoping that they will have that join now and don't pay the member fee special deal. I know I shouldn't do that....Then I also think that if I wait until Sarah moves out it will be so much easier to stay on track cuz then I will only need to buy what I need and not have to worry about her. I can buy veggies and tofu and boca burgers and good healthy stuff that she won't eat and not have to cook what she likes cuz you know its the good stuff and I will just eat it. I figure she'll most likely be gone by the end of the month and that would be a good time to start...Excuses excuses. Honestly though....I am going to join. I need to join. I need this bad.

I am going to utilize my Feedbag Journal again and use it to the fullest extent. (so I don't bore you here) with food journals, pictures, charts and graphs, numbers and everything. I'm going to obsess myself with this again like I did in the past which helped me so much. I AM GOING TO LOSE THIS WEIGHT!!! ...........damit

I might have to consider getting my own domain. hmmm actually now that I think about it...I have one..Just don't know how to use it. So if anyone has a clue on how to use DirectAdmin....Its www.jeanninesjourney.net or any suggestions as what I can use that will be better more user friendly....Please...Feel free to email me janine30@hotmail.com I am totally clueless. It was actually bought for me. I've had it for 2 years now and I never got the chance to use it. So I don't know.

well I think I'm going to go get my fruit and then do some reading.

Have a great weekend everyone!!!
hugs, jeannine

Thursday, July 14, 2005




Crack Bars

AKA: Salad Bars.

But they might as well be crack cuz i can't get enough of them. I love me a good salad bar. I mean I LURVE THEM!! we have one here at work. well actually there is a lot more but i bypass all the other yummy treats (I'm sure) and make a bee line right for the salad bar. I guess in my mind im thinking...well its gotta be better than this other stuff, but then after you have filled your plate with all the different stuff....im sure its not.

They have a really good one here too. i always start with the salad. then they have some sort of veggie thing. today it was broccolli with shredded carrots and yellow squash (color is always appealing to the eyes) then they have the tray of half chicken or turkey and the other half is immitation crab, a pea salad, penne with mozzerella chunks that was in a really light vinegrette, some roasted veggies (which is one of my favorites) and then of course they have the regualr salad bar stuff, like dressings, salad stuff, pot/mac salads, crunchy stuff..etc.


ugh...and at $300 an ounce, its very hard to not spend your life savings. but damn is it good.

well im at work (obviously) but i wanted to share that bit of info.

Have a great day!!

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Back to School!!

Yep! Today is the first day of College for Sarah! I'm sure she was nervous, even though she didn't say so, I can tell that she was excited even thought she didn't show it. I know she was pissed cuz it was raining this morning and well, that doesn't go over to well with her, especially since we don't have an umbrella. Its a hair thing. She was up this morning at 4am!! I dropped her off at the train station at 5:40am.

Its now 6:23. I just made me something to eat and will be getting ready to go to work soon. I'll be getting there early today which is good since ill be getting in more hours.

work has been getting busier and busier. Not that I'm complaining...I love it. The more work I get the more I learn and start to understand just what it is I'm doing. So that is good.

yesterday I got a little treat in the mail which was very cool. A couple of weekends ago one of the companies I take calls for (at home) had an anniversary show which means the call volume was going to be extremely busy. So as an incentive the company offered $10 Target gift cards to those people who worked there entire shift that day. Which I did, which I got. Except....I didn't just get 1 like thought I would....I got 3!!


only thing is, I NEVER shop at Target. I think that Tar-gee (spoken in a French accent) is way to expensive. They have the same stuff at Walmart/K-mart for much less. So I never go there. So we went last night and looked around and there is one nice thing I can say about target....The store is always impeccably clean with shiny floors (since they have no customers!!!) and there dollar section is way cool! I got a bunch of dollar stuff and then we hit the snack isle and picked up snacky stuff for mostly Sarah and school and I got some fruit and nut trail mix bag to munch on at work. I love that stuff. A few other items and my $30 bucks was spent.

I could have gotten a whole lot more at walmart. But who's complaining. Free money!

I really wanted to cash it out cuz I really need gas. Ugh!!

I'm having paycheck issues. Typically payday is on Monday so I shouldn't really complain, HOWEVER......Since my supervisor approves my paycheck (and this is with every job I had) on Monday, payroll processes it on Tuesday and I have it by Wednesday. (its a direct deposit) so I'm used to getting paid on Wednesday. I've been getting paid on Wednesday since I started working again. Its been kinda nice. Except when they don't approve it on Monday. Then all hell breaks loose cause I budget till Wednesday. I know I shouldn't...But sometimes I just don't have a choice. And this was one of those weeks. And to add insult to injury...The woman who approves my timecard is on vacation this week which mean that my card was not approved yesterday and I hope to god it gets done today.......Or else I'm not going to be able to get to work tomorrow. And that will suck. I'm barely making it today.

ok well its now 7am and I need to get ready for work. I'm actually thinking about waiting to go in later on since I don't really have the gas to be sitting in traffic. hmmm.....Good looking out jeannine. Ok...Nap time!!!

have a great day!!
hugs, jeannine

Sunday, July 10, 2005

Lazy Sunday

I know I'm a bit late on this, but I sure am going to miss this man. He was just a beautiful soul and his music will live on forever. Rest in Peace Luther Vandross.

Happy Sunday! I have no idea why its so happy, just thought I might make it happy. Nothing really to much going on today. Lets see...Over the last week we have been getting Sarah prepared for school which starts on Tuesday for her. She's very excited! We went into the city for orientation last Wednesday and Friday she went to get her books and now She's good to go. Were still waiting on the housing part, but that should come through by the end of the month.

a few things happened to me this past week that have been pretty funny. Well maybe not so funny...But I just had to laugh because sometimes people can be soooo stupid and maybe its me......But it just makes me wonder why people do what they do sometimes. For instance.....

Though not a pleasant situation but since I've been fat most of my life, you get used to the stares and comments. I laugh at it now and make them feel stupid cuz they THINK that you will be sooo hurt by there comments that they just don't expect you to respond back.....But I do...heh. Anyway...I was going to work the other morning and after parking my car I had to walk 12 miles to the bldg where I see about 3 people standing by the door smoking. So as I get closer I notice the one person facing me say something and then the other two turn around and then all three proceed to have that shocked look on there face like they have never seen a fat person in there entire life and how dare me. So I laugh. And as I get closer the stares are more apparent and I'm thinking that even in the most business like environment, with people who are supposed to be older, mature, wiser, understanding, most likely have been there at some point in time....Would understand.....They still stand there and make the comments and act very immature.

so I'm getting closer cuz of course they are right by the door to the bldg....And I stopped and introduced myself. "Hi, I'm Jeannine.....Nice to meet you. Since you were having such a great time at my expense I thought I would introduce myself." yes people...I REALLY do this.

of course they are stunned by this and speechless.......

"Well, you all have a great day, and OH....And by the way, enjoy your cigarette addiction as well!! Bye now." smiling graciously......dumbass's

another pretty funny thing happened to last week.....

we have revolving doors that automatically turn when you swipe your badge. Otherwise you can't get in the bldg. The trick is, you need to swipe your badge as your walking in to the doors so that you are already in by the time they move and they will go completely around and not stop inbetween. Well this woman.....LOL....She kept swiping her badge, then step in and would miss her window of opportunity to get in and would get stuck in between which is pretty funny. There is a button you can press for the doors to go back but I guess she must of have been new cuz she just wasn't getting this. She got stuck several times after I told her that she needs to step in while she swipes the card. I finally had to show her and she finally got it. There were about 5 people waiting and then I heard clapping when she finally made it through. Too funny.

there was something else but for the life of me I can't remember. Damn.

And I got my bracelets in the mail on Friday which ill post later on so you can see but you can also see them HERE as well. They are the rainbow ones (but of course!) go on check it out!!

ok well that's about it for now. I'm working at home now for the next few hours and then who knows what the rest of my day may bring!

Have a great weekend!
Hugs, jeannine

Saturday, July 02, 2005

Happy 4th!

Sarah tells me on Wednesday not to schedule myself for work on Friday night cuz she has plans for me. Now, of course I had questions cuz Friday night is a busy time for my work at home (WAH) gig and giving that up, well.....Not so easy. I rely on the weekends for that job. So of course I start to grill her with questions. "I can't tell you, STOP asking me questions!!!" knowing knowing Sarah the way I do, I KNOW that keeping a secret is not one of her better qualities.....So I lay off for a day. Every now and then I'll ask her what going on and she would get frustrated and yell at me but surprise surprise....She held onto that secret for dear life cuz she didn't tell me. So here we are Friday night and after a nap I get ready for my night which I still have no clue or even can figure out WHY this is happening. She did say because its her last weekend here she wanted to do something special, so I'm thinking...Well if its special for you why am I the one being surprised. It should be her. Right? Ok.

so were driving and she then informs me that I will need to be blindfolded at some point. I'm not really digging this idea, but since I did it to her once before on her birthday, I get pay back is a bitch as they say. So were driving and we stop at burger king. Joking she said...Ok this is it. But laughed and said we were early and since we didn't have dinner, here we are. So were eating and I'm trying really hard not to spill on my shirt cuz, well, I don't know if you know this, but I'm pretty famous for that. So I put the napkin up like a bib, and sure enough....My next bite would have been disaster as I spilled. Ugh

anyway........So more questions I ask and more lies she tells me. Even told me that I was meeting my mom and my brother and his kids who I never even seen yet, and I start tearing up and getting excited to find out.....She lied. Bitch!!

so we get in the car and the blindfold goes on and we drive from one parking lot to another which was down the road.......And Sarah then messed up.....LOL.

outside my door she makes the call. And this is what I here.....

"jossie.....Glow was supposed to meet me outside"

I now know who the culprits (sp?) are....LMAO!!! So I'm laughing and my door opens, I'm still blindfolded, still not knowing were I am, I'm being pulled into this place were I can hear people and music and smells like a bar. Now I'm completely mortified cuz there are now strangers watching me being pulled around blindfolded!!!! And I'm completely embarrassed.

finally we stop the blindfold comes off and SURPRISE!!! A few of my friend from walmart got together and through me a surprise party for my birthday!!

it was a real surprise. Sarah then says ok....They are taking you home I gotta go. I'm all like...What do you mean your going?? (forgetting were in a bar) 21 and over.... She says......awwwww, I say. Poor thing planned this thing all out and she can't even enjoy it. So she left and the second funniest thing happened.....There were two bouncers behind me and followed me into the bar and as soon as she left and I turned around...They were like...Happy birthday, can I see your id? LOL too funny.

so there were my friends from walmart and some others that came along. The bar was not to crowded yet as it was only 9pm, so everyone there took the time to buy a drink and wish the birthday girl and happy day. It was awesome. The dj played a few songs for me and the first of course after he announced my birthday was 50 cent "In The Club". Its the one that starts out....

"Go Go Go Go shorty
Its your birthday
were gonna party
like its your birthday
sip bacardi like its your birthday
and we don't give a F**k its not your birthday
etc, etc....."

we all hooted and hollard and waved our hands in the air, and partied like we just don't care......LOL its all good, in the hood.

ok....After that we laughed and talked and there was cake throwing, and no I don't have any pictures, but there were plenty of camera phones so we'll see if I get any pics back. God I hope not.

the night ended with a bang, as a wedding party came in about an hour before the bar closed and they were already intoxicated and proceeded to pick a fight with one of the guys in our party and then all hell broke loose and I decided then...Its was time to go.

the night as coming to an end anyway so they didn't' ruin our fun. I had a lot of fun and surprisingly enough, was not drunk. I consumed a lot of alcohol too. I think its because I ate right before I got there, might have done the trick cuz I drank a lot. Everyone was buying me shots and drinks, I couldn't even tell you what I had. Well that's not true...I can tell what I had just lost count of how many of each. I know I had a few Long Island Ice Tea's, lemon shots, yagerbombs, slippery nipples, a something sweet and sour, beers, another shot which was named after a woman's body (lower) part...LOL...It was yummy too...hehe. I think that was it. I was feeling really good and happy. Not fall down drunk. A good time was had by all :o)

So Saturday, Sarah and I decided to venture out and go down to the beach and walk the pier. It was a gorgeous day out and we did just that. After that we picked up some lunch and sat out in the backyard and ate, it was really nice.

seems like just yesterday but one year ago (July 3rd) is when I moved into this house. Our neighbor next door was also moving into there house. We were watching them move out...LOL were sorta celebrating that matter cuz they were just horrible neighbors. But can you believe its been a year already!!! So we were talking about that. It was just nice to be out and not have it sweltering hot. The sun was hot but the breeze was cool and constant. Perfect summer day.

on Sunday we didn't' do much of anything. I slept cuz I've been working a lot. We watched some TV. I can't really get into the wah thing. I'm not into it this weekend. Don't know why. I think I need a break from it for a little bit. I'm not going to schedule myself at all this week.

Does anyone know why a carpenter pencil is flat?

Happy 4th and be safe!!
Hugs, Jeannine