It's just a little bit more of me I'm sharing with you.

Monday, June 27, 2005

Monday, Monday....

la.....la......la la la.........all together now....

dontcha just love this pic!!!

lol. ok im silly. well its monday night. i just finished watching Hells Kitchen. though not the greatest reality tv show...still i find myself amuzed and looking forward to mondays to watch it. i personally think ramsey is an ass but funny at the same time. it amuses me and thats all that matters.

work was kinda slow. the woman ive been working with has been out on personal reasons and last thursday was at a standstill with the project she has me working on. the problem is im done with my part and now i need her to give me the next steps. so basically thursday and friday i was home early. can't complain there.

my weekend was pretty good. quiet. i did the work at home thing. its was an anniversary weekend so the calls were plenty. which again...not complaining. sarah went into the city with her friends on sunday. there were some feasts going on so they went. i was jealous. wanted to go. but god forbid you hang out with your MOM!! j/k i had scheduled my self anyway to work so i wouldn't be able to go anyway. besides it was like a hundred degree's and there were so many people there that it was a stand-still. sarah called several times thinking she was going to pass out cause she coulndn't breathe. so on the other hand....glad i stayed home in air conditioning.

its been really hot here these past few days. hazy hot and humid. today we got lots of thunder but no rain. those kind of days. i think they said it was 95 on my way home at 4pm. felt like it too.

i hate it when you read someones journal for a while and out of the blue you click on the link and its locked!! pisses me off.

i never did make it to weight watchers. but i am going this thursday. i had forgotten that sarah had to work that night and i also had scheduled myself to work and wouldn't be able to pick her up....so it didnt' work out. however this thursday its a go. and i will be there. come hell or high water.

so last thursday maria and i went to have sushi. all i can say to that is.....so yummy. she had given me a gift certificate for xmas and i was saving it, so i decided to use it and invited her along. shes the only friend i have to eat sushi with . so yummy.

well thats about it for me. im going to bed.

do you like jewelry?? check out the site!!

night night!

Thursday, June 23, 2005

Over the hump day

So I'm at work and I had some time so I thought I would write a note here and tell ya what's going on.

not to much.

I had a meeting today that I was supposed to attend today, off site, and it was postponed. So my day is at the office moving files around, organizing, renaming, making homes. I've been working on getting my desk personalized. I don't really have much here since I wasn't sure how long this assignment was going to last but I am hearing that it just might be till the end of the year. So I'm thinking....Its safe to set up shop now.

I was up and out early today. At these meetings I have to take minutes (notes) and well needless to say I suck at it. Especially since I haven't got a clue as to what the hell they are talking about. So I went to walmart this morning and got a digital micro recorder. Its very cute. LOL and works.

so now I am prepared for all these meetings I go to (at least 3 a week) and can "scribe" to my hearts content. I'm kinda bummed out about today's meeting though. It would have gotten me out of the office at noon and home by 4. Ah well. I still need to leave early cuz Sarah has to go to work tonight. tonight is her last night at walmart. And school starts in 2 weeks, and all her loans and grants went through and she'll be leaving for the big city shortly. And that's all I'm gonna say about that.

I'm buying beads people! So look for that soon.

other than that.....OH...One more thing....I'm joining weight watchers AGAIN. Only this time its for real. So wish me luck. Its going to be hard I know....But I want this. Bad.

so that's me. Back to work now.

have a great day!!!

Monday, June 20, 2005

Monday, Monday

Well its been a minute since I updated so I thought I would give it a shot. I wish there was something exciting to write about, but frankly....There isn't.

some things I've been thinking about.......

1. Since my birthday I've made some goals for myself. To take better care of myself and to lose whatever I am over 300 by my next birthday. Its a reasonable and doable goal.

2. Exercise, exercise, exercise!! If it kills me I'm going to get myself on a routine.

3. To help with the weight loss....Come Thursday I'm joining Weight Watchers again. I now know that I need that meeting. I need to have that mindset again. And this time I have the motivation. Especially now with Sarah leaving for college and I'll basically be on my own again.....Ill make better food choices.

4. Just take better care of myself.

I feel that these are doable. Not over the top. If I start now and take baby steps...I know that I can achieve my goals.

Work is great. I found out today that my assignment will be through the end of the year, which I'm thinking that by then they will keep me. Either way.....I'm still with the company and learning so much. Today I had to take minutes at a meeting and really didn't do such a great job since I haven't got a clue as to what they are talking about and I've never done anything like that really.....Not for a whole room of people. But I have a plan to help with that process. So I'm not worried. But the work is busy and I have responsibilities and agenda's, and hello...Welcome to corporate!!! Its a big change from "how come you only have 2 registers open?" and "can you please tell me where I can find toothpaste".....A big change.

nothing really to much happening. The roomie and her daughter are away for a few days and Sarah is at a friends house so I have the house to myself. I've been doing the second job at night since I don't have to be at work until later in the morning and normally I would be sleeping right now but I'm not tired. So I'm going to work for a couple of hours and look up some projects to do as well.

I'm thinking about starting some beading projects....Its all the rave....
Have You Heard!!!

ok well that's it for me....Have a great Monday!!

Monday, June 13, 2005


its 4am and I have an hour left of my shift and I'm bored outta my mind. The calls are slow and now the system is down so were taking manual orders.
Pain. In. The. Ass!
I usually have someone to keep me company at night to chat with but I guess she's sleeping in cuz she's not here. I've been catching up on my shows though. I just watched all 3 episodes of britneys Chaotic show. Talk about a show about nothing. jeeze. But for me it served its purpose. I guess.
I'm not really tired since I drank a pot of coffee tonight. I've been doing this since 9pm. 9-5 shift. Since I don't have to be at work till 1:00 in the afternoon I can get in some hours here at home and still get 6 hours of sleep.
Its all about the Benjamin baby.
My weekend was pretty good.
On Saturday I had my birthday brunch with the girls and there kids and its was fun. We went to Ihop and I had my Southwestern Chicken Fajita salad that I have been wanting ever since we made the plans.
Its very yummy if you ever want to try it. it comes in a shell and I love love love that!! Its really tasty though. And let me just say...Well worth the wait. The girls for my birthday got me a Daytimer which I've been longing for and I was very happy to have gotten that. Its perfect. I've been playing with it all weekend.
Ugh...Its so true.
I've been looking at these things for a while and either couldn't decide which one or couldn't afford the really good one and well I got the good one.
Thank you so much Ladies!! (the roomie and my friend Maria)
it was kinda weird cuz this is the first year that we didn't get completely trashed on my birthday. We always get trashed on my birthday and stay out till all hours. I wonder who's birthday is this year....LOL.
Anyway...It was nice to get together again.
lets see.....OH...So I was going to see the new Angelina movie but we didn't get that far this weekend. Hopefully this week we'll get too.
I've heard good things about it and well you know......Angelina.
So I'm looking forward to that.
other than that.....Really nothing going on.
I've had a toothache for a few days now that has me concerned.
That's been fun.
aint no thang but a chicken wang.....

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Oh Happy Day!!

At this very moment in time (2:50am) 39 years ago, my mom was screaming and pushing to get me out.
All 10 lbs, 11 oz of me. Gotta love her!


Wednesday, June 01, 2005

All better now

Ok so after re-reading my post from yesterday I've come to the conclusion that PMS is a very evil thing. Although I do feel like that at times.....Its not that serious.

I've been very crabby, and very irritable lately. I probably need some drugs or something. But all is well in the household.

so thank you for your emails....I really do appreciate it. And thank you for being there for me. I really do appreciate it.

today Sarah and I did some shopping. FOR ME!!! I decided to spend a little money on myself...Go figure. I bought myself two shirts for work and a pair of sneakers and another pair of shoes for work. I also cleaned them out of some vitamins for joints since my knees have been hurting so bad and they were 80% off the price. I just about cleaned them out cuz that shit is expensive!! So instead of 19.99, I spent 4 bucks. You can't beat that. This store was cool too. I've never been there and is now gonna be my favorite store to check out. They have big sizes too. Its called Value City. Kind like a TJ Maxx type of store. Really reasonable prices. Name brand stuff for less.

ok well now I'm off to watch some episodes of Desperate Housewives that I missed. I hope you all have a wonderful day! Back to work tomorrow!