It's just a little bit more of me I'm sharing with you.

Sunday, November 28, 2004

Is it nap time?

3 pm and I'm trying really hard not to crawl into my bed and take a nap. I woke up tired but got up to make Sarah breakfast before she left for work. The roomie was shampooing the carpets and I was looking through the ads in the papers. I'm not really into the shopping mood. I'm sure the closer it gets the mood will come but right now the thought of doing it.....Is exhausting.

Friday was a crazy day. I got to work at 5:30 am getting ready for the rush. We (Sarah drove me cuz she needed the car) pulled into the parking lot around 5:15am and the line went from the front door to the end of the parking lot. It was about 400 people. 400 crazy ass people who have been standing there for at the least 2 hours. Some more. Crazy ass m'fers!!!

the associates go through the garden center for obvious reasons and every year I always feel like a rock star. The crowd waits for you to arrive so you can open the doors and they rush in. They all cheer. Its so freakin funny. So were greeted by the store manager making sure that everyone who comes in is on the schedule (so nobody gets an advantage of sales ya know) and we go to the breakroom where there is coffee and donuts waiting for us. yum. I passed on the donut and went straight for coffee and then went to check on my dept making sure that I have everything that I need. layway is a big part of this day. 5:45 and we have a store meeting. Making sure everyone is on the same page and we were since this is all we've been talking about for a month. Getting ready for Blitz Day. Black Friday as they call it. We do the cheer and at 5:55 we all get into position on the carpet (off the floor) and watch the assistants unlock the doors and make the mad dash to a safe place because 400 people are now rushing in behind him ready to stampede all over him. Were all standing along the side cheering them on.

it is the most hilarious thing to watch.

I can never understand why people would bring there kids. This woman had a baby in her arms. She was at the front of the line too which means that she has been standing there at least 2 hours with this little baby in the 30 degree weather. what are you thinking!!!

they run through the store like crazy people and inevitalbly it comes to a sudden halt cause everyone bottlenecks in this corner by electronics. LOL and then it hits. Within 10 minutes the layaway people come.

now every store is laid out the same way. So you can imagine this line if you haven't seen it already. Goes from layaway to toys. Its about a two hour wait in line. Its just crazy. But we rocked that day. I had 6 people and 2 guys working with me. 2 cashiers (I have 2 registers) and for each cashier I had 2 people behind them boxing all the stuff. The guys were my runners. They would take the boxes and run them to the back in the bins for me so that I can assign them a location later on . It flowed. Were were smooth and the customers saw it. They appreciated us and praised us and were were feeling good. Management must have gotten word from customers cuz they came back and presented us with Great Job pins which might not sound like much but its a big deal for us. 5 of those pins will get you $25 bucks. So getting one is huge. I tend to give out as many as I could around the holidays cuz my associates bust there ass for me and I do appreciate them. It was a good day.

I was there for about 14 hours. I didn't get off till almost 9pm. Then Sarah and I went out to TGIF for something to eat with a few people from the store and that was fun and I needed a drink. LOL. I think I got home around 1am. I was beat down. And went back to work at 11am to clean up some messes from Friday. I was going to go in today but decided against it. I need at least one day off. We had another turkey day yesterday with a family that came over here and cooked. So when we got home yesterday it was thanksgiving all over again. The leftovers really need to go. I forgot then skipped my meeting this week. And I need to get on track again.

its gonna be salad for me this week.

well its 3:30 and I'm gonna take a half hour nap and then do some laundry. I hope you all had a fabulous weekend!!

Hey want a Card from ME!! Email me with your address and i'll be happy to send you one. make sure you put something in the subject relating to a card so I don't just delete you.

Hugs, Jeannine

Thursday, November 25, 2004

Happy Turkey Day!!

Just wanted to wish everyone a Great Thanksgiving and give thanks to all of you who take the time out of your busy lives to visit this site. You are all such a great part of my life whether you know it or not and I for one appreciate every single one of you. Thank you!

its kind funny cuz every turkey day I would come to the roomies house and enjoy a wonderful dinner with her and her family and now I live here and cook it too!! How great is that. Were having about 13 - 14 people over. We've got a turkey, ham, mashed potatoes, stuffing all the fixings, deserts, nibblers you name it. Its going to be a great day and an early night for me since I have to work tomorrow at 5 AM!!! Just shoot me.

its going to be a long day tomorrow. Blitz day, black Friday, day after day, whatever you want to call it, for me...Its a 16+ hour day of craziness!!!
overtime is going to be lovely.

I remember back in the day when thanksgiving was at our house every year and my mom would cook and bake for about a month and drive us crazy with cleaning and cooking, making sure everything was done so that we could sit down for 10 minutes and eat. LOL would crack me up every time. Exaggeration of course....But that is what it felt like. Being Italian we had courses. First came the antipasto salad that my aunt and uncle would bring which was always good. Italian bread everywhere and my mom would bring out the favorite of the bunch....Stuffed artichokes. I would kill for one right now. She probably made some sort of pasta dish too but that lasted a good hour. Then we rested. Then dinner which was a feast of yummy dishes I couldn't even describe right now. Of course there was turkey, stuffing, at least 2 or 3 veggies, all the different potatoes, all of them.....Just all kinds of goodies we would eat at the big table we had to extend out for all of us. Then we rest. Then the desert which everyone loved. My mom would bake all kinds of stuff and my aunt would make the pies and candies and oh. My. God. It was just good. Its been a long time since we have gotten together like that and I miss it. I miss my family a lot around the holidays. Its really hard sometimes. As much as I love my friends and appreciate how there families always make sure I have someplace to go....It would be nice to have some of my family here, or too see them more often. Its been about 3 years since I've seen my mom and that is just not cool at all. But I talk to her all the time and I know she's ok.

well now I need to go get some laundry done before I need to start mashing potatoes. I wish you all a very Happy Thanksgiving and enjoy the day with your families. God Bless you all!!

Hugs, Jeannine

Saturday, November 13, 2004

As Seen on TV!!

Man I hate it when I don't update often. Need to work on that. So.....

I'm at work and its busy as hell. Its around 1:30 and my help doesn't come for another half hour, but I have someone working with me and that is awesome. Its been so busy....If anyone reading this uses layaway....You know what I'm talking about. The phone rings.....

I'm in the back trying to find some space for all these packages cuz my asshole store manager is still a jerk and is being really stingy with the space so I have to be creative and I hear this.....

"jeannine....(now everytime the phone rings I cringe cuz its always for me and its always someone begging for money and its always the same thing I have to hear and say and do when the phone rings) its for you. Sounds like Sarah is in trouble..." My heart sinks.

so I go to the phone and its the dean or principle or whoever this person is and I hear......

"I'm not sure if you heard yet......(now I'm really panicking cuz I haven't heard shit but my heart beating a mile a minute at this point) but there seems to be a hostage situation (HUH???) in your area and the police diverted the buses back to the schools. Can you come and get your daughter?" of course...I'm on my way.

turns out......Some guy is has this house held up across the street from MY HOUSE and the police have a 4 block radius blocked so no one can get in or out until this is over. So with this information I go to my manager and try to explain this and he's looking at me funny (he always looks at me funny though....We have that kind of relationship) and says go. The coverage was there...So it wasn't a problem. Not that it would be...I was going anyway.

so I go and pick her and her friend up and proceeded home. Sure enough....Cops everywhere, couldn't get down my street at all.....But I did get through the alley. That was the only way home. So we get in the house and go to the front and there was a MOB of people there. Just like on TV. Looking. Standing. Talking. Looking. Standing. Myself included. Standing there... Trying to get in the perfect position to see this house and wait to see what happens. The command center was set up two houses down from me in the vacant house, squat was there, fire, ambulance, you name it. The block that the house was actually on was evacuated (from my house it was across the street about 3 houses away so you can see it from my block) and we just stood there. This has been going on since noon and we got there around 3 and it was still going on. Helicopters were there and we found out that it was ABC news so we turned on the TV to see if there was coverage and to find out what happened.

standing out there (in the damn cold mind you) the stories were just flying everywhere!! The first I heard was....This guy was an escaped convict and he took over the house. A few minutes later we found out that the house belonged to this lady who ran a day care and so now there are kids there. Then we heard that he killed a cop and the final story was....His girlfriend saw him on America's Most Wanted and she turned him in for the money. When that was floating around there were added rumors of bombing her house when all this was over.

it seemed that everyone out there was somehow related to this man. I heard "that's my cousin" I can't tell you how many times. Something to be proud of I guess.....I don't know. Anyway.....Around 5 or so I guess they got tired of standing around and the cops finally started talking him out. That was cool. Just like on TV. He got on the phone and patched the guy in so you can hear both conversations and to me that was about the most exciting. Then they got his sister to talk to him and finally his mom. After about 10 minutes he surrendered and came out. The the cops went nuts and threw him to the ground and handcuffed him and everyone cheered and clapped and was screaming how much they loved him and God is good. Maybe they WERE family...Hmmm. I guess the good part about this whole thing was that nobody got hurt. The news crew created mob scenes trying to get interviews and we went back in the house and resumed out day. It was 6pm. Sarah and I went to curves, came home, had dinner and was seeing if anything was on the news and of course...Nothing. We were in the paper though.

the next day I'm at work and one of the cashiers came to me and said....I didn't know you lived in Zion. I confirmed and said...You must have seen what happened last night. So I got the scoop. The real deal.

She in fact WAS his cousin and lived next door. He was wanted in Wisconsin for weapons possession and the cops have been following him that day to this house which belongs to his family (so there wasn't a break in so to speak) and was empty. He was holding himself hostage I guess.

so that is what all the excitement was about.

other than that the week has been ok. Its getting colder by the day and I'm not ready for it. Its Saturday and the first day in a long time I got to really sleep in and rest. I really need it too. I've been working double shifts...Not everyday but at least twice a week and they are taking there toll on my body. I totally messed up my program this week and didn't' even go to my meeting which I'm not happy about. But today is the start of new day, new week and I know this will be a better one. More on that here if your interested.

I've been getting into doing puzzles again. Got Sarah into it too. Were working on a dolphin one right now but its a Photomosaic so its really challenging. (I still have this one of the NY skyline that a friend has giving me for xmas a while ago that I was going to start but my table is not big enough.....But I will have it done!)

today is going to be laundry day and rest. Sarah is at work now. Her wisdom tooth is coming through and the poor thing was in pain. Had to take her to the dentist yesterday. Her face was so swollen and you can see the tooth coming through. Ouch!!! So she has an appt with the surgeon to have that removed. This is not going to be fun for her. Poor thing. I feel soooo bad for her. She doesn't do pain so well and wants to be put to sleep when they do it. She keeps hearing horror stories and now she's panicking. LOL....Poor thing.

went to see The incredible the other day. Cute movie. Definitely entertaining...Was not spectacular.....But didn't suck. I liked it.

the holidays are coming to fast. 2 weeks for turkey day and 5 weeks for xmas. So not ready. Well...Have a good weekend. Ill try to update more often.


Saturday, November 06, 2004

A Day in My Life...

WOW...What a day I had today. Talk about being productive and active. I don't think I have ever accomplished so much in one day than I did today. Well....We (the roomie and I) did today. Holy shit.

7am: woke up at and got ready for our meeting. I talk about that here if your interested.

8:30am: we came home and both her daughter and Sarah were up and her daughter and I made breakfast for ourselves. I was actually going to skip having a full breakfast and just have some raisin toast with Sarah since that is what she wanted and a cup of coffee. However the roomies daughter made herself two eggs with toast and damned if those damn eggs didn't smell so damn good.....I asked Sarah if she wanted an egg sandwich (knowing darn well she would say yes) and that would be my decided point whether or not I have one myself (like I said I know her too well..LOL) and so I made up egg sandwiches with cheese and my all loving cup of cafe. I was damn good.

after that I was cutting coupons cuz the roomie and I were going food shopping today at some point, her daughter was leaving at noon and Sarah had to be at work at 11 so it was the perfect day to do it. No kids. Yeah baby!!

10:30am: Sarah leaves for work and I had finished getting the coupons together and in order (I am in charge of coupon cutting and organizing) and so I came downstairs to check email and start an entry. After sitting for about 10 minutes I decided to put the entry on hold and go help in the yard.

at this point the roomie is out working in the yard. Remember that trench were digging up? Well it was still not finished and there was this huge dirt pile sitting in the yard for the last 3 months...Until today. So we undid all the work we did digging the trench and putting in the drain tile and covering it up and instead pulled all the tile out and filled in the trench with the dirt from the dirt pile. We did have help. A big strong man type help who worked on digging up the dirt from the pile and shoveling it in a wheel barrel (?) and filling the holes. roomie and I leveled it out and made it pretty. We put dirt against the house, placed stones, and I raked the yard making it look pretty. The dirt pile is FINALLY gone!!!! thankyajesus!! We had a really nice day out today so it was a great time to get it done. Our neighbor was getting work done on there house too so we were all out and about helping each other. It was really nice.

2'ish: (I think) I stopped to change and wash up. roomies daughter is gone and the yard is pretty much done so were now getting ready to go food shopping. I love food shopping. Its so much fun. Especially when the kids are not around. We take our time, we point value just about everything were interested in, I don't know....I like it. We planned out our menu for the week and prepared our shopping list and got the coupons and off we go to the grocery store.

4'ish: we came home and put all the groceries away and separated meat and all that good stuff. Sarah went to the new wal-mart supercenter the opened up in our area (which by the way is so freakin huge...I love it!!!) with her friends and dawn and I had dinner.

6'ish: I decided to make the lasagna that is going to be tomorrow nights dinner and dawn and her friend went to the liquor store and we had some drinks and a good time was had by all.

when all was said and done I took a hot shower and here I sit at almost 9pm finishing up my entry that I started earlier in the day. I have to say....I'm tired, I'm beat up, I'm sore, but I feel such a sense of accomplishment and its all good.

have a good weekend ya'll
hugs, jeannine

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Ho Hum

Is it me or is the internet/computer thing not as interesting as it was before. I sit here staring at my monitor trying to think of something to look up. After checking email...What is there to do?? My IM's are up but there is never anyone online (aim: jeanninehugs - yahoo: gems4fun - if you would like to add me to your list I wouldn't mind one bit) or visible so there is no one to talk too.....There just isn't anything to do here anymore. Or am I missing it?? Ugh..I don't know.

I'm still bored with life right now. Still looking for a hobby, still trying to figure out what I want to be when I grow up. I've been doing a little bit more to better myself like going to Curves on a somewhat regular basis and doing weight watchers (10 lbs gone....Go me) were even going to be going to church now. Fun stuff all around if you ask me. (well church is a blast.....Believe it or not) I just wish there was something to do that didn't cost so much damn money. I going to stop complaining now......

lets see.....What going on. Not to much really. Its starting to get cold out and as much as I would rather it be cold than hot.....Its kind hitting me fast. Not so much the cold but the fact that the holidays are here. 3 weeks to Thanksgiving. And then the day after....lordhelpmenow.... And then a month later its Christmas!!! YIKES!

work is getting on my nerves. Well actually its my store manager. He's such a prick. Sorry for being so vulgar but he is. He is the most egotistical, self righteous, thinks he knows it all bastard!! Ugh...He pisses me off. First of all he's not a people person. He doesn't know how to talk to people or listen. If its not HIS idea.....Its not a good one. He'll tell you do something then make you do over again. He gives and then takes it back and if he's done with the conversation that you might be having with him that he doesn't like.....He walks away as if to say your annoying me. grrrrr he makes me mad sometimes.

to drag this entry let me explain a bit about my job. (so if talking about my job bores you to tears.....I would just go on to the next journal)

I am the Manager of Layaway. (my primary job...I have others) The holiday season is MY SEASON. This is my chance to shine and prove myself as a manager and as an associate who cares about her job and doing it right. I've been doing this for over 2 years now and every year gets better. So I must be doing something right, right? Ok

I have bins in the back warehouse to store all the layaways we get. I have 7 racks (they are like walls that move from left to right). Each rack is divided into 12 shelves (3 columns down, 4 rows across) and each shelf (bin) is fairly large and can hold about 15 to 20 boxes, depending on the size of the box. Are you with me so far? So basically I have 7 movable racks that we use both sides too which gives me 16 walls of bins (2 per rack) are you with me so far?

for the holiday season which for me starts in September these racks get filled up pretty quickly and with organization and time.....I keep those bins in good order. These bins are located in the warehouse in the back of the store. There are several other racks in the warehouse that are empty for most of the year and are given to me for the holiday season. Last year at this time we had almost the entire warehouse filled. This year, because I learned from last years mistakes I haven't needed the extra bins until now. So I ask shithead when I can start using them (he took the grids out that make the shelf so that nobody would use them) and he gave me one wall which I was very happy to have. However they came with conditions....So I listened.

this is all I'm getting for 2 weeks (which means don't ask) and I must use all the space available in the other bins first.

the reason I ask for the extra space is because I HAVE NO ROOM IN THE OTHER BINS YOU ASSHOLE!!!! :o) I currently have over $275,000.00 worth of layway in my bins right now. No exaggeration.

so he gives me this extra space then tells me I can't use it. Such a moron . So I do what I do best and don't listen and use it anyway, listen to him whine like a baby, I make my point and he walks away. One of these days I'm going to take my badge off and give it to him and tell him to do it. I'm done. I just really hope I have a job lined up when I do...LOL

anyway...he's like that with everybody. I was around when one of the associates (another dept manager) was asking him to figure out a problem and he insisted there was no problem and there clearly was.....And he just walked away cuz he didn't want to deal with it anymore. Like I said....Prick.

and that completes my entry for today......buh bye
