Is it nap time?
3 pm and I'm trying really hard not to crawl into my bed and take a nap. I woke up tired but got up to make Sarah breakfast before she left for work. The roomie was shampooing the carpets and I was looking through the ads in the papers. I'm not really into the shopping mood. I'm sure the closer it gets the mood will come but right now the thought of doing it.....Is exhausting.
Friday was a crazy day. I got to work at 5:30 am getting ready for the rush. We (Sarah drove me cuz she needed the car) pulled into the parking lot around 5:15am and the line went from the front door to the end of the parking lot. It was about 400 people. 400 crazy ass people who have been standing there for at the least 2 hours. Some more. Crazy ass m'fers!!!
the associates go through the garden center for obvious reasons and every year I always feel like a rock star. The crowd waits for you to arrive so you can open the doors and they rush in. They all cheer. Its so freakin funny. So were greeted by the store manager making sure that everyone who comes in is on the schedule (so nobody gets an advantage of sales ya know) and we go to the breakroom where there is coffee and donuts waiting for us. yum. I passed on the donut and went straight for coffee and then went to check on my dept making sure that I have everything that I need. layway is a big part of this day. 5:45 and we have a store meeting. Making sure everyone is on the same page and we were since this is all we've been talking about for a month. Getting ready for Blitz Day. Black Friday as they call it. We do the cheer and at 5:55 we all get into position on the carpet (off the floor) and watch the assistants unlock the doors and make the mad dash to a safe place because 400 people are now rushing in behind him ready to stampede all over him. Were all standing along the side cheering them on.
it is the most hilarious thing to watch.
I can never understand why people would bring there kids. This woman had a baby in her arms. She was at the front of the line too which means that she has been standing there at least 2 hours with this little baby in the 30 degree weather.
they run through the store like crazy people and inevitalbly it comes to a sudden halt cause everyone bottlenecks in this corner by electronics. LOL and then it hits. Within 10 minutes the layaway people come.
now every store is laid out the same way. So you can imagine this line if you haven't seen it already. Goes from layaway to toys. Its about a two hour wait in line. Its just crazy. But we rocked that day. I had 6 people and 2 guys working with me. 2 cashiers (I have 2 registers) and for each cashier I had 2 people behind them boxing all the stuff. The guys were my runners. They would take the boxes and run them to the back in the bins for me so that I can assign them a location later on . It flowed. Were were smooth and the customers saw it. They appreciated us and praised us and were were feeling good. Management must have gotten word from customers cuz they came back and presented us with Great Job pins which might not sound like much but its a big deal for us. 5 of those pins will get you $25 bucks. So getting one is huge. I tend to give out as many as I could around the holidays cuz my associates bust there ass for me and I do appreciate them. It was a good day.
I was there for about 14 hours. I didn't get off till almost 9pm. Then Sarah and I went out to TGIF for something to eat with a few people from the store and that was fun and I needed a drink. LOL. I think I got home around 1am. I was beat down. And went back to work at 11am to clean up some messes from Friday. I was going to go in today but decided against it. I need at least one day off. We had another turkey day yesterday with a family that came over here and cooked. So when we got home yesterday it was thanksgiving all over again. The leftovers really need to go. I forgot then skipped my meeting this week. And I need to get on track again.
its gonna be salad for me this week.
well its 3:30 and I'm gonna take a half hour nap and then do some laundry. I hope you all had a fabulous weekend!!
Hey want a Card from ME!! Email me with your address and i'll be happy to send you one. make sure you put something in the subject relating to a card so I don't just delete you.
Hugs, Jeannine