Over The Hump (day)
The span of time seems to get longer and longer between updates. Seems I can't really sleep tonight. Seems I'm not really tired. I should be. Its almost midnight, yet....I'm awake.
I woke up with a headache this morning and called in. I knew that all I needed to do was take a pill and in an hour I would be fine...But instead I called in, then took a pill, then went back to sleep for about 2 more hours and woke up headache free and well rested. It was a nice quiet day, the house to myself. I putz around, fixed the facet hose thingy in the kitchen, washed the dishes, did some laundry, cleaned up areas that seem to get cluttered really quickly, vacuumed, and at 3 I walked the dog to meet Sarah at the bus stop.
her friends came over to "practice" today. LOL...I had to get "motherly" with them cuz they never do really practice. They sing parts of songs, talk, laugh, sing another part of a song, Sarah gets her hair did, sing a little bit more but that's about the whole practice thing goes. They never quite sing one entire song...Always pieces of many. So I'm thinking......If she really wants me to look into getting her studio time for her birthday, she better do more than this. And I told her so when she came to visit me in my room.
LOL...She thought she was slick and went into her room and started telling them what I said and I walked in and she got all big and bad and started talking louder and in my defense...Told them what I thought......And they all agreed with me. They knew I was right.
they really have the potential, but they just don't do it right.
anyway...So I've been have serious thoughts of career change. As much as I love walmart.....I'm getting tired of it. To be honest I could make more money anywhere else. It might be a great company and all...But the pay sucks. And although I make more than most there.....Its still not enough. I heard through the grapevine that I make more than some assistant managers there. That's pretty sad. This means to me that any position I take would be a lateral move and not a promotion. So I've been thinking about changing careers. However not far from Wally world.
I was sitting having lunch the other day and I saw this poster up for the portrait studio in the store. Seems they are hiring. ft/pt. So I was wondering if I could do the part time gig and still keep my job. I haven't called yet...I want to check out the site first, but its the only thing so far that has me interested. Photography. I love photography. Its been in my family for years. My dad was a photographer. I love doing this. So I'm going to look into it. I know its pretty limited. I mean...They are only portraits....But it the money is good this could take me to maybe one day having my own studio. Now that would be awesome and something I would love to do.
I read the funniest journal entry today. If you you need a good laugh you have got to take a look here. Talk about your freaky dreams....All I have to say is....
why can't I have a dream like that!!!!
there is an entry here too that after writing i realized it should have been done here but so be it....its there.
I'm so bored with my life.