It's just a little bit more of me I'm sharing with you.

Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Over The Hump (day)

The span of time seems to get longer and longer between updates. Seems I can't really sleep tonight. Seems I'm not really tired. I should be. Its almost midnight, yet....I'm awake.

I woke up with a headache this morning and called in. I knew that all I needed to do was take a pill and in an hour I would be fine...But instead I called in, then took a pill, then went back to sleep for about 2 more hours and woke up headache free and well rested. It was a nice quiet day, the house to myself. I putz around, fixed the facet hose thingy in the kitchen, washed the dishes, did some laundry, cleaned up areas that seem to get cluttered really quickly, vacuumed, and at 3 I walked the dog to meet Sarah at the bus stop.

her friends came over to "practice" today. LOL...I had to get "motherly" with them cuz they never do really practice. They sing parts of songs, talk, laugh, sing another part of a song, Sarah gets her hair did, sing a little bit more but that's about the whole practice thing goes. They never quite sing one entire song...Always pieces of many. So I'm thinking......If she really wants me to look into getting her studio time for her birthday, she better do more than this. And I told her so when she came to visit me in my room.

LOL...She thought she was slick and went into her room and started telling them what I said and I walked in and she got all big and bad and started talking louder and in my defense...Told them what I thought......And they all agreed with me. They knew I was right.


they really have the potential, but they just don't do it right.

anyway...So I've been have serious thoughts of career change. As much as I love walmart.....I'm getting tired of it. To be honest I could make more money anywhere else. It might be a great company and all...But the pay sucks. And although I make more than most there.....Its still not enough. I heard through the grapevine that I make more than some assistant managers there. That's pretty sad. This means to me that any position I take would be a lateral move and not a promotion. So I've been thinking about changing careers. However not far from Wally world.

I was sitting having lunch the other day and I saw this poster up for the portrait studio in the store. Seems they are hiring. ft/pt. So I was wondering if I could do the part time gig and still keep my job. I haven't called yet...I want to check out the site first, but its the only thing so far that has me interested. Photography. I love photography. Its been in my family for years. My dad was a photographer. I love doing this. So I'm going to look into it. I know its pretty limited. I mean...They are only portraits....But it the money is good this could take me to maybe one day having my own studio. Now that would be awesome and something I would love to do.

I read the funniest journal entry today. If you you need a good laugh you have got to take a look here. Talk about your freaky dreams....All I have to say is....

why can't I have a dream like that!!!!

there is an entry here too that after writing i realized it should have been done here but so be it....its there.

I'm so bored with my life.

Sunday, September 19, 2004


Been a while since I've been here. Nothing really to major going on here. Its been kinda boring actually. Sarah has friends now so she doesn't need me anymore to entertain her...LOL. Now I'm bored.

I've been feeling like crap these last few days. Bloated, swollen, fat. You get the picture. Now I know why. (do you feel me ladies...Ugh)

the pets are getting along better which is a good thing. Buster is a little shit. Spoiled rotten that dog. But he's coming around.

my mom is moving again to south Carolina. Now I fear ill never see her. Its been so long. I miss my mommy.

work is work. Busy. I'm starting to feel like I want a new job. Its not fun for me anymore. The thought of sitting behind a desk pushing papers is not appealing either but what else am I going to do.

I'm starting to get bored with my life. I need a hobby. Something to do. Someplace to go. IM BORED!!!! Any suggestions??? (comments below)

I'm bummed that nobody ever leaves me a comment.

is this not the most pathetic entry??

ugh...Now I've got cramps.

Saturday, September 11, 2004

A Moment of Silence

Remembering 9/11 Posted by Hello

God Bless America!

Thursday, September 09, 2004

Welcome Our New Arrival!!

I'm not sure if i mentioned this before but Sarah has a dog in TX that she absolutley loves and adores and can't live without. when she first got here we went through many night of her going into deep depression cuz she missed her dog so much and felt really bad about leaving him behind. there was nothing i could do about it since i wasn't allowed to have dogs in my apartment and she knew this but still, was very sad.

since moving into the house those rules don't really apply anymore and basically its just up to the roomie (owner of the house) whether or not she can have her dog here. since we have 3 of the 4 cats and are now down to one, and the roomie is ok with dogs, she said the blessed words "you can bring your dog back with you." at first sarah was not all that thrilled about going back to TX for this family reunion but now couldn't wait to go. she was very excited and i was happy for her. she got all the information she needed and did everything she needed to do to be able to fly him back, took the responsibility of making sure everything was in order and im quite proud of her efforts and working the hours that she did to have the money to do this and VALA.......I would like to introduce to you.....Buster.

Welcome Home Buster!! Posted by Hello

Buster is a Chiwawa (can't spell...you get the drift) Terrior mix. my sofie (the only cat i have left and keeping) is bigger than this dog. hes very cute and very little and VERY much a mommas dog. OMG!!! she can't go to the bathroom without him, when she leaves, he gets depressed and waits by the door for her. when he realizes that she isn't coming back soon...he lays in bed until she comes home. hes just a miserable dog when shes not around. is very sad. LOL

so far so good on getting along with Rocco. Sofie is still trying to figure out what the he is. shes prolly thinking "that is one UGLY cat". im not sure. im looking forward to the day when they all are happy to have each other and play and not be so scared or nervous. and also when buster is ok with sarah leaving.

Sarah is very happy and feels that her life is complete now and well....that makes happy.

two days ago i went to highlight my hair. you know that saying..."leave it to the professionals"....well i should have listened to that advise. do you ever just get impatient and get something in your head that you want to do and just can't wait (for your friend or daughter in this case) to get it done so you just do it yourself. well that is what happened. usually sarah does my hair and does a very good job. i just couldn't wait one more day for her to get home, i wanted it done now. so i bought the kit and put on the cap and when i realized that i couln't see the back of head to pull out the strands....i took it off and decided that i would just comb through my hair with the highlighting stuff and that should work.

Bad Hair Day Posted by Hello

Another view Posted by Hello

its very sad folks. they should really put a big ole warning on those boxes....DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME!!! ALONE!! HAVE PAITIENCE....WAIT FOR SOME ASSISTANCE!!! STEP AWAY FROM THE BOX JEANNINE!!!!! yeah...that would have been helpful.

so now this weekend ill be redoing my hair so that i have highlights instead of bright-lights.

well sarah just got home and its late so ill finish this tomorrow.

Thursday, September 02, 2004

"Committing to change is one thing, actually changing is entirely something

boy its been a while, HUH?? We've been pretty busy around here and I've been to tired to journal. Every time I sat here with the intent to do a journal (cuz there have been some things going on I could have written about) I would get as far as checking email and sign off. Didn't even want to chat. Ah well....

lets see.....What's going on...Sarah left for Texas yesterday (Wednesday). Tuesday she had a few friends over and she got her hair "did" and they did kareoke and made some CD's for her trip. I went to lay down with the intent to take a nap but just ended up listening to her and her friends (mostly Sarah) have a good time. She doesn't really have to many close friends but this one who has been over the house many times over the summer is proving herself to be a good friend. And I like her a lot. She's sweet and seems to be a good friend for Sarah. So I was listening to Sarah have a good time which was really nice to hear. I did however fall asleep after a while. She woke me up about an hour later to let me know she was taking them home and I went for the ride. Little did she know I had a plan. heh. I really wanted to take her to get ice cream after they got dropped off since it was her last night here before she left. All she could say was that she had a lot of fun and was very happy. That made me happy.

school started for her and she seems to like it a lot better than last year. She said her teachers are fun and She's enjoying it. Unlike last year. I can really see an improvement. Not that she did bad last year...But she wasn't happy and dreaded going. One of the problems last year was getting all her make up work done. She felt like she was always behind and that it was much harder for her. Understandable. I asked her about her trip and missing 5 days of school....How is she going to feel then. She said its only a week......Last year was like 2 months. Point taken. I just got her ACT test scores today in the mail and she passed them all.

(insert proud mom grin here)

so we were up pretty late packing and getting ready. Her flight was at 8:30 AM and she never flown before and since she heard about being there 2 hours before her flight, we had to be there 2 hours early. so we were up at 4AM and on the road by 5. Ugh. We got to the airport about 6 and waited a hour and a half for her flight. Of course on the way to the airport we hear on the radio about a flight that left from Chicago going to Philadelphia was diverted due to bomb threats. Why...WHY do you have to say such things on the radio the SAME day she has to get on a plane. A person who NEVER has been on a plane. She told me to turn around and go back "my mom will just have to understand" is what I was told.

after she calmed down and got to the airport it was all good.

on my way back to work (I told them I would be late) I was fine. I didn't break down like I thought I was going too. I walked in the store and saw one of the CSM's (the head CSM) who tells me that she needed to talk to me. Now....Every time she tells me this, I'm like...."Aw Man...Am I in trouble or something??" see...I wasn't punched in so she couldn't really talk to me until I did. However.....Through powers of persuasion I can pretty much get it out of her. But since I wasn't in trouble, just something she needed to ask me, I told her that I needed to punch in and ill be back. She looks at me and asks me why I got that look on my face and I wasn't really sure what look that was but assumed it was a sad look and told her that I just dropped her off at the airport and She's on a plane right now all alone (its started to come back to her now) and the tears start flowing and I can't stop and how the hell do moms do this!!!!!! And now I'm getting the "Awwwww's" from everyone. Ugh....So I go to punch, and now I'm back and I ask her what's up. Mrs. CSM (I'll call her, since she is the leader of the pack) is the worst when it comes to reprimanding or coaching, or having to ask embarrassing questions to other associates. She makes it seem like you are DOOMED!! When in fact its really nothing, she just feels bad about having to say it. LOL

so I ask her what's up.....She hmm and hawwws......People interrupt, she says she thinks I might want to discuss this in private, I ask again....Am I in trouble???, she says NO, no its nothing like that......Then I say then just ask me here.....Glow (my friend/csm) comes over and I quickly/abruptly shoooo'd her away or ill never get this out of her....Then she asks me if I was dating anyone in the store.


now the store pretty much knows I'm gay. And I know She's married and is in no way interested in ME....So I ask why? And folks I had a good chuckle the entire day after what I heard. There seems to be yet another rumor going around that I am "with" someone who works in my dept. But the funniest thing about this whole thing is that management asked Mrs. csm to ask me. They couldn't do it themselves which I thought was hilarious. The reason they needed to know is because if we were together she wouldn't be able to work in my dept due to "conflict of interest" which is understandable but JEEZE!!! I know why it started too. I had gone over this particular persons house to help her out with her computer and as soon as that hit the store....omgosh. It always happens though. Whenever I hang out with someone to long, have lunch with a lot or go on breaks with .....They all assume were "together". Its really funny. AND THEN.......The freakiest thing happened.....About 3 hours later I got a call from my ex Tina who I haven't talked to in over a year and is now back in town. Loose the number bitch!!! She can only call me at work which is a good thing. I don't want anything to do with her anymore. Ugh!!!

it was a full moon right??

last week my car decided to die on me again. THANK GOD it was before I had to take Sarah to the airport cuz if it died on my way there or back...I would have been screwed. My altinator went. So thankfully, I was able to get it fixed by my savior, and friend (roomies sisters husband) who snapped that baby in, in no time. He's amazing!! I felt bad cuz as he was putting it in it started to pour down rain on the poor guy. We were holding umbrellas over him to keep him dry, it was quite funny.

well I think that about covers the most interesting part of my last few weeks. OMGOSH......I almost forgot!! Last Saturday my friends (dawn and Maria) took me out for my very belated birthday dinner that we do for each other and man its amazing I remember what happened. For some reason, and we figured this out that night, whenever its my birthday we always end up going from bar to bar and staying out till 2am, but for there birthdays we have dinner and few drinks and home in time to tuck the kids in. LOL well this one wasn't any different. We went to this place to eat called the Texas Roadhouse Grill (I think) and it was packed. 20 people outside, 20 more inside, told there was over an hour wait. 70 to 80 min. So we sat at the bar to wait. Got 3 seats right away. Cool. Bartenders were cool. Awesome. People around us were chatty and fun. Superb. Drinks.....Keep em' coming!!! We then decided to just eat at the bar. Not a bad idea. We were eating the peanuts that they put everywhere. Its one of those places were you throw the shells on the floor. Strange, but cool. The servers do a line dance when a particular song plays, the place is loud and lively, some people got up and danced with them, entertaining I must say. Birthday celebrations were going on like every hour. Mine included. (even thought not technically my birthday....I had a gift and I acted like it was! Good think nobody asked to see my id...heh) they didn't do the typical birthday song. They make an announcement that I'm celebrating my 21st birthday (LOL) and everyone need to do the traditional birthday cheer which means on the count of 3 everyone yells YEE HAAWW!!

and for that I get free ice cream with fudge on top. Yummy!!!! We had so much fun there. For dinner I had this chicken breast with a portabella mushroom sauce. omg it was soooo yummy. I can't wait to go back.

after that we hit this other bar that we thought would have kareoke but didn't and left after one drink. Then hit this place called Fatman's which ended the night beautifully. This place was a rinky dink biker bar that they renovated but still a biker bar inside, the outside looks much nicer and looks like they expanded it. But inside had that biker clubhouse type feel to it (I grew up in such a surrounding so I know what it feels like) with old men with leather and hairy faces hanging out listing to the band that was playing (older Grateful Dead types) old rock classics. It was just so awesome I can't even tell yah. We drank and drank and did some shots, and drank some more, and played pool and darts and I was highly intoxicated. Lucky for me my roomie was driving. By the end of the night I was pretty happy and by morning I was not so happy.....LOL. At first. I had woken up with a mean headache and pangs of nausea but I quickly took some advils and laid back down willing the nausea away cuz I was no where near a bathroom that I can get to in seconds.......But I fell back asleep and woke up again feeling much better. But a good time was had by all and I had an awesome birthday!

ok.....You see this is why I need to update more often. No novels!!

have a great day!!!

there is a short post at The Feedbag too if your interested