Busy weekend for me. We've been up since about 9 am, ran out to run a bunch of errands. I had to go to DMV to get my stickers renewed AND renew my drivers license since it expires on
MONDAY. So that was done. We then went to I-HOP for breakfast, which ended up being a birthday breakfast for me which was really nice. Went to the grocery store, spent about $300 dollars to fill up my car, went home, and now doing laundry and packing.
Tomorrow we have a baby shower to go too.
I'm really looking forward to this move. I can't wait. So you know what this means right....All you people that personally know me....A new change of address, phone and email. Sorry. At least this one will be staying around for a while. I've already cancelled my high speed and cable. Trying to get everything done so that I won't have to move so much in one day. I've been bringing boxes over little by little so that by the time I do move at the end of the month ill only have the furniture to do. Were gonna be painting soon and I can't wait. We've got some really great colors picked out and will be doing a lot of different accents to the walls. Sponging, ragging, using bold colors. Its going to be awesome. My friend says that "I have a blank canvas" I can do what I want. Very cool.
work is going good. I had to give an award yesterday for teacher of the year at a local high school and that was awesome. I've never done anything like that before and it was a bit nerve racking but I wasn't alone..Just doing all the talking in front of the whole faculty staff. It turned out really well and I didn't' make a complete fool of myself. Even got a few laughs. So that went well.
I'm a big fat cow and can't wait to get on the weight loss track again. This move is going to help out a lot since my friend is on the program and goes to the gym and walks....Now I have someone to do it with. She cooks too...All the good foods. This is going to be awesome!!! I have motivation again!!
ok..This was originally stolen from Elle by Bonnie and now I'm stealing it from
Bonnie, so here it goes......
1. Who are you?
2. Have we ever met?
3. Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it.
4. Describe me in one word.
5. What reminds you of me?
6. If you could give me anything, what would it be?
7. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?
8. Are you going to put this on your weblog and see what I say about you?
Leave answers in the comments and let me know if you post this in your journal so I can talk about YOU.
Hugs, Jeannine