It's just a little bit more of me I'm sharing with you.

Wednesday, June 30, 2004

Quick Note

I should never start a post and not finish it. I realized now that its been a while since that last one and now it doesn't even seem worth finishing anymore...LOL. Long story short....I got over it and things are ok.

2 more day and were moving. yayayayayay

I can't wait! Were finishing up the painting today and Saturday the movers (3 stockmen from wal-mart) are going to move my stuff. My apartment is a wreck. You never really know just how much stuff you have until you move. I just want to trash everything and start over.

but I'm not

so please forgive me for not updating daily. Trust me when I get up and running...This is be my home away from home again. I miss journaling.

hugs, jeannine

Sunday, June 13, 2004

....Trading Spaces

I've spent the better of 2 weeks doing nothing but packing and painting. Ill have pics up when I unpack that box, but for the most part...Its looking really good. Did some sponging in the living room and Sarah room, my room isn't finished yet. Today we sanded (I say we...HA!!! That's a joke)another story, another time)...Anyway....I sanded the walls today and primed them, this week I'm getting the paint and I'm hoping the ceiling tile will be put in too so that will complete everything. I'm going with some bold colors too to that room. Gold's and purples, greens and dark reds....I'm hoping it will look nice. I've seen pictures of it and it looks nice in the pics. So we'll see.

you know...I have time...Going to vent here folks....

yesterday (Saturday) Sarah was upset because we put down the floor tile without her. She had to work....I didn't, so my roomy and I did it. I can understand her disappointment, but we got the tile and we wanted it done and I didn't want to wait. So we did it. Her complaint was that on the weekends we sleep really late and she never gets to do anything because she has to work on weekends. Understandable....So today...Sunday...We got up at 6 am. was at Wal-Mart by 7:15am to get the sander and primer paint, then we shot over to Menards to get another box of floor tile and then panera bread for some bagels. We were at the house by 9am where my roomie was busy doing her Sunday morning stuff waiting for the bagels. they were yummy.

after breakfast we go downstairs and sarah for the first time sees the floor and loved it. my bedroom has stuff/garbage that needed to be taken out and so I put sarah on that while my roomie and I got busy with the floor tile. (shes limber and can do the floor stuff....I handed her the tile. exhausting I tell ya) so Sarah doing her thing...were doing our thing...everything is groovy and then I see sarah standing at the doorway watching us. one of her things to do was scrape up the stucco that got on the floor......she did one spot and stopped to watch us. my patience is now wearing quite thin and I made her aware of this. So she went back to work. 5 minutes later...standing at the door watching us. now I'm pissed. So I start to hand her the tiles that I'm holding so that I can finish what she started cuz my patience is now gone.....and she got the hint and went back to work.

so the floor is done and looks really great and now I start to sand the walls. dust everywhere. So of course now she can't be in the room, has a headache and sits down.

then falls asleep.

for about an hour.

I finished sanding and woke her up and asked her if she could put on a load of laundry....she does, then proceeds to help me paint the walls with the primer.

so were making progress...shes working on a wall...I'm on my second....decided....I'm thirsty.

so I go upstairs get a drink, washed my face and hands cuz I'm covered in dust that I can taste it....I decided to go sit outside on the steps and enjoy the breeze with my water. ten minutes later I go to the kitchen and eat the half of bagel that I left from breakfast and went back downstairs to get yelled at....."YOU COULD HAVE MADE ME ONE!!!"...I tell her its my half from breakfast and then ......

to be continued.....

Saturday, June 05, 2004

Birthday Weekend

Busy weekend for me. We've been up since about 9 am, ran out to run a bunch of errands. I had to go to DMV to get my stickers renewed AND renew my drivers license since it expires on MY BIRTHDAY on MONDAY. So that was done. We then went to I-HOP for breakfast, which ended up being a birthday breakfast for me which was really nice. Went to the grocery store, spent about $300 dollars to fill up my car, went home, and now doing laundry and packing.

Tomorrow we have a baby shower to go too.

I'm really looking forward to this move. I can't wait. So you know what this means right....All you people that personally know me....A new change of address, phone and email. Sorry. At least this one will be staying around for a while. I've already cancelled my high speed and cable. Trying to get everything done so that I won't have to move so much in one day. I've been bringing boxes over little by little so that by the time I do move at the end of the month ill only have the furniture to do. Were gonna be painting soon and I can't wait. We've got some really great colors picked out and will be doing a lot of different accents to the walls. Sponging, ragging, using bold colors. Its going to be awesome. My friend says that "I have a blank canvas" I can do what I want. Very cool.

work is going good. I had to give an award yesterday for teacher of the year at a local high school and that was awesome. I've never done anything like that before and it was a bit nerve racking but I wasn't alone..Just doing all the talking in front of the whole faculty staff. It turned out really well and I didn't' make a complete fool of myself. Even got a few laughs. So that went well.

I'm a big fat cow and can't wait to get on the weight loss track again. This move is going to help out a lot since my friend is on the program and goes to the gym and walks....Now I have someone to do it with. She cooks too...All the good foods. This is going to be awesome!!! I have motivation again!!

ok..This was originally stolen from Elle by Bonnie and now I'm stealing it from Bonnie, so here it goes......

1. Who are you?
2. Have we ever met?
3. Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it.
4. Describe me in one word.
5. What reminds you of me?
6. If you could give me anything, what would it be?
7. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?
8. Are you going to put this on your weblog and see what I say about you?

Leave answers in the comments and let me know if you post this in your journal so I can talk about YOU.

Hugs, Jeannine

Tuesday, June 01, 2004

um.....have i mentioned????

its my birthday in six days....:oD


Movin Out!!

Gosh...I finally get a program I like to use and everything goes to shit. My monitor is dead. Can you guess where I am now??? Ugh.....

here's some news....Were going to be moving soon. I'm hoping by the end of the month. Were going to sharing a house my friend dawn and her daughter. Were gonna be basement dwellers...LOL...

she's finishing up her basement and as soon as its ready...Were movin in!! I can't wait. Were gonna share the house so I'm not stuck in the basement and now Sarah has someone close to her age to hang out with and do "girlie" things with so that will be good for her too. Her last day of school was Friday and she's already bored. She'll be getting her license in a couple of weeks, she's already scored a babysitting job a few days a week, and she changed positions at walmart too. She hated shoes and now moving to jewelry. she's lovin it!!

so things are lookin up I must say. The move will be really good for me cuz my living expenses will be pretty much cut in half and ill have a chance to really catch up on my bills and debts. I'm really looking forward to it. Sarah too since now she will have her own room to decorate (pink) and she's driving me crazy with paint samples. LOL

I love it

work is good. Getting busier by the week. The rain has stopped some but there is still a lot of flooding. On Saturday I'm going to volunteer to help some people out in the towns that hit the hardest. I must say....Our store really came through for them and donated about 50 grand worth of supplies and clothes for them. We've been volunteering every weekend, its been really great.

other than that.....Life is good. :o) now to spell check!!

hugs, jeannine