Water, Water Everywhere.....
Well if you haven't heard we've had some rain. So much so that the river that goes through our county is flooding just about every major street there is in town. What a mess. Getting to work has been pretty interesting. The other day I had to go into Wisconsin and then back to Illinois just to get to work. A 20 min ride now takes almost 2 hours. Have I mentioned what a mess this has created.
anyway...So this is me now. And forever I think cuz this to me is easy and very cool. Also has a spell check and its free. nuff said. heh heh...I just did a spell check....Tee hee.
I'm so easily amused.
anywho....Work is busy, my wrist hurts, my birthday is in 2 weeks, school is over tomorrow and now Sarah has a babysitting job...Go Sarah make that money!! And American Idol is just about over. Go Fantasia!!
that's its for now...Let me know how you like me now...I HAVE COMMENTS NOW....WOO HOOOO!!! Please be gentle.
love & hugs, Jeannine